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Resolved: The Electoral College is Obsolete

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Au contraire. While it isn't fair to join the debate we bystanders have every right to make smarmy and/or snarky comments and ridicule the contestants. This is still PPP, you know.


People who chime in on an existing dialogue with an opening statement declaring their not having read anything else in the thread, are worthy of every criticism they receive. If they exacerbate their error by claiming that they "won" (see below), then they become worthy of ridicule.


idk whats going on with your special debate rules but im pretty sure i won


You're right - you don't have any idea what's going on. Nothing new there.


Snafu q3 & 4 based on effort of argument and contextual ability to debate it, strength of schedule was difficult


snafu has done as well as he can - admirably so if you ask me, but he's pitted against both constitutionality and Teletubbie butt porn. That's a lock for Nanker as far as I'm concerned.

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snafu has done as well as he can - admirably so if you ask me, but he's pitted against both constitutionality and Teletubbie butt porn. That's a lock for Nanker as far as I'm concerned.


I'd filibuster...but even Chuck Schumer knows you can't filibuster Teletubbie butt porn.

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lmao. you guys are epic ass holes.



People who chime in on an existing dialogue with an opening statement declaring their not having read anything else in the thread, are worthy of every criticism they receive. If they exacerbate their error by claiming that they "won" (see below), then they become worthy of ridicule.






is that all it takes?


id just like to say thank god ppl like you are here to set the rules for everybody. what would be possibly do if we didnt know the parameters of how to be an epic ass hole?


we all owe you a debt of gratitude. without you, ppl might make the mistake of being civil and honest. and what would this world be if we didnt have an abundance of total dicks to make everybody miserable fks like we have in this forum?


look around and see what youve created and be proud

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lmao. you guys are epic ass holes.





is that all it takes?


id just like to say thank god ppl like you are here to set the rules for everybody. what would be possibly do if we didnt know the parameters of how to be an epic ass hole?


we all owe you a debt of gratitude. without you, ppl might make the mistake of being civil and honest. and what would this world be if we didnt have an abundance of total dicks to make everybody miserable fks like we have in this forum?


look around and see what youve created and be proud

Did you hear that woooshing sound? That was this thread going right over your head.

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lmao. you guys are epic ass holes.





is that all it takes?


id just like to say thank god ppl like you are here to set the rules for everybody. what would be possibly do if we didnt know the parameters of how to be an epic ass hole?


we all owe you a debt of gratitude. without you, ppl might make the mistake of being civil and honest. and what would this world be if we didnt have an abundance of total dicks to make everybody miserable fks like we have in this forum?


look around and see what youve created and be proud

how you act and react is incumbent upon you. placing blame elsewhere is not only irrelevant but also a futile exercise.

Edited by Foxx
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oh i realize its futile


but once in a while good ppl need to stand up and point out who the ass holes are


political forums always draw the dumb, abusive and partisan. but if you ever want to accomplish anything real you have to occasionally remind everyone that being a dick for the sake of being a dick doesnt move the discussion forward

i dont like most of the established posters here and they dont like me. thats par for the course in these environments. but you cant just let the ass holes go indefinitely without a push back or they will drive off quality posters

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oh i realize its futile


but once in a while good ppl need to stand up and point out who the ass holes are


political forums always draw the dumb, abusive and partisan. but if you ever want to accomplish anything real you have to occasionally remind everyone that being a dick for the sake of being a dick doesnt move the discussion forward

i dont like most of the established posters here and they dont like me. thats par for the course in these environments. but you cant just let the ass holes go indefinitely without a push back or they will drive off quality posters

Fortunately that doesn't include you. Don't you realize that you tried to bring substantive conversation into a formal, structured debate contest and did so by not reading the whole thread which might have allowed you to understand what was going on? You truly need to get off your soapbox and quit being the real asswhole here.

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If this thread doesn't define "SNAFU" I don't know what does. Should have showed everyone a "Private SNAFU" instructional first... Hey! That's another "Private!"


"Situation Normal All Fouled/***ed Up"



Fortunately that doesn't include you. Don't you realize that you tried to bring substantive conversation into a formal, structured debate contest and did so by not reading the whole thread which might have allowed you to understand what was going on? You truly need to get off your soapbox and quit being the real asswhole here.

Yeah. What a meathead.


Can we declare a mistrial? :-/

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I'd filibuster...but even Chuck Schumer knows you can't filibuster Teletubbie butt porn.




lmao. you guys are epic ass holes.





is that all it takes?


id just like to say thank god ppl like you are here to set the rules for everybody. what would be possibly do if we didnt know the parameters of how to be an epic ass hole?


we all owe you a debt of gratitude. without you, ppl might make the mistake of being civil and honest. and what would this world be if we didnt have an abundance of total dicks to make everybody miserable fks like we have in this forum?


look around and see what youve created and be proud


That you can say any of that without even a hint of embarrassment should be astounding, but we've grown used to this sort of thing from you. How did you develop a sense of self-importance so massive that you can so blithely walk into a conversation, not pay any attention to what's being said, and then make proclamations on the subject?


When you get the inevitable ridicule for doing so, you routinely state that the rest of us are the problem. Your defense for saying something stupid is that the rest of us are a-holes or we're racists or some other such dismissive. Once you drop the pretense that you're intellectualizing and realize that you're simply emoting, then a few more things might become clear to you and you won't find yourself typing so many lmao's.

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Oy frikkin Vey!

Can we just be done with this already.

Vote. I don't care who wins, give it to Nanker -- just vote and relegate this thread to the ashbin.

Its like herding cats.

Edited by snafu
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