B-Man Posted August 7, 2017 Posted August 7, 2017 Signs of cooperation on cleaning up the voter rollsby Jazz Shaw When President Trump announced the creation of his voter fraud commission it generated the expected amount of outrage and accusations from Democrats. (Was anyone really surprised?) But after most of the bluster died down and the circus moved on to the next scandal of the day, a strange thing seems to have happened. There’s been some recognition of the need to clean up and monitor the nation’s voter rolls across party lines and even in the mainstream media. To be sure, they’ll still be carping about how the GOP is trying to “disenfranchise minority voters” and what have you, but this new report from NBC News takes the bold step of noting that even Democrats around the country are ready to admit that the voter rolls are a hot mess which leave the door open for trouble every election season. Clean, accurate voter rolls might sound like an obvious goal. It saves local authorities money while making election operations more efficient. But the country’s voter rolls are typically a mess. A 2012 Pew survey found one in eight active registrations to be invalid or inaccurate. The rolls showed 1.8 million dead voters still on the books, while 2.75 million people had registrations in more than one state. One reason? The decentralized, localized voter rolls are built for registration, not removal. Getting on the rolls at a new address is easier than removing your name from the county you just left, and different states and districts manage their rolls differently, too. What’s more, keeping voter rolls properly maintained is complicated, since election officials have to keep tabs on every voter who dies or moves. Thousands of voters have the same name and even the same birthday, and mistakes happen. {snip} Unfortunately, none of this protects us from the other sort of deliberate fraud which infects the illegal alien community. Just this week we learned that one motor vehicle registration office in Boston was selling government issued, bogus ID cards to illegal aliens and even registering them to vote. That’s a different level of fraudulent activity which I fear can only be handled by federal law enforcement.
row_33 Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 Just reading about the 19th century US practice of cooping, whereby party goons would kidnap people and force them to vote several times, plying them with disguise and alcohol and threats of beating or murder. One theory has Poe being a victim of this. Hillary should bring this back, on top of the millions she already has in the bag to vote illegally for her in 2020.
B-Man Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 Racists! Rasmussen survey finds 70 percent of likely voters favor voter ID laws When we most recently checked in with Rasmussen Reports, a survey of likely voters had found that most (61 percent) opposed issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, even as California was well on its way to issuing a million this year alone. Rasmussen has just released the results of a new survey involving photo ID and found that a substantial majority of Americans support voter ID laws, even as courts continue to overturn them on the grounds that they’re inherently racist and suppress minority voter turnout (though a recent study suggests otherwise.)
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 24, 2017 Author Posted August 24, 2017 A federal judge has tossed out a Texas voter-ID law, ruling that it was enacted with discriminatory intentknowingly placing additional burdens on a disproportionate number of Hispanic and African-American voters. U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos, in Corpus Christi, granted a permanent injunction Wednesday, preventing the state from enforcing the original 2011 version of the measure, in addition to a version with loosened restrictions that was passed this year and signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott just this summer. The original legislation, according to Ramos, violates the Voting Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution. The new version, she found, cures neither the discriminatory intent nor the effect of the original measure. http://www.thedailybeast.com/federal-judge-tosses-out-texas-voter-id-law Racist
B-Man Posted August 24, 2017 Posted August 24, 2017 Ohio Wants to Clean Up Its Voter Rolls. Why Are Democrats So Up in Arms? http://dailysignal.com/2017/08/24/ohio-wants-to-clean-up-its-voter-rolls-why-are-democrats-so-up-in-arms/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FoundryConservativePolicyNews+%28The+Daily+Signal%29 FTA: That elections have consequences was further underscored when Trump rightly reversed course on a misinterpretation of a 1993 law by the previous administration. That law, the National Voter Registration Act, reformed the nation’s voter registration process. Having reversed course, the Justice Department is now siding with Ohio in its legitimate efforts to clean up its voter rolls. That would not have happened under President Hillary Clinton, so elections do in fact have consequences. The integrity of elections in Ohio will be significantly enhanced if the Supreme Court this fall upholds, as it should, the process the state uses. In the appellate court, the Obama administration predictably had sided with Democrats and allied liberal groups seeking to prevent the Buckeye State from removing tens of thousands of voters from the state’s rolls after they were deemed to be “inactive.”
B-Man Posted September 6, 2017 Posted September 6, 2017 Texas Voter ID Law Not As Dead As You Were ToldBy Jazz Shaw The new Texas voter ID law (which addressed issues raised about the original bill from a couple of years ago) was shot down shortly before it was to go into effect by a U.S. district court judge. Liberal activists around the nation celebrated the decision because wanting to know if the people voting are actually who they claim to be is apparently racist. So at least that matter is settled, right? Not so fast, kids. The injunction preventing the law from going into effect received a second look by an appeals court in New Orleans and the law was, at least for now, resurrected. (Reuters) There’s a reason that every description of this judgement in the media is using so many qualifiers such as temporarily or, “at least for now.” This was not a finding which gave the law a clean bill of constitutional health, but rather a case of placing the hold on hold. The injunction previously ordered has been lifted while the court further studies the issue. The fact that it was lifted while this examination takes place, however, probably gives us an indication of which way they’re leaning. The judge penning the ruling stated that Texas had made, “a strong showing that it is likely to succeed on the merits.” So is this still an effort to solve a non-existent problem as liberals love to say? Perhaps the judges caught wind of a recent report picked up by Deroy Murdock at National Review. If you’re not curious as to whether or not voters are actually who they say they are, consider the number of counties where the total number of registered voters actually exceeds the number of living residents of eligible age. More at the link: https://hotair.com/archives/2017/09/06/texas-voter-id-law-not-dead-told/
B-Man Posted September 7, 2017 Posted September 7, 2017 More than 5,000 out-of-state voters may have tipped New Hampshire against Trump Over 6,000 individuals registered to vote in New Hampshire for Election Day Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses — and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle. Speaker of the New Hampshire House Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the findings on Thursday based on inquiries he made to the Department of State, which oversees elections, and the Department of Safety. Since election days, Republicans have charged that a significant number of non-resident Democrats, principally from Massachusetts, flowed into New Hampshire to vote illegally, tilting close elections to their party. Mr. Jasper’s findings give credence, though not outright proof, to those allegations. The numbers read this way: 6,540 people voted using out-of-state licenses There are 196 people today who are being investigated for voting illegally both in New Hampshire and in other states. Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in News Hampshire by 2,736 votes. Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte by 1,017 votes. Last February, while meeting with senators at the White House, Mr. Trump said he lost New Hampshire because thousands of Massachusetts residents crossed state lines to vote. He also said Mrs. Ayotte lost for the same reason: illegal voting. The liberal media dismissed his allegations. The Boston Globe called them “groundless.” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/7/voter-fraud-alert-over-5000-new-hampshire-presiden/
Nanker Posted September 7, 2017 Posted September 7, 2017 (edited) Lots of snow birders have apartments in Brooklyn and a condo in Florida. I'd love to have those records examined. Edited September 7, 2017 by Nanker
DC Tom Posted September 7, 2017 Posted September 7, 2017 Lots of snow birders have apartments in Brooklyn and a condo in Florida. I'd love to have those records examined. I know some that voted absentee in Buffalo from Florida. One of the problems with reconciling voter rolls is that there are local, state, and federal considerations that conflict. You don't necessarily want to restrict someone from voting in local elections where they have a part-time residence...but at the federal level you might want to tell them to "pick a state," but you can't, because it's the states themselves who decide that individually. And yet...how much does that really matter - since the electorate doesn't vote directly for the president, and senators represent the state and not the people, the concept of the "sanctity of the individual vote" in those races barely matters. Only in House races can you make a firm, definitive statement that "You should absolutely get only one vote," as you should have only one gomer representing you in the House.
B-Man Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 COULDN’T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF: Michael Barone: Let’s go back to paper ballots.
26CornerBlitz Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 More than 5,000 out-of-state voters may have tipped New Hampshire against Trump Over 6,000 individuals registered to vote in New Hampshire for Election Day Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses — and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle. Speaker of the New Hampshire House Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the findings on Thursday based on inquiries he made to the Department of State, which oversees elections, and the Department of Safety. Since election days, Republicans have charged that a significant number of non-resident Democrats, principally from Massachusetts, flowed into New Hampshire to vote illegally, tilting close elections to their party. Mr. Jasper’s findings give credence, though not outright proof, to those allegations. The numbers read this way: 6,540 people voted using out-of-state licenses There are 196 people today who are being investigated for voting illegally both in New Hampshire and in other states. Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in News Hampshire by 2,736 votes. Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte by 1,017 votes. Last February, while meeting with senators at the White House, Mr. Trump said he lost New Hampshire because thousands of Massachusetts residents crossed state lines to vote. He also said Mrs. Ayotte lost for the same reason: illegal voting. The liberal media dismissed his allegations. The Boston Globe called them “groundless.” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/7/voter-fraud-alert-over-5000-new-hampshire-presiden/ It is completely groundless as NH state law only calls for one to be domiciled for a period of 30 days in order to be eligible to vote.
grinreaper Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 It is completely groundless as NH state law only calls for one to be domiciled for a period of 30 days in order to be eligible to vote. And this means what?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 13, 2017 Author Posted September 13, 2017 It is completely groundless as NH state law only calls for one to be domiciled for a period of 30 days in order to be eligible to vote. That's right. A big nothingburger. They just are grasping at anything to push this evil plot forward to try and stop Democratic voters from being able to vote.
grinreaper Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 That's right. A big nothingburger. They just are grasping at anything to push this evil plot forward to try and stop Democratic voters from being able to vote multiple times. Fixed.
B-Man Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 Stunning testimony: Voting machines can be hacked without a trace of evidence by Stephen Dinan Original Article The country’s voting machines are susceptible to hacking, which could be done in a way so that it leaves no fingerprints, making it impossible to know whether the outcome was changed, computer experts told President Trump’s voter integrity commission Tuesday. The testimony marked a departure for the commission, which was formed to look into fraud and barriers to voting, but which heard that a potentially greater threat to confidence in American elections is the chance for enemy actors to meddle. “There’s no perfect security; there’s only degrees of insecurity,” said Ronald Rivest, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 13, 2017 Author Posted September 13, 2017 Fixed. Really? This is a big lie. There is no proof that there is any widespread voting fraud and yet you guys want to hand over to Trump all this information so he can destroy our Republic basically.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 13, 2017 Author Posted September 13, 2017 *** So we had a Russian attack on our voting system and Trump wants to use government funds to try and influence elections in a partisan way. Someone is going to be in serious trouble for this move. This is criminal pure and simple http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/09/trump-election-commissioner-sought-to-exclude-democrats-and-mainstream-republicans/ Oh sure, let's let these people decide who can vote! Months before the Trump administration announced the creation of a controversial commission to examine the country’s voting systems, one future commissioner sent an email to the Justice Department recommending that the commission exclude Democrats and “mainstream Republican officials and/or academics.” The email was sent on February 22 by Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation, a former Justice Department official in the George W. Bush administration known for his efforts to impose new restrictions on voting. In it, von Spakovsky warned that Democrats would get in the way of efforts to crack down on voter fraud—an issue that commissioners have sought to portray as a major threat, but which in reality is exceedingly rare. The email was sent to an aide to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who forwarded it to her boss. In it, von Spakovsky ridiculed the idea of forming a bipartisan commission, as the administration ultimately did, although most of the commissioners are conservatives fixated on fraud. “There isn’t a single Democratic official that will do anything other than obstruct any investigation of voter fraud and issue constant public announcements criticizing the commission and what it is doing, making claims that it is engaged in voter suppression,” he wrote. “That decision alone shows how little WHouse understands about the issue.”
grinreaper Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 Really? This is a big lie. There is no proof that there is any widespread voting fraud and yet you guys want to hand over to Trump all this information so he can destroy our Republic basically. Hall of Famer Members 15,862 posts Posted 07 September 2017 - 03:32 PM More than 5,000 out-of-state voters may have tipped New Hampshire against Trump Over 6,000 individuals registered to vote in New Hampshire for Election Day Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses — and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle. Speaker of the New Hampshire House Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the findings on Thursday based on inquiries he made to the Department of State, which oversees elections, and the Department of Safety. Since election days, Republicans have charged that a significant number of non-resident Democrats, principally from Massachusetts, flowed into New Hampshire to vote illegally, tilting close elections to their party. Mr. Jasper’s findings give credence, though not outright proof, to those allegations. The numbers read this way: 6,540 people voted using out-of-state licenses There are 196 people today who are being investigated for voting illegally both in New Hampshire and in other states. Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in News Hampshire by 2,736 votes. Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte by 1,017 votes. Last February, while meeting with senators at the White House, Mr. Trump said he lost New Hampshire because thousands of Massachusetts residents crossed state lines to vote. He also said Mrs. Ayotte lost for the same reason: illegal voting. The liberal media dismissed his allegations. The Boston Globe called them “groundless.” http://www.washingto...shire-presiden/
B-Man Posted September 14, 2017 Posted September 14, 2017 BETSY MCCAUGHEY: Democrats’ latest bid to rig election rules.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 14, 2017 Author Posted September 14, 2017 BETSY MCCAUGHEY: Democrats’ latest bid to rig election rules. Ok, let's see. Democrats are unfairly asking the Conservative supreme court to help them win elections. That's her argument Meanwhile, the criminal election fraud commission is ignoring the law in not allowing oversight. These people deserve to go to jail
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