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Trump's Request For Voters Information (changed topic)

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Dems don't want to vote for the woman because their mysogynists. Even the women. Vote for the white guy (source of all evil in the world) instead.


I thought they didn't want to vote for the woman because...Russians?

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Small lead for Dem in this race. Be interesting to see if Trump fires Mueller and the rest of Justice Department after this is over


Statement. Be interesting to see if somebody unrelated to the statement does something to somebody else unrelated to the statement and a group also totally unrelated to the statement

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Voters in Georgia’s sixth congressional district should “vote now for Karen” Handel, the Republican running for the vacated seat, President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter Monday morning, or else risk bolstering a Democratic party insistent on blocking the White House’s policy agenda.

“The Dems want to stop tax cuts, good healthcare and Border Security. Their ObamaCare is dead with 100% increases in P's. Vote now for Karen H,” Trump wrote online Monday morning.




"Please don't let them impeach me!!"


lol, heavily Republican district, they should win easily

Super close now, but if GOP just turns out the voters, they win




If GOP wins Trump might feel confident enough to fire someone

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All the money being thrown at this race by both sides makes this election less indicative as far as a preview of the '18 midterms no matter who wins tomorrow.



What ???


You mean having $40 MILLION thrown at them from both sides, mostly from out of state is important...... :lol:



You forget the first rule of (today's) journalism though Doc,


The outcome of a political race is only indicative of something.....................................if the dems win

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What ???


You mean having $40 MILLION thrown at them from both sides, mostly from out of state is important...... :lol:



You forget the first rule of (today's) journalism though Doc,


The outcome of a political race is only indicative of something.....................................if the dems win


Is Trump going to resign if the Dem wins?


Oooooooooohhh..... hold yer breath weighting for its.

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What ???


You mean having $40 MILLION thrown at them from both sides, mostly from out of state is important...... :lol:



You forget the first rule of (today's) journalism though Doc,


The outcome of a political race is only indicative of something.....................................if the dems win


Even if they lose the msm will say that Ossoff's narrow loss was much less than the previous election where Tom Price won by 23 percentage points.

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




Karen Handel's opponent in #GA06 can't even vote in the district he wants to represent....









Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




....because he doesn't even live there! He wants to raise taxes and kill healthcare. On Tuesday, #VoteKarenHandel.

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If Osoff wins it will be because the misgynists/racists in GA came out to vote for the white guy instead of the woman. Unless I'm just 8 months behind the times.


No. If Ossoff wins it will be a sign that the South is finally overcoming their racist views by voting for a Democrat in a red district. Did I ever mention how much I hate identity politics by the DNC?

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No. If Ossoff wins it will be a sign that the South is finally overcoming their racist views by voting for a Democrat in a red district. Did I ever mention how much I hate identity politics by the DNC?

He's really hammering the secret health care--really tax cut for wealthy--bill the Republicans are trying to force on the country

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He's really hammering the secret health care--really tax cut for wealthy--bill the Republicans are trying to force on the country





But really, it just shows me what hipocrits they are and reinforces my past observations that politicians are for the most part full of crap and thier followers, sheeple.


Meanwhile Hillary says she lost because of mysogonomy. Even the women that voted against her.

Edited by reddogblitz
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Damnit. Stop quoting him.


But what the !@#$ is a "secret healthcare bill"?



He means the healthcare bill that the GOP is developing..............that eventually will be released and debated, and voted on by all the members.


but for now has not been leaked to the dems and the media (but, I repeat myself),



so they have not been able to lie, and spin and distort the truth about the proposals,


so naturally, they are whining like little 5 year old b*tches,


and sending out the Gators of the world to repeat the "secret healthcare bill" nonsense.

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He means the healthcare bill that the GOP is developing..............that eventually will be released and debated, and voted on by all the members.


but for now has not been leaked to the dems and the media (but, I repeat myself),



so they have not been able to lie, and spin and distort the truth about the proposals,


so naturally, they are whining like little 5 year old b*tches,


and sending out the Gators of the world to repeat the "secret healthcare bill" nonsense.


They are not planning on having a real debate, they are going to debate the house bill and at the last minute replace it with the secret senate bill and vote, in like an hour. The oligarchs need their tax cut.


Our democracy is going down the tubes

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