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Next X-Men Movie Will Be a Do-Over of the Worst X-Men Movie


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and I agree about the sentiment about it being worst movie.





Finally, on November 2, 2018, is X-Men: Dark Phoenix, the latest movie to star the new cast of X-Men introduced in X-Men: Apocalypse. Its title confirms the weirdest thing about it: That it's essentially a do-over of X-Men: The Last Stand, the notoriously lackluster finale to the original trilogy of X-Men movies, a story that was written out of existence by the time-traveling shenanigans of X-Men: Days of Future Past.

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First Class and DoFP were pretty good, arguably the best in the X-Men line with Logan in the conversation.


Apocalypse was too quick and lazy all around - lazy writing, casting and acting.


I think people, other than hardcore fans, are getting confused because First Class was an origin story and Logan felt like a conclusion.

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First Class and DoFP were pretty good, arguably the best in the X-Men line with Logan in the conversation.


Apocalypse was too quick and lazy all around - lazy writing, casting and acting.


I think people, other than hardcore fans, are getting confused because First Class was an origin story and Logan felt like a conclusion.


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First Class and DoFP were pretty good, arguably the best in the X-Men line with Logan in the conversation.


Apocalypse was too quick and lazy all around - lazy writing, casting and acting.


I think people, other than hardcore fans, are getting confused because First Class was an origin story and Logan felt like a conclusion.


My main problem with the latest movie was Apocalypse himself. Lazy is right. It felt like he was given whatever power was needed to advance the story at any given point.

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