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It hurts.

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It hurts to see the state of affairs of this franchise. Time after time to witness the influx of this "organization". The only time that I have ever seen success with this franchise was the Bill Polian Era and that was with a GM that we backed into. Right, wrong or indifferent with this latest purge the fact remains that we're nowheres near we any of us want to be with the Bills. This post isn't meant to be negative, just a non bi-polar assessment. I feel for so many of the people who have year after year, decade after decade pinned their hopes to these teams of the Bills. I think the term non stability is what best describes this franchise the past couple of decades. So once again here I go, like so many of us, I'll pray and dream of a successful season but this time it will be with much more tempered optimism. I will say that McDermott strikes me as someone who has a plan and is very structured and that gives me hope and I find as a refreshing change from past seasons.

I think things are turning, albeit slowly. The Pegula's have to identity their people. They have made mistakes, but those are correctable. What isn't correctable is an ownership group unwilling to spend resources. We have willing spenders with our ownership in terms of players and staff. They do try to support their employees maybe to a fault, but their desire to do that is a good one, and a reality that many fan bases wish they had. We are better off than many organizations across sports in that regard. Once we get the right people in charge (hopefully McD is one part of that) we will be in a sustained era of winning.


Keep your head up.

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Bills fans are alcoholic fools who just started a thread thanking the GM who wasted 2 years of the franchise trying to develop EJ Manuel when they should be burning their jerseys


Nothing will change, team will keep losing and move in 5 years to a bigger market


Good riddance

This team isn't moving anywhere, and if you want to jump off the wagon now go ahead. McDermott finally has this franchise headed in the right direction. The only thing I agree with is that the thanks Whaley stuff is pretty funny. He made good money and now he's gone. Our results with Whaley were the same as every GM before him during this playoff drought.
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It hurts to see the state of affairs of this franchise. Time after time to witness the influx of this "organization". The only time that I have ever seen success with this franchise was the Bill Polian Era and that was with a GM that we backed into. Right, wrong or indifferent with this latest purge the fact remains that we're nowheres near we any of us want to be with the Bills. This post isn't meant to be negative, just a non bi-polar assessment. I feel for so many of the people who have year after year, decade after decade pinned their hopes to these teams of the Bills. I think the term non stability is what best describes this franchise the past couple of decades. So once again here I go, like so many of us, I'll pray and dream of a successful season but this time it will be with much more tempered optimism. I will say that McDermott strikes me as someone who has a plan and is very structured and that gives me hope and I find as a refreshing change from past seasons.


You don't think they should have fired Whaley? Seriously?

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If you really are this distraught over this I suggest you find something healthier to obsess over.

The amount of bitching about nothing on this board makes it almost unreadable.

Edited by nedboy7
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I'm unsure about the offseason so far..and the state of the franchise. I was glad to see Rex gone. He needed to go before he was hired. Then McDermott comes in and hires what appears to be a solid coaching stafff. Things look good. Then we have, by all accounts, a great draft. Things are looking better. Now, we're cleaning out the FO. It's like a roller coaster.


I'll add just a couple of thoughts. First, when or why Whaley got canned is a little irrelevant. I've seen the argument for keeping your GM till after the draft, and quite honestly, it makes a ton of good sense. But, do I have confidence the Pegulas can hire a competent replacement? No. They've yet to earn that confidence from us fans. Yes, I believe they'll certainly try. But, can anyone honestly say they have confidence in their sports teams hires?


Same with McDermott. I want to like him. You certainly hear nothing but good things. But, until we see the team he puts on the field in September, we really don't know how its going to go with him. So, right now, I guess I just have no confidence in anything the organization is doing. It's all a complete unknown.


Secondly, everyone agrees we needed a culture change. When losing runs as deep as it does in this franchise, you can only do it one way.... Replace everyone. In the sports world you're judged by the win/loss record. And there's not a single person associated with this franchise over the last decade(s) that can say they've passed that test. So, I'm not upset about Whaley or anyone on this team or associated with this team being shown the door. But, like I said before, the new people have to earn their right to stay, based on the production on the field.


And finally, it's going to take time to build a solid, consistent winner. Football isn't like any of the other sports, it takes a full team, no single superstar can do it all. So, for better or worse, I'm fully on board for giving McD and the new FO 5yrs to get this team headed in the right direction. With all that said, there's one very clear way to build a consistent winner... Get a damn QB. If Tryod isn't that guy or even if you're still not completely sure. Trade the entire draft and Dareus to get the #1 spot next year and get the consesnus best QB. Don't be smart, don't be cute, just get a true franchise QB. If they don't McDermott's tenure here will end like all the others.


I guess in a year or two we'll know exactly where this franchise is headed. Until then, there's little any of us can do but.. Hope. Hang in there, it can't get worse. We truly have no where to go but up. I just don't know if we're going to play around in the muck and the mire for a few more years or if they've started working on that ladder with the moves over the last couple months.

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Thank you for being able to express a critical* opinion about the state of the franchise and the fans. I believe that large a part of the problem is the demand for instant gratification FROM fans and advertisers. This has caused a situation where everyone, from the general manager to the water boy is looking over their shoulder, waiting for a pink slip.


Too often we are fooled by the owners and management of the team into thinking "this is our year". They will do whatever it takes to sell season tickets. To the business that seems to be more important than a Lombardi trophy. They are after all a business first and fans second.


I laughed to see you put "organization" in quotes. Good one!


My way of coping with this franchise has (in the past 4-5 years) been reduced to having no expectations. If you expect nothing and you get nothing, it may hurt a bit. If you expect playoffs or championships, and you get nothing - it HURTS,


I really hope the Bills can be patient with McDermott.

I hope the players can rise to the challenge of playing REAL football.

I hope the team can win back the fans by providing a few years of stability and success.



* critical used as "exercising or involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation, opposed to "sustaining a nuclear chain reaction: example the reactor went critical

Instant gratification? We haven't had success in 17 years, how much longer are we supposed to be patient?

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Are you kidding me? They just had a great draft, the HC seems like a winner, and we're getting a fresh start at GM. I'm as optimistic about this franchise as I've been in a while!

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Are you kidding me? They just had a great draft, the HC seems like a winner, and we're getting a fresh start at GM. I'm as optimistic about this franchise as I've been in a while!


This ^


The ship seems righted and they have a 2018 first round pick in their back pocket in a draft that's being looked at as one of the best QB classes ever. I'm pretty good with the team right now.

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The Bills are no different than other teams in the NFL that do not make the playoffs. They change coaches and GM's until something works. I agree that I think McD seems to have a plan and it a no nonsense type of guy. We will see who takes over as GM.

And when one of those teams get lucky with the QB position, then they get a window of opportunity....

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It feels great. The entire NFL knew we needed tp change the culture amd clean house


Great day for Bills fans

I didn't believe that the Pegulas were pursuing culture change. I thought they just were changing coaches.


This move, Whaley and all the scouts, says it is in fact all about culture change.


And I also didn't believe they'd turned the keys over to McDermott, but at a minimum he has their ear. It has to be the case that McDermott has said to them that he's seen well-run organizations in Carolina and Philadelphia, the Bills' scouting and player acquisition didn't measure up. I'd guess the Pegulas have come to trust McDermott. It's clear the Pegulas have decided in pro sports, patience is not a virtue until you have the right people.

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the Polian years were a divine accident. Suckitude is our natural state of affairs


i go back to 1973....


6 great Kelly years


a year of Juice, a few of Cribbs, a few more of good Kelly, a few with Flutie....


13 good or better years since 1973.

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