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Dem Castro: Multiple Trump associates 'probably go to jail'

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Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas, a Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday that he wouldn't be surprised if the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election led to the imprisonment of multiple associates of President Donald Trump.

Castro made the stunning comment after Blitzer asked him whether he had seen any "hard evidence" that Trump associates had worked to collude with Russian government officials in any way.

Castro did not directly answer that question but offered his "impression."

"I guess I would say this — that my impression is ... I wouldn't be surprised after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail," Castro said.

A somewhat surprised Blitzer asked, "Really?" He subsequently asked Castro how high his "suspicion" went.

"That is yet to be determined," Castro responded, adding he could not divulge any additional information at the time.

"If I was betting, I would say yes," he continued. "My impression is that people will probably be charged, and I think people will probably go to jail."




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This way is fine - now we have a thread in which we can focus on the utter foolishness of at least one of Castro brothers.


There's no doubt about it: Hillary is the best person to be our 45th president. Hillary has always been a tireless advocate for working families - shes never ceased to make sure everybody has a fair shot at achieving the American Dream.


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i considered putting in another thread but the forum was a little dead and figured some new juice would liven it up


deal wid it

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You're an idiot.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.9.

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I put this in the file with "Romney didn't pay any taxes" and caused a woman to die from cancer.


Not one shred of evidence showing Trump campaign collusion with the Russians. What I think we are going to find is that the Obama administration set this all up by using the NSA to spy on their political opponents via of the backdoor. Susan Rice then unmasked the Trump associates names and changed the rules in order to widely disseminate those conversations and allow it to be leaked to the press. There are way to many people involved to ever find out who leaked the info. Obama wanted to continue to have relevance in DC but he knew he couldn't with a strong Trump presidency, thus he wanted to weaken Trump right out of the gate. This is typical Obama m.o.

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Louis C.K.: Trump is 'a gross, crook, dirty, rotten, lying sack of s---'


Louis C.K. made headlines last year after he sent an email disparaging then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and calling him "Hitler."
C.K. further explained that he didn't realize how many people would receive the email and was shocked at the media coverage of the email, concluding, "That's not what I do for a living. That's not what I'm trying to accomplish."
The comedian then told Colbert how he thinks differently about Trump since that email last year.
"Right now, I guess he's not as profound as I thought he was," C.K. said. "I thought he was some new kind of evil, but he's just a lying sack of s---. It's just simple. It's simpler than I thought."
C.K. broke down the type of "liar" he thinks Trump is.
"Like there's liars. Sometimes people lie. That guy lied. They found out that he lied. Then, there's someone who lies once in a while, can't quite stay in the boundaries of truth, somebody who lies sometimes. Then you have a liar, who somebody who's almost like it's a problem. They can't help it. They lie a lot. Then you have just a lying sack of s---. And that's just somebody who's just ughhhh... They just lie. They like it. He likes it. He goes, 'It wasn't even true. And then I said they were liars,'" the comedian said.
"It's just gross. He's just a gross, crook, dirty, rotten, lying sack of s---," he added, to thunderous applause from Colbert's audience.
thats a good way to describe the trump presidency: gross
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Pretty irresponsible thing to say in the middle of an investigation. Nunes got crucified for doing something similar. I still think nothing comes out of all this on either side with the exception that Flynn may get a slap in the wrist.

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And it's no coincidence that Joaquin's brother, Julio Castro, is connected through the "partnership for a New American Economy" to none other than the puppetmaster himself...Michael Bloomberg.


Drip, drip, drip...

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Pretty irresponsible thing to say in the middle of an investigation. Nunes got crucified for doing something similar. I still think nothing comes out of all this on either side with the exception that Flynn may get a slap in the wrist.

I too suspect that this will be a long drawn out cat/mud fight resulting in nothing really, ... Unless they find the blue dress.

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