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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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Alleged Russian political meddling documented in 27 countries since 2004

Special counsel Robert Mueller has convened a grand jury in Washington to investigate allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

Russia has meddled in the affairs of at least 27 European and North American countries since 2004 with interference that ranges from cyberattacks to disinformation campaigns, according to an analysis by a surveillance organization.

Edited by ALF
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Alleged Russian political meddling documented in 27 countries since 2004
Special counsel Robert Mueller has convened a grand jury in Washington to investigate allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.
Russia has meddled in the affairs of at least 27 European and North American countries since 2004 with interference that ranges from cyberattacks to disinformation campaigns, according to an analysis by a surveillance organization.


Putin is now engaging with our allies in Asia to try and fix the NK situation. Talking to Japan, SK and China. Why?


The working theory is that he feels aligned with dictators in Syria and NK and wants to stop any regime change from taking place because that worries the crap out of him being in reality a dictator himself even if he has elections.

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Alleged Russian political meddling documented in 27 countries since 2004
Special counsel Robert Mueller has convened a grand jury in Washington to investigate allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.
Russia has meddled in the affairs of at least 27 European and North American countries since 2004 with interference that ranges from cyberattacks to disinformation campaigns, according to an analysis by a surveillance organization.



Since 2004?

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Why is there still this Russian Investigation?


We all know what the REAL Russian collusion is and it's not Trump.


Even if you hate Trump, you know it isn't him.

What about how Trump's son and campaign staff met with the...wait for it...Russians during the campaign to get info on Hillary?

What about Paul Manafort working for Putin and Trump?

What about all the lies the Trump people told about Russia?

And so much more we know and don't know about....yet


Nope, nothing to see here

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useful reminder of the origin story:


Much to the embarrassment of Hillary Clinton, the released [DNC email] files showed that the DNC had secretly collaborated with her campaign to promote her candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination over that of Bernie Sanders.


Clearly, the Clinton campaign needed to lessen the political damage. Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s public relations chief, said in a Washington Post essay in March that she worked assiduously during the Democratic nominating convention to “get the press to focus on … the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the DNC, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary.”


Thus was laid the cornerstone of the Trump-Russia-collusion conspiracy theory.



Since then, the mainstream media have created a climate of hysteria in which this unsubstantiated theory has been conjured into accepted truth.


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Alleged Russian political meddling documented in 27 countries since 2004
Special counsel Robert Mueller has convened a grand jury in Washington to investigate allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.
Russia has meddled in the affairs of at least 27 European and North American countries since 2004 with interference that ranges from cyberattacks to disinformation campaigns, according to an analysis by a surveillance organization.



And the US has politically meddled in how many elections since that time? We know of at least a dozen...


Meddling. It's what nation states do.

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Why is there still this Russian Investigation?


We all know what the REAL Russian collusion is and it's not Trump.


Even if you hate Trump, you know it isn't him.

There's a lot of reasons but the main one is that 95% of the Washington establishment want him out and Pence in. Trump has handled these false accusations horribly though.

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There's a lot of reasons but the main one is that 95% of the Washington establishment want him out and Pence in. Trump has handled these false accusations horribly though.




It's shocking, shocking I tell you, that a thin skinned narcissist being criminally smeared by the USIC, the MSM, and the Washington establishment would handle it poorly...


But we need more war. More regime change. More death and destruction. More division in the country between the people... and people who run on platforms threatening change to the perma-war system are such a threat they must be dealt with severely. That's one thing the Right and Left agree on.

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It's shocking, shocking I tell you, that a thin skinned narcissist being criminally smeared by the USIC, the MSM, and the Washington establishment would handle it poorly...


But we need more war. More regime change. More death and destruction. More division in the country between the people... and people who run on platforms threatening change to the perma-war system are such a threat they must be dealt with severely. That's one thing the Right and Left agree on.


See, Trump is a uniter!

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It's shocking, shocking I tell you, that a thin skinned narcissist being criminally smeared by the USIC, the MSM, and the Washington establishment would handle it poorly...


But we need more war. More regime change. More death and destruction. More division in the country between the people... and people who run on platforms threatening change to the perma-war system are such a threat they must be dealt with severely. That's one thing the Right and Left agree on.

You don't think its a pretty straight forward case of obstruction of justice? Firing the guy who was investigating you because he was investigating you?

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Manafort (sp?) will probably get convicted at least of not registering as a lobbyist. There might be others too. But what a waste of time and the psyche of the nation. Dems are sore, sore, sore, sore... butt sore losers. And Hillary is the sorriest sore loser of them all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As the Mueller leaks turn: Manafort wiretapped during and after election

It has been a short while since we checked in on how the Prosecutors In Search of a Crime, aka Mueller Special Prosecutor, was doing.


A 17th attorney was added, inching Team Mueller closer to the size of the entire U.S. Attorney’s Office for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

Tonight CNN dropped a bombshell. Of course, CNN bombshell’s have been duds in the past, so take that into account.


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As the Mueller leaks turn: Manafort wiretapped during and after election

It has been a short while since we checked in on how the Prosecutors In Search of a Crime, aka Mueller Special Prosecutor, was doing.


Interesting. Turns out there is a huge money laundering investigation going on with Manaforts old boss the Kremlin puppet and former president of Ukraine. Where did all the money go that was stolen from that country? Thats why he had been wired tapped in the past, well before he became Trump's campaign manager. The new attorney had been working on that case.


We also learned that the search warrant executed against Manafort was done shortly after he had testified to the senate. Did he say something that triggered the search? We don't know, but we do know that the search was conducted at night and the FBI knocked on the dude's bedroom door after picking the lock and getting in. Wow! What a rude shock that must have been. The NYTimes is reporting that Manafort was informed he will be indicted.


A theory is that with all the shell companies he is involved with he washed the stolen money through them to buy real estate--hello Mr. Trump and Kushner. Am expert in money laundering and organized crime is on the case for Mueller.



Side note. Mueller was the head of the FBI during the Anthrax attacks. He pushed really hard to find a suspect and the person they thought did it was searched, trailed, harassed so much he killed himself. Mueller does not fool around

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Really surprised some conservatives didn't take a closer look at this investigation. Steven Hatfield was singled out and exploded with anger which turned out to be a misstep by the FBI. There was also the draining of a pond where a turtle trap was found. Egg on the face of FBI there. That was under Ashcroft (AG) and Mueller

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Exclusive: Mueller team´s focus on Manafort spans 11 years

CNN, by Evan Perez


Original Article



In that year, 2006, Manafort signed a deal to help Putin, its a $10 million deal!


June 2005. According to the Associated Press, Manafort develops a strategic plan aimed at promoting the interests of the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin.

“We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success,” Manafort wrote in the document.

2006. Manafort signs a $10 million-a-year agreement with the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska apparently based on that plan. The work is not conducted through Davis Manafort but through a separate corporation called LOAV Ltd.


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