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Is this fake news ?


US Air Force to quit Incirlik, move to Syria base
Several US engineering teams are working round the clock to build a big new air base in northern Syria after completing the expansion of another four. They are all situated in the Syrian borderland with Iraq, DEBKAfile’s military forces report.


Debka is notoriously a dis-info site. take everything from them with a large grain of salt.

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Is this fake news ?


US Air Force to quit Incirlik, move to Syria base
Several US engineering teams are working round the clock to build a big new air base in northern Syria after completing the expansion of another four. They are all situated in the Syrian borderland with Iraq, DEBKAfile’s military forces report.



Yes, it's fake news.


I've read and watched a lot of her stuff and I think this is really off base. She's unapologetically blunt, but she usually makes strong points and supports them.








Assad is one of the least bad leaders in the entire Middle East. He’s not a murderous thug like Saddam, has no rape rooms, isn’t into jihad, protects Christians and is fighting ISIS. He provided us with intelligence on al-Qaida after 9/11. He does not have crazy Islamic police slapping women around or throwing gays off buildings. (That would be our beloved ally, Saudi Arabia.)

Trump was also correct about Assad’s opponents being far worse, containing large helpings of both ISIS and al-Qaida.



It was February 1982, but the parallels to Syria today are striking. During that bloody month nearly 30 years ago, Syrian Muslim Brotherhood members rose up in the city, killing hundreds of troops loyal to the Alawi-led regime of President Hafez al-Assad. In response, Assad conducted one of the most chilling acts of retribution in the modern Middle East: Forces under the command of his brother, Rifaat, leveled entire neighborhoods of the city, killing an estimated 20,000 people.

Like father like son

Posted (edited)


Thanks for a link to a more accurate site.


I'm being conditioned to not believe anything anymore, maybe this next story is true, maybe not



US intelligence intercepted communications between Syrian military and chemical experts
By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent
Updated 10:46 PM ET, Wed April 12, 2017
(CNN)The US military and intelligence community has intercepted communications featuring Syrian military and chemical experts talking about preparations for the sarin attack in Idlib last week, a senior US official tells CNN.
The intercepts were part of an immediate review of all intelligence in the hours after the attack to confirm responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in an attack in northwestern Syria, which killed at least 70 people. US officials have said that there is "no doubt" that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the attack.
Edited by ALF



Thanks for a link to a more accurate site.


I'm being conditioned to not believe anything anymore, maybe this next story is true, maybe not



US intelligence intercepted communications between Syrian military and chemical experts


By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent

Updated 10:46 PM ET, Wed April 12, 2017


(CNN)The US military and intelligence community has intercepted communications featuring Syrian military and chemical experts talking about preparations for the sarin attack in Idlib last week, a senior US official tells CNN.


The intercepts were part of an immediate review of all intelligence in the hours after the attack to confirm responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in an attack in northwestern Syria, which killed at least 70 people. US officials have said that there is "no doubt" that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the attack.



member the last time the IC told the Pres that a country had weapons of mass destruction and Chem weapons? I


I member. And pepperridge farms members.


This is not gonna be good

Posted (edited)

Repealing Obamacare doesn't mean endorsing Barrycare lite. Never said it would or could happen overnight. Never said he could defeat ISIS all at once. Did I even mention ISIS? My point was he said he didn't want to get involved in war. Within two months he did. He said he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare. Not reinstall the same thing. So what's the definition "alt-right" . Does it mean you don't want to be involved in war everywhere killing innocent people? Sign me up and you pretentious azzholes like you and meazza can sit behind the keyboard and ask other kids to go fight an murder people around the globe. What will you call yourselves? Caps Lock-Neo Con's? Maybe Cap Locks-****'s is more appropriate.


Spare me your bull ****. No one said to go to war. And if you are so concerned about the deaths of innocent people then why not care about the innocent people being killed indiscriminately in Syria? With the mentality you hold you would have allowed Nazi Germany to run through all of Europe.


And the U.S didn't go to war, dipstick. What they purportedly did was A) send a message and B) take out some of their chemical weapon capabilities.


And in regards to "barrycare" lite, that's fine. Rather than get 75% of what "conservatives" wanted, now you are going to see Trump drop his loser nationalist buddies that you love and essentially give the the Freedom caucus a strong message that you either compromise on a package or he'll attempt to go with the Democrats and get a deal.


And what many of you yahoo's don't seem to get is that Trump is about the least ideological person we've seen become president in our life time. He sold you all a bill of goods, he lied to you all and you all ate it right up, because that's how gullible some of you are. All he cares about is getting things done, whether it is of a leftist, righty or centrist ideology he just wants to get a deal done. So if he has to get a healthcare deal or tax reform package with lots of democrats and very few nationalists or staunch conservatives, he'll try to do that.


Will he be successful? Who knows? But he wants a deal. Now that Bannon is being reduced to a minimal role and Flynn being out, he's starting to gain more support again. And now we are seeing Cohn, Dina Powell, Kushner, Ivanka and the generals starting to take more control, you are seeing a more normalized and centrist sort of policy. That's where I believe his sweet spot will be.

Edited by Magox

Not sure if the is the correct place, but we just dropped the Mother Of All Bombs on Afganistan.




A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), nicknamed the "mother of all bombs,"



You know they named it "mother of all bombs" first, then retrofit the official name to the acronym.


God, I love the Pentagon. They actually have people who's job it is to take an acronym and come up with a name that fits it




You know they named it "mother of all bombs" first, then retrofit the official name to the acronym.


God, I love the Pentagon. They actually have people who's job it is to take an acronym and come up with a name that fits it

Is that true? Usually it goes the opposite way. The CIA actually funded the tunnels and bunkers during the 80's Afghan/Soviet war this MOAB apparently just took out.


Is that true? Usually it goes the opposite way. The CIA actually funded the tunnels and bunkers during the 80's Afghan/Soviet war this MOAB apparently just took out.

I am curious to see if it blew the tunnels up or not. Goodness knows we tried like heck to blow them up in Viet Nam without much success.


Is that true? Usually it goes the opposite way. The CIA actually funded the tunnels and bunkers during the 80's Afghan/Soviet war this MOAB apparently just took out.


"Massive Ordinance Air Blast" is not a sensible name for anything. When the name's grammatically nonsensical, it's usually contrived.


I would take any reports that the CIA funded those tunnels with a grain of salt. CIA support usually tended towards the more material side; Saudis were more likely to fund more infrastructure (since it was Saudi construction companies like Osama bin Laden's doing the building). But it all ended up being funneled through the the Pakistani ISI, or Iran, or other third- or fourth-parties, so who knows? The CIA probably couldn't even tell you for sure.


I am curious to see if it blew the tunnels up or not. Goodness knows we tried like heck to blow them up in Viet Nam without much success.


It didn't. The MOAB's a great big demolition charge, not a penetrator. It doesn't really destroy caves, as much as push a pressure wave into them and crush everything inside. It also has thermobaric properties - meaning if you detonate one at the mouth of a cave, it'll suck all the air out and suffocate everyone inside - but it's not the most ideal weapon for that purpose. (It'll work, but the USAF has bombs specifically designed for that purpose.)



They're called the DC Toms - they suck all the air out of the room.



I had to explain to my wife why I'm laughing so hard. She wants me to tell you: good job.

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