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McDermott Wakes at 5 AM for MMA Exercise

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You've gotta love the commitment so many people on here have to being miserable that they actually manufacture reasons to be negative about this innocuous bit of info. I swear, they could report that coach plays with his kids and is a family man and one of you guys would complain that he's not in the office watching tape within the first five responses.

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Drinking game. Everytime McDermott says "we know what they bring to the table" you drink. It's his "obviously" or "and stuff like that"

Like Doug Whaley with his "I look at it this way".


But if you drank every time Whaley said that during his interviews, you'd probably get alcohol poisoning...

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I hated the Rex hire from day one and knew that it was a disaster waiting to happen - which it was. With McDermott, I have no idea how it will turn out, but I am cautiously optimistic based on what I have seen so far. He seems to have the right experience as a coordinator with two successful franchises and the right discipline and work ethic to be successful. If he has a good scheme and the players buy in to what he is doing, there is a good chance for success.

This is exactly where I am. I am not wowed by McDermott's wrestling or his MMA but he is just much more my sort of coach and my sort of person. When I was a young soccer coach I actually coached under a Rex Ryan type who thought he could screw the detail because people would just buy whatever he sold. I can't stand those sorts of people. Give me the guy who understands that the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary every day of every week.

Edited by GunnerBill
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I wake up at 3:30am and walk around my developmint, make oatmeal and watch weather channel before you even get up. So maybe you should get up earlier because I get the worm son.


I supposed you would probably need a developmint after eating a worm at 3:30 in the morning. Blech.

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You've gotta love the commitment so many people on here have to being miserable that they actually manufacture reasons to be negative about this innocuous bit of info. I swear, they could report that coach plays with his kids and is a family man and one of you guys would complain that he's not in the office watching tape within the first five responses.

Seriously lol

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I`m 58 with numerous injuries, Still do 400 push ups 60 pull-ups ,chin ups 5 sets of bench presses last set 220 4 times 120 curls preacher and hammer. 100 tri-cep pull downs 100 tri cep ext and 240 inny and outy band exercises for my blown out shoulders. Max bench 285 . I weigh 178. Old South Buff boy roots I have lived here in Pa for 41 years.

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I`m 58 with numerous injuries, Still do 400 push ups 60 pull-ups ,chin ups 5 sets of bench presses last set 220 4 times 120 curls preacher and hammer. 100 tri-cep pull downs 100 tri cep ext and 240 inny and outy band exercises for my blown out shoulders. Max bench 285 . I weigh 178. Old South Buff boy roots I have lived here in Pa for 41 years.

does it take you a month to do all that? :w00t:

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