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Chemist’s Misconduct Is Likely to Void 20K Mass convictions


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How much will this cost the commonwealth of Massachusetts?




More than 20,000 drug cases tied to a disgraced former state chemist appear headed for dismissal, lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union and public defenders said Tuesday as they combed through legal filings from local prosecutors in Massachusetts.
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Nice topic on 420 day.


B word was probably high.


Yes. I would.


And. I wish I could....Happy 420 to all you partakaers!!!!!!!!!!!



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There was a 420 in progress in my neighbor's backyard this morning. Dude was smoking a huge doober while raking his lawn. He's like in his 60's! Good for him.

it is amazing that people are this brazen. its not even bold or daring. its still stupid.

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it is amazing that people are this brazen. its not even bold or daring. its still stupid.

It's probably more of a big deal in NC than it is here in the Green Mountains of VT. In fact, I think it's actually legal to possess up to two ounces on your property for personal use, and you can smoke the stuff on your property with no issue.


I don't mind at all. If my kids were older and could understand what was happening, however, I might go next door with a couple of cold beers and kindly ask him to be a little more discreet.

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No one cares anymore.


Police departments all over were tweeting 420 jokes.

This, thank goodness. Wasting time and money harassing people for smoking pot is absurd.


And yes, I had my first legal puff last weekend in our garden.

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