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Pats sign Gillislee to offer sheet

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Welcome to the modern NFL era with Free Agency. It always comes to this for every team.

Whaley ranked the worst returning GM and the Bills being ridiculed for their management on a constant basis isn't the norm for every NFL team.

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It shouldn't have come to this.

Admitting that this has nothing to do with the thread. It's just hatred against Whaley. Paying or not paying gillislee doesn't even matter to you. Your sole purpose here is just to hate on Whaley. That's all you EVER do. You hate it. We get it. Improve your life and stop caring about the Bills until Whaley is fired. It brings you (and us) nothing but pain and frustration.


Just wondering, how old are you and are you married? If not married, do you still live with the folks?

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More in this thread agree with me than you. Or it's split. Brains-let's tank and go for 18 years of no playoffs for an unproved draftpick that we may not even acquire.

According to you, we're already tanking. You said it several times. Our roster sucks (but TT is good) and we have a bad GM that has to improve the roster. How can you conceivably think there's a chance we make the playoffs? Can you explain please? In before "tyrod will lead us there". Yeah, tyrod is a superstar....

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nothing to do with the cap. They can and have keep who they want to keep at the value they place on the player for their offense, nor the value for NE's offense. Paying Gillislee 4 mill for 6 carries/game is absurd. They have an elite RB they want to use and several backups. NE uses a RBBC, they don't have an elite starting RB, they use them all interchangeably. Bills could pay him 4 mil if they wanted to. They would be only the 3rd team in the league to pay a backup RB over 2 mill/yr. Why should they do that? It's a new coaching staff and offense, they place the value that fits. They got a draft pick off of NE for a replaceable player they signed off the street. Before you insist he's not replaceable, wait and see if was replaceable. Most backup RBs with good OLs are.


Is that supposed to be profound?


Then how many teams pay their starting RB $9M per year? I'll help you.....LESS THAN 3. :rolleyes:


How many teams lead the NFL in rushing by a lot in each of the last two years.......whether the $9M RB has a good year(2016) or not(2015)?


That's in GREAT part because the backups averaged 5.5 ypc on about 250 carries for those two years. MG personally 5.7.

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I'd say system fit and injuries set him back.


Nobody is assassinating the Dolphins for letting him leave.......because you can't wait for RB's.


The Bills issue is that the running game is the backbone of their team so MG has more value than a typical backup.


And yes......in that simplified pass offense WR talent was a limiting factor.


It went from Watkins/Harvin/Woods in early 2015 when they were scoring like a pinball machine on the ground and air......... to basically only Woods healthy last year....and not the whole year.


MG did a ton to mitigate the lack of WR talent. 5.7 ypa in each of two years and all those TD's.......when many of the carries were in production tamping short yardage situations? Which he was great at too? Man he has been good.


Dont get me wrong, I would have loved, LOVED to re-sign TD Mike. I know he was a valuable and even integral part of the team. I dont mean to take anything away from his talent.


But I'm not going to get worked up about our backup RB, when we are entering a new season with a new coaching staff (especially on the Offensive side of the ball), and the draft hasnt even happened yet.


I'd rather see some balance brought to the O, and our passing game improve to where we dont have to worry about the backup RB.


Reading some posts here, I wouldnt have been that upset about Kenny Davis leaving!

Edited by DrDareustein
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Dont get me wrong, I would have loved, LOVED to re-sign TD Mike. I know he was a valuable and even integral part of the team. I dont mean to take anything away from his talent.


But I'm not going to get worked up about our backup RB, when we are entering a new season with a new coaching staff (especially on the Offensive side of the ball), and the draft hasnt even happened yet.


Reading some posts here, I wouldnt have been that upset about Kenny Davis leaving!

We are still running a run heavy offense. And if not-where are the WRs after Watkins? MG loss just made the depth worse.

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Just to be clear if the Bills let him walk it isn't because their hands are tied by the cap. They have PLENTY of money to sign him. It is because they don't think that he is worth that and/or don't want him for 2 years.


The issue isn't "now they can't afford him" it is that they had an opportunity to get him cheaper by offering a higher tender or guaranteed short-term deal. Now they are reacting to what has happened. They lost control of his market which didn't have to happen.

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