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Where we draft from is more about relationships than talent


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Clemson for sure. Sal said it's not Rex-related, either. Connection was there before him and is still there. Personally I hope they draft Wayne Gallman. Underrated RB.


Received 4th-5th round grade possibly can see us taking him in the 5th which is our favorite round as of late to take an RB, where we have 3 picks currently.

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"Only a few people in each organization are privy to the complete book on a player -- and all 32 teams might have different chapters and footnotes on the same person. The Patriots' director of player personnel, Nick Caserio, said the team only has draftable grades on 50-75 players in this year's class. The Browns' personnel head, Andrew Berry, said Cleveland has 175 draftable players. The Cardinals have roughly 120."



It's amazing the differences between teams. The Browns see 100-125 more draftable players than the Patriots do, and 30-55 more than the Cardinals.

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