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Trump's Request For Voters Information (changed topic)

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I don't have time to look up Conservative comic strips and stories most days.


B-Man does this service, recreates the inner pages of National Review (when it mattered), which is much appreciated.


And if a liberal was doing that this board would be calling for a banning. On top of that, he claims he hates Trump yet screams his exact message out repeatedly. Fraud

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44 states have said no.


How many blue stares are there?


10 to 15 at the most? Why are the 29 to 34 other Red states telling him to back off?


Because his Voter Fraud Claim is Fraudulent.


No, because "separation of powers:" states have an unfettered right to manage their own electoral process without interference from the federal government.


Frankly, no one knows how widespread voter fraud is, because it hasn't been accurately studied or quantified. An independent, national, non-partisan commission on the subject is an excellent idea...which, notably, the White House's idea isn't.

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And if a liberal was doing that this board would be calling for a banning. On top of that, he claims he hates Trump yet screams his exact message out repeatedly. Fraud


I see liberal news and cartoons and clips on here all the time.


It can be frustrating but free speech means free speech to me.




I don't doubt there is widespread Voter Fraud, but quantifying it to EVERYONE'S satisfaction is impossible.


So getting non-Trump states to declare they wouldn't participate for a billion $$ is good for his platform.

Edited by row_33
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No, because "separation of powers:" states have an unfettered right to manage their own electoral process without interference from the federal government.


Frankly, no one knows how widespread voter fraud is, because it hasn't been accurately studied or quantified. An independent, national, non-partisan commission on the subject is an excellent idea...which, notably, the White House's idea isn't.

There's also no way of knowing who committed any fraud. It could as easily be an equal number on both sides.


Frump won the EC. Time to move on and be (and act like) a pres.


It is time to figure out how to keep the Ruskies from interfering again.


I see liberal news and cartoons and clips on here all the time.


It can be frustrating but free speech means free speech to me.




I don't doubt there is widespread Voter Fraud, but quantifying it to EVERYONE'S satisfaction is impossible.


So getting non-Trump states to declare they wouldn't participate for a billion $$ is good for his platform.

What of the Trump states? That can not be good for his platform.


Again the majority of the 44 states have to be Republican led states.

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There's also no way of knowing who committed any fraud. It could as easily be an equal number on both sides.


Frump won the EC. Time to move on and be (and act like) a pres.


It is time to figure out how to keep the Ruskies from interfering again.

What of the Trump states? That can not be good for his platform.


Again the majority of the 44 states have to be Republican led states.


The assumption is that the vast majority of illegal votes are going to come from California and New York City.


You have missed this somehow, or you are being ironic or duplicious?


edit: vast majority as in 99% of the illegal votes....

Edited by row_33
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There's also no way of knowing who committed any fraud. It could as easily be an equal number on both sides.


Frump won the EC. Time to move on and be (and act like) a pres.


It could. That's why I believe there needs to be a true study of it.


I'm not thinking about just 2016. "Election fraud" is a constant issue brought up in every election, by people desperate to justify their own point of view.



It is time to figure out how to keep the Ruskies from interfering again.


Teach the DNC to secure their email servers. Problem solved.

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key word assumption.


Question: if the US made use of a voter ID mandatory, and established a way for every person born in this country to get an ID at no cost to them, and in fact even provided national outreach centers to eliminate any objection that can be raised, would you be okay with a mandatory Voter ID law?

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Question: if the US made use of a voter ID mandatory, and established a way for every person born in this country to get an ID at no cost to them, and in fact even provided national outreach centers to eliminate any objection that can be raised, would you be okay with a mandatory Voter ID law?


Of course not. The individual right to vote is more important than the integrity of the vote. Unless the Russians are involved.


The Democratic position on voting never ceases to amaze me: "Your right to vote is so important, we will do everything in our power to protect that right...while simultaneously doing everything we can to cheapen its value!"

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Question: if the US made use of a voter ID mandatory, and established a way for every person born in this country to get an ID at no cost to them, and in fact even provided national outreach centers to eliminate any objection that can be raised, would you be okay with a mandatory Voter ID law?


In that scenario, yes.

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44 states have said no.


How many blue stares are there?


10 to 15 at the most? Why are the 29 to 34 other Red states telling him to back off?


Because his Voter Fraud Claim is Fraudulent.


Well, the Republicans believe in a more decentralized government so it makes even more sense for them to refuse to participate. The GOP governors will oppose Trump when they think he's wrong as it won't hurt them as much politically as GOP Congressman and Senators.

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Question: if the US made use of a voter ID mandatory, and established a way for every person born in this country to get an ID at no cost to them, and in fact even provided national outreach centers to eliminate any objection that can be raised, would you be okay with a mandatory Voter ID law?


The NY enhanced driver license or ID is proof of citizenship. I would be ok with showing that to vote. I need it to cross over to Canada.

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Try reading something instead of pure alt right "news" and you will learn the Russians were guilty of more than email crimes

Please. Enough with the Russia stuff. I don't think that Russia caused the Democrats to lose over 1,000 seats on a local and national level over the last 8 years.

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Please. Enough with the Russia stuff. I don't think that Russia caused the Democrats to lose over 1,000 seats on a local and national level over the last 8 years.

This is absolutely true. The Dems became an arrogant, out of touch bunch with a crap ground game to boot. They've got work to do in key areas around the country. Especially on local levels, where it all starts.


The "Russia stuff" is not going away, either. It's a legitimate threat and needs to be reckoned with moving forward. It is not a partisan problem and both parties would do well to remember that, which I think they do when some in them aren't making political hay out of the issue.

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Question: if the US made use of a voter ID mandatory, and established a way for every person born in this country to get an ID at no cost to them, and in fact even provided national outreach centers to eliminate any objection that can be raised, would you be okay with a mandatory Voter ID law?


It's beyond idiotic that we don't have this. For the people who say it's too hard, enact this now and enforce it in 4 years...with the sign up available at every polling place. If you haven't gotten the memo in the media and after 4 elections, too bad. And sure, license can be the backup document.



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It could. That's why I believe there needs to be a true study of it.


I'm not thinking about just 2016. "Election fraud" is a constant issue brought up in every election, by people desperate to justify their own point of view.




Teach the DNC to secure their email servers. Problem solved.

Agreed. A point of argument is that both sides have been guilty of it.


Question: if the US made use of a voter ID mandatory, and established a way for every person born in this country to get an ID at no cost to them, and in fact even provided national outreach centers to eliminate any objection that can be raised, would you be okay with a mandatory Voter ID law?

Fraud is Fraud. If people want to commit fraud they will. If "people" want to hack into the US Voting system they will.


I might consider it as long as they only want a Valid ID issued by a DMV or (police ID like I had in the late 70's) and my current address and nothing else, along with making it a national paid day off from any type of work (half day for service workers, we all need coffee and donuts) and increase the polling stations to equal the voting population.


Have you ever been in a line that was so long it took 3 hours to vote?


Edited for those not able to comprehend


mandatory Voter ID laws are only good if every one registered via the mandatory Voter ID law gets to vote.

Edited by ShadyBillsFan
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Please. Enough with the Russia stuff. I don't think that Russia caused the Democrats to lose over 1,000 seats on a local and national level over the last 8 years.


Another country hacks into our voter registration information, steals information, spreads propaganda and openly supports a candidate and you say stop fretting about it? Who's side are you on?


And the thousand seats lost by the Dems should just make everyone forget we were attacked?

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Agreed. A point of argument is that both sides have been guilty of it.

Fraud is Fraud. If people want to commit fraud they will. If "people" want to hack into the US Voting system they will.


I might consider it as long as they only want a Valid ID issued by a DMV or (police ID like I had in the late 70's) and my current address and nothing else, along with making it a national paid day off from any type of work (half day for service workers, we all need coffee and donuts) and increase the polling stations to equal the voting population.


Have you ever been in a line that was so long it took 3 hours to vote? mandatory Voter ID laws are only good if every one registered does vote.

How do you figure that?

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