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According to the article, a fence was put up. The idiots still got around it. It gets down to personal responsibility after that. Why should the parking garage put even more money into it?




I am sorry, let me go back and re-read that. If that was the case, then they made a reasonable attempt and knew about the dangerous situation.


Sorry for missing that.

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It is common sense.  It is also crying poor-mouth.


Like when handrails are put up around the area I work at.  Making them 42" verses 36" isn't going to break the bank.  Of couse the old standard is grandfathered in until a major rehab.


You might not think of it but, the shorter railings, people are more apt to subconscienciously sit on them... Maybe get fall back and get injured.


It is all about making a REASONABLE attempt.  Obviously, you can't think of everything somebody will do.  We, evolve and learn from our design mistakes... Not go backwards...



Which increases the cost of the final product which is passed on to the consumer. Why the hell should I pay more to protect the stupid people from themselves?

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You might not think of it but, the shorter railings, people are more apt to subconscienciously sit on them... Maybe get fall back and get injured.




So? One reason that common sense is so uncommon is the ever pervasive "idea" that we can legislate intelligent behavior. News flash: the populous is dumber than ever before, despite the litany of regulations to the contrary.

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I cut the pertinent parts out:


There are no safety fences in place on the parking garage.


"There was a very, very short length of fence that was completely ineffective in preventing this from happening," D'Assaro said.


Well, we will see what the courts think? I don't know the make up or the design, it is for the courts to decide if things were on the up and up.


Don't get wrong, I am not taking sides here.


The thing is to LEARN form this a progress... Therefore putting even more onus on the idiots unreasonable acts.


Again, you don't have to break the bank to learn from your OVERSIGHT.

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You mean like don't try to jump across an open divide 6 stories up because you might fall and die?  Lessons like that?  :ph34r:



...or sitting on a railing where you could potentially fall back and get injured. Of course, if you made the railing 42" high, you would have a greater fall and have an increased risk of causing bodily harm. Of course, the railing could be lowered, but then you could injure yourself by tripping over it.

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...or sitting on a railing where you could potentially fall back and get injured. Of course, if you made the railing 42" high, you would have a greater fall and have an increased risk of causing bodily harm. Of course, the railing could be lowered, but then you could injure yourself by tripping over it.


Stop it with all the common sense.


The opposite side of this discussion is pretty much what is wrong with this country in a nutshell and why the US Small Business code now contains 200 volumes. Let's make sure we have every eventuality covered - especially the rights of the retarded to blame someone else when they do something that 99.999% of the population wouldn't even think of trying.


Then the media can pass it off as a huge problem and get the simpletons spun up...

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Which increases the cost of the final product which is passed on to the consumer. Why the hell should I pay more to protect the stupid people from themselves?



Again, I agree. Just like insurance where you pay for an uninsured motorist.


Because you are REASONABLE, SENSIBLE. There will always be idiots out there. It is not about you protecting them. It is about keeping the whole of society balanced.


You are better than those that "just don't get it."


Nothing is perfect. Yet, we live the greatest humans ever lived. We live the safest and the longest. All the time those numbers are getting better for the REASONABLE ones. The unreasonable ones will always find a way to finish themselves off.


It isn't about making it a perfect world but, a better world. That we are doing.

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It isn't about making it a perfect world but, a better world.  That we are doing.


It's not a better world if people who do ridiculous things are rewarded in the courts for their behavior. It's the means to an end.


Because you are REASONABLE, SENSIBLE. There will always be idiots out there. It is not about you protecting them. It is about keeping the whole of society balanced.

Wrong. It's about protecting me FROM them. Because the courts aren't doing an adequate job.

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So?  One reason that common sense is so uncommon is the ever pervasive "idea" that we can legislate intelligent behavior.  News flash:  the populous is dumber than ever before, despite the litany of regulations to the contrary.




You know me. Those are nice talking points. I just don't believe that. I would agree that humans lose a certain cognitive ability because they adapt to the changing enviroment or technologies.


What we lose, we gain other abilities.


Again, nice populist talking points.

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You know me.  Those are nice talking points.  I just don't believe that.  I would agree that humans lose a certain cognitive ability because they adapt to the changing enviroment or technologies.


What we lose, we gain other abilities.


Again, nice populist talking points.


Like what? Typing? :ph34r:

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It's not a better world if people who do ridiculous things are rewarded in the courts for their behavior.  It's the means to an end.

Wrong.  It's about protecting me FROM them.  Because the courts aren't doing an adequate job.



I genuinely don't believe they are rewarded. To you it might seem that way. I just don't see it that way... Money just makes them a happy idiot. In the back of their mind, they still now they are an idiot... Rich yes, idiot the same.


We are a better society.

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Again, I agree.  Just like insurance where you pay for an uninsured motorist.


Because you are REASONABLE, SENSIBLE.  There will always be idiots out there.  It is not about you protecting them.  It is about keeping the whole of society balanced.


You are better than those that "just don't get it."


Nothing is perfect.  Yet, we live the greatest humans ever lived.  We live the safest and the longest.  All the time those numbers are getting better for the REASONABLE ones.  The unreasonable ones will always find a way to finish themselves off.


It isn't about making it a perfect world but, a better world.  That we are doing.



But we are going too far the other way. As Darin mentioned, the staggering amount of regulation in this country is killing off businesses and increasing the costs of our products. How the hell can U.S. companies stay in business when they are forced to spend countless dollars on lawyers writing such phrases as:


"Product will be hot after heating" on food products

"Do not spray in eyes" on cleaning products


All because people refuse to take responsibility for their own stupidity.

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Nothing is perfect.  Yet, we live the greatest humans ever lived.  We live the safest and the longest.  All the time those numbers are getting better for the REASONABLE ones.  The unreasonable ones will always find a way to finish themselves off.



And yet you support punishing the reasonable people for not forseeing and preventing the unreasonable ones from killing themselves off. Brilliant. :ph34r:

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But we are going too far the other way. As Darin mentioned, the staggering amount of regulation in this country is killing off businesses and increasing the costs of our products. How the hell can U.S. companies stay in business when they are forced to spend countless dollars on lawyers writing such phrases as:


"Product will be hot after heating" on food products

"Do not spray in eyes" on cleaning products


All because people refuse to take responsibility for their own stupidity.



Again, I agree... If we will be competing with other counties that show no regard for human life...


The answer is don't compete and play with the ones that "race towards the bottom."


Believe me, if we do... There will always be business opportunities.


We need to escape that dilemna.

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Again, I agree... If we will be competing with other counties that show no regard for human life...


The answer is don't compete and play with the ones that "race towards the bottom."


Believe me, if we do... There will always be business opportunities.


We need to escape that dilemna.



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Note to children:  Don't eat paint and snorting common household chemicals has long term consequences.



See... You have to resort to the name calling... Just because I can't agree with.


Again... It doesn't bother me...


You know Darin, you are a classic example why children bite other kids... The can't continue to communicate at a higher level.


Resort to the attacks and then play the victim if you get attacked back.


Again... Maybe I should be the first to say... We just don't agree... Agree to disagree...


There is no place laying the low-blows.

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