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Changes coming to Bills front office?

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I'll weigh in on saying Bills upper management was and remains unhappy with Whaley's lack of clarity during the press conference in what was considered a train-wreck from league-wide NFL people.

It was an absolute embarrassment, and the only reason both Terry and Kim Pegula were made available to the AP and WGR not long after the news conference ended.


I did make a request to speak to both Terry and Kim immediately after the news conference because much clarity was needed.

The fact that Terry called me within 15 minutes of my text was surprising. It was also an indication that the Bills went to Plan B and felt there was need for much clarification after Whaley revealed nothing and raised more question than answers.


It was a low point in Whaley's tenure, and much of it brought upon himself because he declined interview requests throughout the season except to speak briefly on Percy Harvin's signing, during which the questions were strictly limited to Percy.


Any astute manager should know that there was plenty of tension built up over such a lengthy period of time involving a variety of issues -- Rex's future and eventual firing/Lynn's promotion/Tyrod's benching/Tyrod's long-term future that it would take a skilled person to address those issues head on. Instead, we the media and Bills fans by extension were fed a lot of "I'm not privy to that" answers.


Well, if Whaley wasn't privy to these things, then it begged Bucky's question as to what in fact he does.


Whaley was put out there to speak for ownership.

That ownership had to scramble to the rescue reflected poorly on the GM.


No, GMs aren't judged on press conference's alone.

In this case, the exception was the rule, leading to many inside 1BillsDrive to question Whaley's ability.



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I know this basically means nothing as of right now, but if Whaley does end up getting the boot I will be perfectly fine with it. I remember when they had the press conf. with coach McC and Whaley was also there and a reporter asked " who has control of the 53" and Whaley replied that he does. Well, it's kinda looking like coach McD has it.


I don't know for sure but it would not surprise me at all if Whaley and the new coach end up butting heads. Hell has Whaley gotten along with any of the coaches since he has been GM? No with Marone and it didn't seem like he did with Rex either. Anyways, of course all this is just speculation so I will take all these reports with a grain of salt.

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I'll weigh in on saying Bills upper management was and remains unhappy with Whaley's lack of clarity during the press conference in what was considered a train-wreck from league-wide NFL people.

It was an absolute embarrassment, and the only reason both Terry and Kim Pegula were made available to the AP and WGR not long after the news conference ended.


I did make a request to speak to both Terry and Kim immediately after the news conference because much clarity was needed.

The fact that Terry called me within 15 minutes of my text was surprising. It was also an indication that the Bills went to Plan B and felt there was need for much clarification after Whaley revealed nothing and raised more question than answers.


It was a low point in Whaley's tenure, and much of it brought upon himself because he declined interview requests throughout the season except to speak briefly on Percy Harvin's signing, during which the questions were strictly limited to Percy.


Any astute manager should know that there was plenty of tension built up over such a lengthy period of time involving a variety of issues -- Rex's future and eventual firing/Lynn's promotion/Tyrod's benching/Tyrod's long-term future that it would take a skilled person to address those issues head on. Instead, we the media and Bills fans by extension were fed a lot of "I'm not privy to that" answers.


Well, if Whaley wasn't privy to these things, then it begged Bucky's question as to what in fact he does.


Whaley was put out there to speak for ownership.

That ownership had to scramble to the rescue reflected poorly on the GM.


No, GMs aren't judged on press conference's alone.

In this case, the exception was the rule, leading to many inside 1BillsDrive to question Whaley's ability.



Was Scott on his way out before or after that disaster of a presser?

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Was Scott on his way out before or after that disaster of a presser?


The news conference was not Scott's fault.

In fact, Pegula Sports and Entertainment chief spokesman Mark Preisler was also in attendance.

There was very little that could have been done to save Whaley from himself on that day.


Anyone interjecting from the BIlls side would've essentially been throwing fuel on this tire fire, in my opinion.


What's astounding is that I'm told that Whaley was prepped beforehand.



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The news conference was not Scott's fault.

In fact, Pegula Sports and Entertainment chief spokesman Mark Preisler was also in attendance.

There was very little that could have been done to save Whaley from himself on that day.


Anyone interjecting from the BIlls side would've essentially been throwing fuel on this tire fire, in my opinion.


What's astounding is that I'm told that Whaley was prepped beforehand.



I didn't mean to insinuate that. I only meant to ask if that was something that was in the works, or was more of a "someone's gotta go" situation.

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I think incarcerated bob is more accurate that laconfora


Lol, I would rank them about neck and neck. One is just about as bad as the other. Sometimes they will get something right tho but not enough for me to buy into everything that's reported.

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The news conference was not Scott's fault.

In fact, Pegula Sports and Entertainment chief spokesman Mark Preisler was also in attendance.

There was very little that could have been done to save Whaley from himself on that day.


Anyone interjecting from the BIlls side would've essentially been throwing fuel on this tire fire, in my opinion.


What's astounding is that I'm told that Whaley was prepped beforehand.




PM for you JW

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One last thing:

Some people here think I have the answers to everything or that I'm holding back on information.

I have some answers and ideas.

But I refuse to speculate.


To suggest that I'm holding back on Whaley being gone is absolute baloney.

If I have that information, I would most certainly report it.

I don't.



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I'll weigh in on saying Bills upper management was and remains unhappy with Whaley's lack of clarity during the press conference in what was considered a train-wreck from league-wide NFL people.

It was an absolute embarrassment, and the only reason both Terry and Kim Pegula were made available to the AP and WGR not long after the news conference ended.


I did make a request to speak to both Terry and Kim immediately after the news conference because much clarity was needed.

The fact that Terry called me within 15 minutes of my text was surprising. It was also an indication that the Bills went to Plan B and felt there was need for much clarification after Whaley revealed nothing and raised more question than answers.


It was a low point in Whaley's tenure, and much of it brought upon himself because he declined interview requests throughout the season except to speak briefly on Percy Harvin's signing, during which the questions were strictly limited to Percy.


Any astute manager should know that there was plenty of tension built up over such a lengthy period of time involving a variety of issues -- Rex's future and eventual firing/Lynn's promotion/Tyrod's benching/Tyrod's long-term future that it would take a skilled person to address those issues head on. Instead, we the media and Bills fans by extension were fed a lot of "I'm not privy to that" answers.


Well, if Whaley wasn't privy to these things, then it begged Bucky's question as to what in fact he does.


Whaley was put out there to speak for ownership.

That ownership had to scramble to the rescue reflected poorly on the GM.


No, GMs aren't judged on press conference's alone.

In this case, the exception was the rule, leading to many inside 1BillsDrive to question Whaley's ability.





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I didn't mean to insinuate that. I only meant to ask if that was something that was in the works, or was more of a "someone's gotta go" situation.


It was time to make a change.

And I'm glad Scott has gotten a chance to get off the grind of the treadmill he's been on.

His job wasn't an easy one, never mind doing it for some three decades, and he now gets to spend more time with his family.

I've always had respect for him, and will always wish him the best.



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It was time to make a change.

And I'm glad Scott has gotten a chance to get off the grind of the treadmill he's been on.

His job wasn't an easy one, never mind doing it for some three decades, and he now gets to spend more time with his family.

I've always had respect for him, and will always wish him the best.



I hear ya. Appreciate the info as always.

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Saw the CBS Sports link and immediately knew this was tied to LaConjecture and his hard-on for creating a rift in the current administration that most likely isnt there.


This was Whaley's HC search. You mean to tell me he brought someone in who he won't get along with? Highly doubtful.


This is LaConjecture trying to save face after his numerous other reports that were proven false once reality settled in.


In other news, lol at the team in Washington. They certainly deserve it.

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The news conference was not Scott's fault.

In fact, Pegula Sports and Entertainment chief spokesman Mark Preisler was also in attendance.

There was very little that could have been done to save Whaley from himself on that day.


Anyone interjecting from the BIlls side would've essentially been throwing fuel on this tire fire, in my opinion.


What's astounding is that I'm told that Whaley was prepped beforehand.



:w00t: Lmfao! Good thing he prepped just think what would have happened without it. Probably would have been fired immediately after the PC!

Edited by horned dogs
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Whaley should've been fired with Rex and the new front office should've made the coaching hire. Like most functional franchises operate.


But we like to do things the Bills way.

Whaley was not responsible for the Rex hire. Everyone knows that. This franchise has had many more complex problems over the years than this simple solution suggests.

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Thanks John for everything you bring to us. A resounding majority of us appreciate your presence in our community.


In another note regarding Whaley's status with the team, I recall Leroi saying something in the shoutbox not too long ago about Whlaley being safer than safe because the Pegula's felt bad about how they meddled over the past couple years and that Whaley was close to resigning but the Pegs begged him to stay, basically. Leroi's credentials are what they are, questionable, but as a guy who claims to be in the organization somehow it was interesting to read and against what the common perception is here.

Edited by Big C
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Saw the CBS Sports link and immediately knew this was tied to LaConjecture and his hard-on for creating a rift in the current administration that most likely isnt there.


This was Whaley's HC search. You mean to tell me he brought someone in who he won't get along with? Highly doubtful.


This is LaConjecture trying to save face after his numerous other reports that were proven false once reality settled in.


In other news, lol at the team in Washington. They certainly deserve it.

There were a couple reports out there that Whaley had less to do with it than you're implying.

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Is it possible that Whaley, who by all accounts doesn't like, and hasn't performed well at press conferences, actually asked not to do any more press conferences? And Pegs, who also seemingly doesn't like talking to the media, granted that request.


And there's nothing here that's more sinister than that?

Why would you post a logical assumption?

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Scott deserves criticism for the shambles final 3 or 4 weeks. The media strategy.... let alone delivery was a total disaster.


The Pegulas should have been on the stage the day Rex was fired and it was Scott's job to put them there. You can say "easier said than done" but I have been there and done it and got Government Ministers who were adament that they were not going to speak to do press conferences. It is your job.

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