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Methinks It's Time to Sell

Chef Jim

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This house is just up the street from us. Listed at essentially $1m though it's a complete flip and a beautiful place it doesn't have the view we do.


What's the real estate market like where you live?



That house may possibly go for 275,000 here. Probably closer to 250.


Here's what a million will get you around here http://mymobile.flexmls.com/kingswayrealty/idx_links/20090304170052134902000000/listings/20170329162301342382000000

Edited by RaoulDuke79
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Good luck.

We have a condo on the ocean listed right now in Florida. Hopefully, we will get it sold soon.

As far as good ole WNY... seller's market. Hubby wants to sell our house and move into temporary housing before that changes. We are looking, but there is so little available at the moment (we have specific location wants) - the market is super tight.

Where in Florida?

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Good luck.


We have a condo on the ocean listed right now in Florida. Hopefully, we will get it sold soon.


As far as good ole WNY... seller's market. Hubby wants to sell our house and move into temporary housing before that changes. We are looking, but there is so little available at the moment (we have specific location wants) - the market is super tight.


Wait...you're a woman? We don't get many of them thar things in these parts. Welcome!

That house may possibly go for 275,000 here. Probably closer to 250.


Here's what a million will get you around here http://mymobile.flexmls.com/kingswayrealty/idx_links/20090304170052134902000000/listings/20170329162301342382000000


It also gets you PA :D

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Nice area. If it were Sarasota or Naples I'd ask for pics and how much! :)


I'd love to get back there.....


We considered FL. No state income taxes and we actually like the tropical weather. We're just not ready to "learn" another area. We know SoCal having lived there for 25 years before moving up here.

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Chef J - what you showed there is stunning. If yours has the view - I'd be hard pressed not to stick a toe in the water. But, where / what would you move into?


Market in CBUS is off the charts. Purchased mine about 15 yrs ago at approximately $250K and just had an appraisal figure of $347K.

Yup it sure is. I'm in Bexley if we ever decide to move, we'll be in great shape.

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We considered FL. No state income taxes and we actually like the tropical weather. We're just not ready to "learn" another area. We know SoCal having lived there for 25 years before moving up here.


I was forced to "learn" Atlanta about 6 years ago. What I learned is, I very much prefer Sarasota! But the bank did kick in a 6% raise to help with the state income tax. It's worked out great for my wife. I'd leave to go back tonight if I could.

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We have some Florida friends who moved to LA to be near their grand child. They then moved to Vegas to get farther from their daughter in law, and were happy to get a 13.7% "raise" by doing so. (A combination of a variety of taxes.)

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I was sorta hoping my forum-name would ID my gender. :)


That would require me to read the forum name. Most of us neanderthals can't read and we ID each other through smell and our avatars.

We have some Florida friends who moved to LA to be near their grand child. They then moved to Vegas to get farther from their daughter in law, and were happy to get a 13.7% "raise" by doing so. (A combination of a variety of taxes.)


We ran a financial plan for a client. He moved from CA to FL and just by changing his address the plan automatically accounted for the lower income tax. For a few minutes we could not figure why the plan showed him dying with a shitload more money. It's a huge factor. My cousin move from WNY to FL and he said pretty much EVERYTHING is less. As he put it he said Mickey pays for everything. Damn socialists. :D

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Thanks for all the advice but...


We actually decided to sell a while ago. The movers were here when I started this thread. We have the interior getting painted this weekend and professionally staged next week and listed on the 25th. We paid $475k for it exactly 5 years ago and we're shooting for $1m. We've put a decent amount of money into it but still that's insane.


That's a crazy return. I have no idea how people make ends meet out there at those prices. Boston was very similar before I got the hell out of there (plus they have all those !@#$ pats fans).


My nextdoor neighbors downsized from the San Diego area two years ago now that all their kids are out of college. It's not something I'll ever ask, but I'd love to know how much of a cushion they're sitting on now that they're in a ranch that probably went for around 250. Their San Diego house was over 3000 square feet, so I'm sure it went for a ton of money.

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Wait...you're a woman? We don't get many of them thar things in these parts. Welcome!


It also gets you PA :D



What is wrong with living in PA? I have a few friends that moved out to SoCal about 7/8 years ago. They live in Long Beach. I have never been out there & I heard it is a very nice place to live but it gets annoying when they come back into town & they constantly find the need to put down other parts of the country(especially WNY). Your happy where you live, great. Why do you constantly feel the need to put down other places of the country?


& I am sure you will get it but anybody that pays $1 million for your place or the place you listed is a sucker. There is nothing special about that house you listed & my guess is there is nothing special about your house either.

Edited by Gordio
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There is nothing special about that house you listed


Yes, there is. It's called location. Like it or not a lot more people want to live there than in PA.

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What is wrong with living in PA? I have a few friends that moved out to SoCal about 7/8 years ago. They live in Long Beach. I have never been out there & I heard it is a very nice place to live but it gets annoying when they come back into town & they constantly find the need to put down other parts of the country(especially WNY). Your happy where you live, great. Why do you constantly feel the need to put down other places of the country?


& I am sure you will get it but anybody that pays $1 million for your place or the place you listed is a sucker. There is nothing special about that house you listed & my guess is there is nothing special about your house either.

Oh there is something special about our house. A world class view of the San Francisco Bay, the SF skyline, the Bay and Golden Gate Bridges and the Marin Headlands. Oh and it has a sauna. 😆 Edited by Chef Jim
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We are looking to sell our house in burbs of Richmond and significantly downsize

In the city, but waiting for right beat up house in right location to make the move. Don't want to pay for something that has been upgraded but to something I will still rip out. So we wait


Market is back to where it was in peak time price wise, but not near the craziness.


Now our place in DC is up about 16% in two years. That place , like yours Chef, is all about location. Have no worries will always make money and be able to get out quick if need be. Place above us just sold, agent was disappointed took 6 days.

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