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Back in 2007 when he was a Senator from Illinois Obama, in cahoots with Tony Rezko bought a house. The media reported on the story and this is pretty much what they all said:


"Rezko's behind-the-scenes connection in the Obama house deal became public as Rezko revealed personal financial details as he sought to post bail.

While Rezko's wife paid the full asking price for the land, Obama paid $300,000 under the asking price for the house. The house sold for $1,650,000 and the price Rezko's wife paid for the land was $625,000.

Obama denies there was anything unusual about the price disparity. He says the price on the house was dropped because it had been on the market for some time but that the price for the adjacent land remained high because there was another offer.

Obama then expanded his property by buying a strip of the Rezko land for $104,5000, which the senator maintains was a fair market price."


Back at the time it seemed suspicious to me that Obama would only buy a strip of the property next door. I checked into the zoning and the setbacks for that area and soon realized what Obama had pulled off. The lot was 60' wide which was the minimum requirements to build. Obama purchased 10' of the vacant land rendering it useless to anyone other than a neighbor. Rezko's wife had paid $625,000 for a lot 60' wide and sold 1/6 of it for 1/6 of the price. On paper it seems harmless but in reality Obama got a payoff from a soon to be convicted felon of $520,500.


I wonder if Obama filed this gift on his income taxes?

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Was THIS thread really necessary? You're going to try getting into a pissing contest with meathead over who's the bigger retard now? Bad news...even if you win, you still lose.

  On 4/5/2017 at 8:31 PM, DC Tom said:

Was THIS thread really necessary? You're going to try getting into a pissing contest with meathead over who's the bigger retard now? Bad news...even if you win, you still lose.

No, I hinted at this situation in another thread and was going to edit that thread to include this, but then decided that this might receive more attention in its own thread. I don't expect a pissing contest with Meathead because he didn't like Obama either. Go practice your dickery on those that truly deserve it.


Obama was a good man, gave a great speech, gave extra hope to people.


Even though I disagreed with most of his 50/50 decisions, he gets respect.

  On 4/7/2017 at 4:22 PM, Meathead said:

trouble in abuse paradise?

Not at all. I give Tom the respect he deserves, just like I give you the respect you deserve.

  On 4/7/2017 at 4:22 PM, Meathead said:


trouble in abuse paradise?


Abuse paradise - I like that. You might appreciate this, if you've never seen it. The whole thing is great, but the first minute & fifteen seconds is most relevant:


  On 4/7/2017 at 9:13 PM, frostbitmic said:

Dishonest former President ?


Could you clarify, or better yet inform us on who was the last honest President ?

I pointed out a specific misdeed by Obama in which he gained significant monetary benefit, in an underhanded way, in a deal with a criminal. To answer your question, I don't know if he was the last one but "Honest Abe" comes to mind


i thought obama was generally honest, which made his whopper about keeping your doctor all the more disturbing. i think all presidents have to lie sometimes bc the job is so complicated. but he did a grave disservice to himself and the country by telling such an openly obvious lie about his health care plan. we all know why he did it, to generate support for it, but it was so easily debunked (immediately by some of us, eventually by all of us) that it hurt his credibility


don, otoh, lies like its his job. or perhaps even worse, he might actually believe the garbage he profusely unloads on a regular basis. don obviously lives in a different world not tied down by facts or rational observation


as we sit here and wait for this irrefutable evidence of assads fingerprints on the chemical attack i cant help but wonder if don has done it again. if they can indeed link assad directly to the chemical use then i would say the missile strike was a necessary and good idea simply to provide a psychological limiter to assads power. if this was a rash impetuous decision by don, well that would be utterly disastrous. im assuming, btw, that the evidence is sound. but i recall assuming no president would ever invade a country without evidence of yellowcake acquisition by saddam being sound as well, so my own naivety on that assumption keeps me from being as confident this time around

  On 4/7/2017 at 9:40 PM, Meathead said:

i thought obama was generally honest, which made his whopper about keeping your doctor all the more disturbing. i think all presidents have to lie sometimes bc the job is so complicated. but he did a grave disservice to himself and the country by telling such an openly obvious lie about his health care plan. we all know why he did it, to generate support for it, but it was so easily debunked (immediately by some of us, eventually by all of us) that it hurt his credibility


don, otoh, lies like its his job. or perhaps even worse, he might actually believe the garbage he profusely unloads on a regular basis. don obviously lives in a different world not tied down by facts or rational observation


as we sit here and wait for this irrefutable evidence of assads fingerprints on the chemical attack i cant help but wonder if don has done it again. if they can indeed link assad directly to the chemical use then i would say the missile strike was a necessary and good idea simply to provide a psychological limiter to assads power. if this was a rash impetuous decision by don, well that would be utterly disastrous. im assuming, btw, that the evidence is sound. but i recall assuming no president would ever invade a country without evidence of yellowcake acquisition by saddam being sound as well, so my own naivety on that assumption keeps me from being as confident this time around

Wrong thread. Hijackers are frowned upon here.


lmao. ive always been amazed how anal this site is about jamming everything into similar threads like some kind of obsessive compulsive fixation


so we are talking about truthfulness and i add in the truthfulness question about one of the most dramatic events weve had in years with the dons missile strike, and somehow thats hijacking?


if anyone ever wonders why i generally ignore your arcane rules regarding posting this would be exhibit a

  On 4/7/2017 at 9:59 PM, Meathead said:

lmao. ive always been amazed how anal this site is about jamming everything into similar threads like some kind of obsessive compulsive fixation


so we are talking about truthfulness and i add in the truthfulness question about one of the most dramatic events weve had in years with the dons missile strike, and somehow thats hijacking?


if anyone ever wonders why i generally ignore your arcane rules regarding posting this would be exhibit a

Just recently we had 3 different threads dealing with healthcare. One of them was named "Venezuela Falls Into Dictatorship". It obviously was hijacked. Furthermore you decided to make this thread about truthfulness when it was started to show the criminality of Obama. Don't turn this into a pissing contest and make Tom right.


Washington Post Gives Obama ‘Four Pinocchios’ for False VA Claim

by Cameron Cawthorne


The Washington Post fact checker team gave President Obama "Four Pinocchios" for claiming that his administration fired "a whole bunch of people" who were in charge of facilities at the Department of Veterans Affairs since the VA scandal began in 2014, determining that the statement was completely false.

  On 4/9/2017 at 2:09 PM, Beef Jerky said:

Tell em one president that wasn't dishonest... They all are.


Stop hijacking this thread...this is all about OBAMA and his general stinkiness....I am frowning upon you...and others soon will be too...

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/25/2017 at 12:33 AM, 4merper4mer said:

From your link:


When President Barack Obama announced the “one-time gesture” of releasing Iranian-born prisoners who “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses” last year, his administration presented the move as a modest trade-off for the greater good of the Iran nuclear agreement and Tehran’s pledge to free five Americans.

“Iran had a significantly higher number of individuals, of course, at the beginning of this negotiation that they would have liked to have seen released,” one senior Obama administration official told reporters in a background briefing arranged by the White House, adding that “we were able to winnow that down to these he senior official and other administration representatives weren’t telling the whole story on Jan. 17, 2016, in their highly choreographed rollout of the prisoner swap and simultaneous implementation of the six-party nuclear deal, according to a POLITICO investigation.

In his Sunday morning address to the American people, Obama portrayed the seven men he freed as “civilians.” The senior official described them as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security. Three allegedly were part of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for $10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from Tehran.

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