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Interesting article on NFL's "Racial Divide"


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I find it interesting that the Pats have more white players than any other team on a pretty regular basis and are one of the greatest dynasties of all time. Add to that how they use more white players at the skilled positions esp on offense than the other teams.

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Really? If you want to delete your post, I'll delete my quote. I promise! Caucasian CB's are discriminated against because they might get sunburned and mess up their freckles?


That was quick. And appropriate. :)

Fair enough. I can see this conversation will go no deeper, and that's fine. I feel like no one read the actual article. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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Fair enough. I can see this conversation will go no deeper, and that's fine. I feel like no one read the actual article.

Who needs to read the article? Watch the sport. (And I DID delete the quote.)

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These issues get into scouting across sports. Subconsciously thinking what a good fit looks like cones with other baggage, intentional or not. An nba gm banned his scouts from saying a prospect looks like another player of the same race on the court during discussions as he found the comparisons to be lazy and leading to poor decisions

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I find it interesting that the Pats have more white players than any other team on a pretty regular basis and are one of the greatest dynasties of all time. Add to that how they use more white players at the skilled positions esp on offense than the other teams.

It fits in with their model of getting guys on the cheap. They find shifty white WRs that lack dominating physical attributes the rest of the league likes. They can be contrarians while they have TB.

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that's because the truth is politically incorrect


welcome to my world

I find it interesting that the Pats have more white players than any other team on a pretty regular basis and are one of the greatest dynasties of all time. Add to that how they use more white players at the skilled positions esp on offense than the other teams.


or maybe its bc they have the best passer ever at a time when rules make the qb the most overpowered position in major team sport history

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McCaffrey's combine bench reps are the problem not his race

ding ding ding.

being such a great athlete , sarcasm and a hard worker those reps numbers were disgusting. shouldn't that be a red flag.

kid smokes weed and they say how could he be so stupid , they have known about this for months ?

McCaaffrey comes in and Can't do the bench press and nobody says well how can he have such a poor showing when he has know about this for months

White and black people have done nothing for us for 17 years. We need a team of Samoans.

Jimmy snuka

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Jimmy the greek

My African American nephew is the best swimmer on his all white team. on the soapbox, the sooner we get color out of our minds the better., off soap box

Agree completely. The reasons why certain races excel in certain sports has a lot more to do with sociological sorting than anything else. Interestingly, in a piece that deals with genetics, the piece doesn't mention that McCaffrey's grandfather was the fastest sprinter in the world in the latter half of the 1950s.


I find it interesting that the Pats have more white players than any other team on a pretty regular basis and are one of the greatest dynasties of all time. Add to that how they use more white players at the skilled positions esp on offense than the other teams.

The pats are all about exploiting weaknesses in a system that others haven't caught on to (moneyball, basically). If other teams wrongly believe in a stereotype when selecting players for certain positions, it stands to reason that other talented players who don't fit the stereotype get overlooked, and that is to the Pats benefit. There aren't many receivers in the league who have Edelman's short-area quickness, after all. It works both ways, of course -- just look at the schools that began to start black players in college basketball (and football) in the 1940s-50s and destroyed longtime powerhouses like Kentucky, which remained a white team.

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It is stupid to think genetics do not play a huge role determining athletic success. It is also stupid to think that a variety of other factors do not play a huge role in determining athletic success.


Genetics is not synonymous with race. I guess Jamaicans and Kenyans would both be black, but it doesn't say much. However the distinct genetic makeup of Jamaican sprinters and Kenyan long distance runners certainly has a lot to say about their likelihood for athletic success. Jamaican long distance runners are garbage and Kenyan sprinters are garbage.


It is also depends greatly on the sport. Football, or more specifically,cornerback certainly demands more than just explosive quick twitch muscles, though they don't hurt.

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White and black are social constructs. Genetically, diversity matters the most. It gets rid of all that inbreeding, no matter what race you are. That's why mules, mutts and the big cat hybrids are twice as big as their p.....

e in it.

ummmm. Uhhhhh. You're as far off as in this line of thinking as you can be. Two species crops breeding creates a hyper progeny that grows faster. A mule is a donkey and a horse. Two different species and they have a high growth rate. However a gelbveich and a belted Galloway Are the same species and will also have the benefits of a f1 cross.


The human species is not that genetically diverse in racial differences to create f1. If anything, consistent inbreeding thru decades has occurred and created many issues in races, the black race having high occurances sickle cell to combat malaria is a how inbreeding among a species is a benefit. However, at the same time, there are no muscular or skeletal differences, and worth noting that muscular development is established in the 2nd trimester. You get your muscle fibers then and will never get more. Same with bone growth which determines density, etc

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problem is most whites just aren't quick/shifty enough to play the position, also why they aren't great at RB. McCaffrey is an aberration not a trend.


Blacks excel at speed, running and jumping events like Track


Whites are better at strength like Strongman, Powerlifting and Weightlifting, which is why they do better at Lineman where explosiveness isn't as critical.


Ahh, why don't you just put it this way?: ``The black is a better athlete to begin with,`` you said. ``Because he`s been bred to be that way, because of his high thighs and big thighs that go up into his back and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs, you see. . . .``

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It is stupid to think genetics do not play a huge role determining athletic success. It is also stupid to think that a variety of other factors do not play a huge role in determining athletic success.


Genetics is not synonymous with race. I guess Jamaicans and Kenyans would both be black, but it doesn't say much. However the distinct genetic makeup of Jamaican sprinters and Kenyan long distance runners certainly has a lot to say about their likelihood for athletic success. Jamaican long distance runners are garbage and Kenyan sprinters are garbage.


It is also depends greatly on the sport. Football, or more specifically,cornerback certainly demands more than just explosive quick twitch muscles, though they don't hurt.

So black people have better "quick twitch muscles" ? Thanks doc
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