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Taking out the Spandex Mafia

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Are there drones available yet that shoot fricken laser beams?

there are lasers you can buy to take out drone cameras ( and all cameras). They're blue light. Illegal in most places. But aim it at the camera lens on a digital camera and it fries the light sensor destroying the camera
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there are lasers you can buy to take out drone cameras ( and all cameras). They're blue light. Illegal in most places. But aim it at the camera lens on a digital camera and it fries the light sensor destroying the camera

I'm going to purchase one and bring it to the next concert I attend. Give it to all those morons who watch the ahow through their smart phone.

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there are lasers you can buy to take out drone cameras ( and all cameras). They're blue light. Illegal in most places. But aim it at the camera lens on a digital camera and it fries the light sensor destroying the camera

Are there lasers to shoot the spandex losers?

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have you been to there site? Its 1/3 TMZ, 1/3 Bleacher Report click bait, 1/3 dumbass. They slip weather in some times, too


I hate the internet


I know what I want for Christmas now.


I want boyst's laser so I can take out my neighbor's drone. I'm not crazy about him always taking pictures of the neighborhood.

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I know what I want for Christmas now.

Kamikaze drones!... Don't even have to get the expensive ones... Part out and patch 'em together just get it up in the air, invest in some cheap sake and a gross of Chinese made headbands (of course bought online direct) & you're in business!



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