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Have we sent in Nick Cage yet?


Is he going to uncover the CIA counterintelligence operation?

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Read up on the 2013 chemical attacks that resulted in the now infamous red line.


It wasn't the Syrian army who unleashed that attack. It was the western backed rebels...




ty for that. it was fascinating


so it looks like mr hersh is pinning that first gas attack on turkey. so they wanted to pull an iran and install a proxy in syria and tried to goad obama into helping them by destroying much of assads war mechanism


idk how true it is but a fascinating read


thats one of the big problems, we never know what is true and what isnt. this explanation certainly seems plausible, so do other competing explanations


glad im not president



glad im not president


You're not the only one. :P


As a general rule, I'm very skeptical of reporters or elected officials. I've seen too many situations that I've had first-hand knowledge of be misrepresented by reporters and politicians with an axe to grind. But I trust the operators - the people that actually do the work - as I've known more than a few, and most of them have high standards of integrity and do work where bull **** is dangerous if not deadly.


thats one of the big problems, we never know what is true and what isnt. this explanation certainly seems plausible, so do other competing explanations


glad im not president


Why would it seem plausible? Because a conspiracy theorist who believes everything he watches on Homeland is true posted it?


well turkey is a mortal enemy of iran and i can imagine they are sick and tired of watching iran successfully orchestrate wars by proxy against those they consider their brethren


of course that would also mean turkey would have been intentionally gassing those same brethren which makes it harder to believe but certainly not impossible


ugh. stuff like this where gubmints use ppls lives as political tools disgust me. thats why i dont pay more attention to it, id rather not have mans inhumanity towards man shoved in my face. but it is admitted fascinating when i can get past the immorality of it all


well turkey is a mortal enemy of iran


Quite the opposite, actually. Except for the 15 years after the Iranian Revolution (when no one was Iran's friend,) they're pretty chummy with each other.




ugh. stuff like this where gubmints use ppls lives as political tools disgust me. thats why i dont pay more attention to it, id rather not have mans inhumanity towards man shoved in my face. but it is admitted fascinating when i can get past the immorality of it all


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is that good men to do nothing."


true but we cant fight every battle. ive chosen our perpetually broken race issues as my cause to focus on. im glad there are others keeping better track of international conflicts


Quite the opposite, actually. Except for the 15 years after the Iranian Revolution (when no one was Iran's friend,) they're pretty chummy with each other.


i thought turkey was sunni and iran was shia? arent they usually on opposite sides of whatever warring is going on in the middle east?

its been at least a dozen years since i picked up a book on middle east politics. i was going by memory, which was probably a mistake considering all the drugs im on now



I haven't seen Homeland since season 2. ;)


Is that why this season's plot mirrors your posts over the past year


true but we cant fight every battle. ive chosen our perpetually broken race issues as my cause to focus on. im glad there are others keeping better track of international conflicts


i thought turkey was sunni and iran was shia? arent they usually on opposite sides of whatever warring is going on in the middle east?

its been at least a dozen years since i picked up a book on middle east politics. i was going by memory, which was probably a mistake considering all the drugs im on now


They are...but they're also Turkic and Persian (as opposed to Arab), and both fighting Kurdish insurgencies while supporting Kurdish insurgencies, and both friendly with Israel when they forget they don't support Israel. But a dozen years ago, you would have been more correct.


It's usually safe to assume anything you believe about Middle Eastern politics is probably wrong, including your assumption that it's wrong. "Countries" in the Middle East don't have "alliances," tribes and ethnic groups have interests. And the tribes and ethnic groups don't recognize borders. And the interests change regularly.



Is that why this season's plot mirrors your posts over the past year


I'm being straight up, haven't watched since Brody was killed -- that might have been season 3. I'm at least 2 seasons behind.


If it mirrors what I've been posting, there's another more obvious explanation. Especially considering the line of work I'm in.


true but we cant fight every battle. ive chosen our perpetually broken race issues as my cause to focus on.


Not to hijack, or become a cliche of myself, but have you considered that one is related to the other in very deliberate ways? Keeping a narrow focus might be playing into the hands of the folks who benefit from continued division and tribalism within the general population. That might even help better understand why said division and tribalism is pushed on us constantly from nearly every angle.


Distract and divide, better yet, distract by dividing. Those have been the tools of tyrants throughout history.



I'm being straight up, haven't watched since Brody was killed -- that might have been season 3. I'm at least 2 seasons behind.


If it mirrors what I've been posting, there's another more obvious explanation. Especially considering the line of work I'm in.

If you're not Saul, you must put words in his mouth.



It's usually safe to assume anything you believe about Middle Eastern politics is probably wrong, including your assumption that it's wrong. "Countries" in the Middle East don't have "alliances," tribes and ethnic groups have interests. And the tribes and ethnic groups don't recognize borders. And the interests change regularly.


well that i do know. not to diminish middle easterners but their lifestyles and politics seem primitive, at least to someone like me who has never actually traveled there. they have large portions of their populations that appear to view actual war almost like we view professional sports, like it was their pastime. theres good ppl everywhere but ive always had problems relating to arabs


its not the same as traveling but when i was in technology consulting i hired a ton of foreigners and i liked to try to get to know them as ppl. of course some of them it was a lot harder to do than with others, some i became friends with, some i never came close. i hate to say it but the arabs i always found a bit shady, like you could never tell if they were telling you the truth or just placating you until they found a way to exploit you. im not proud to say i had trouble trusting the arabs, despite my best efforts. i dont mean that offensively, it was just true. i had one iranian who told me harrowing stories about how he had to pay a fortune to hide his family in a false van bottom to get across the border. he was an awesome person, very kind. i had an egyptian woman i inherited who was very bossy, very difficult to reason with, very convoluted logic and we differed quite a bit on strategy. i had one russian who used to work in the KGB IT department who said he was rich in russia and had to give it all up to get his family to america. hired tons of indians and generally had no problem with relating to them


i guess my point is its kinda funny how someone like me who tries to give everyone a chance never found much synergy with arabs. idk if that was just bad luck or something cultural


Not to hijack, or become a cliche of myself, but have you considered that one is related to the other in very deliberate ways? Keeping a narrow focus might be playing into the hands of the folks who benefit from continued division and tribalism within the general population. That might even help better understand why said division and tribalism is pushed on us constantly from nearly every angle.



thats a great point. i sort of ended up interested in race issues simply bc i was raised in the church where racial harmony was completely normal so the rest of the world seemed alien to me in that regard when i became old enough to see it. i set about to understand the american race issues and mostly ignored world issues until i was about forty. i probably would have gained some insight had i tried harder to understand world conflicts at an earlier age


if i had it to do all over again i would forget about chasing money via a computer consulting career and focused more professionally on the cultural issues. probably too late for that now



Is this fake news ?


US Air Force to quit Incirlik, move to Syria base
Several US engineering teams are working round the clock to build a big new air base in northern Syria after completing the expansion of another four. They are all situated in the Syrian borderland with Iraq, DEBKAfile’s military forces report.



" DEBKAfile's Military forces". That's their sourcing?

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