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Any way you slice it Kaepernick represents good value

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That's a bunch of ****. He clearly does not love America, unless he loves a country that's defining characteristics are racism and oppression.


People that enflame divisions by spreading misinformation of this type are the real problem. His whole narrative is based on a lie and he's too lazy or unwilling to research the counterpoont to his issue before going public with it.


Are you actually implying that police violence and judicial prejudice against minorities doesn't exist and is a lie?

I'm not rating Trump on how well he can throw a football so I'm not about to rate Kaepernick on his political views.


I like this newbie. Epic comment.


End thread.

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Are you actually implying that police violence and judicial prejudice against minorities doesn't exist and is a lie?



End thread.

I'm not implying anything. I'm directly stating that the narrative of police sport shooting blacks across the country is an absolute falsehood.


Further, the police forces involved are locally run. I'm sure some are better or worse than others in this regard, but assuming a few anecdotes from a few local police departments is conclusive evidence of a nationwide systemic epidemic of abuse and execution of minorities by police is patently absurd. And the facts don't support this narrative.


It's interesting that those perpetuating the narrative carry on undeterred by the lack of empirical evidence to support their position.

Edited by Rob's House
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Kap made a peaceful protest about an ugliness that WAS going on in this country at that time.


actually it wasnt


there is no widespread or systemic racial bias in police shootings. it looked/looks bad visually bc the media was/is only reporting on instances involving cops who shoot blacks, they are virtually ignoring those instances with whites getting shot by police. its another clicks thing, to generate attention and thus money. if you report on whites getting unfairly shot by cops almost nobody cares, but make it black and the world explodes. nobody cares about black folks more than me but it became obvious a while ago that many lies are being told via selective attention on this topic


the philandro castille shooting was completely unjustified and i hope that cop serves time and is fired. but that was a terrible mistake of nerves by someone who shouldnt be a cop, not the cold blooded execution of a black man as it was disgustingly represented in the media and by BLM. mr castille resembled a suspect in a violent robbery that had just occurred, which is why they handled him the way they did. the rest of the instances had extenuating circumstances that probably required an investigation but actually had nothing to do with police bias against blacks


if kaeperczj7nick had been protesting police brutality in general, or a narrative that all lives matter, that would have been fine. but he was buying into a BLM narrative that is misguided at best and intentional lying at worst



People have died for this country for hundreds of years to protect his right to do that. All this cry baby nonsense about it is ridiculous. I have family and friends in the military, and a good friend of mine just retired and was part seal team 6. They all supported him and literally couldn't understand why people were so upset sighting they lost friends defending the very right Kap was using.


ive said many times that i will stand and defend the right of a KKK grand wizard to speak their mind. i will probably hate every word coming out of their mouth, but i will defend their right to say it


kap had every right to do what he did and i will defend his right just the same. but it was a misguided and unfortunate choice that only made things worse bc it validated a false narrative, imo

Edited by Meathead
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Forgive me for bringing football talk into this but Kaepernick reminds me of Daunte Culpepper. Both should have been better players than they turned out.


You should really take comments like this to the PPP.

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Forgive me for bringing football talk into this but Kaepernick reminds me of Daunte Culpepper. Both should have been better players than they turned out.


I like this new guy. Liked your posts in several threads now...welcome and heaven forbid you use logic, football, and any common sense in any topic around here lol.

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Part of improving your team is chemistry and fan support.


You don't want someone in the locker room dividing the players then getting booed on the bench. What team would want that headache from a back-up player?


If Kap does get a contract, it will be from a team desperate for a QB (browns), or universally hated already (Cowboys, Patriots).

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Kap is suddenly willing to stand for the anthem. I guess the vague injustices he was protesting aren't so important after all.


This guy became a side show and now he's jobless. Todays GM's/Coaches on short leashes don't need the added burden of a side show.


Cue TBD's finest w/ racist accusations

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actually it wasnt


there is no widespread or systemic racial bias in police shootings. it looked/looks bad visually bc the media was/is only reporting on instances involving cops who shoot blacks, they are virtually ignoring those instances with whites getting shot by police. its another clicks thing, to generate attention and thus money. if you report on whites getting unfairly shot by cops almost nobody cares, but make it black and the world explodes. nobody cares about black folks more than me but it became obvious a while ago that many lies are being told via selective attention on this topic


the philandro castille shooting was completely unjustified and i hope that cop serves time and is fired. but that was a terrible mistake of nerves by someone who shouldnt be a cop, not the cold blooded execution of a black man as it was disgustingly represented in the media and by BLM. mr castille resembled a suspect in a violent robbery that had just occurred, which is why they handled him the way they did. the rest of the instances had extenuating circumstances that probably required an investigation but actually had nothing to do with police bias against blacks


if kaeperczj7nick had been protesting police brutality in general, or a narrative that all lives matter, that would have been fine. but he was buying into a BLM narrative that is misguided at best and intentional lying at worst



ive said many times that i will stand and defend the right of a KKK grand wizard to speak their mind. i will probably hate every word coming out of their mouth, but i will defend their right to say it


kap had every right to do what he did and i will defend his right just the same. but it was a misguided and unfortunate choice that only made things worse bc it validated a false narrative, imo


Im not going to respond to this out of respect for it not being a PPP thing. I will only say that you and I definitely disagree on the bolded statements above. But thats ok, I respect your opinion and your cordial response and we can agree to disagree on that. I just whole heartedly feel differently about it than you probably because I have personally seen racial biased happen too many times to disregard it as not factual. You see its not just shootings, its an entire racial prejudice in our entire judicial system. And I know retired cops here in a LA who will tell you first hand that its real and it happens.


But all good, and I thank you for sharing your thoughts and respect your opinion even if I don't share it.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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Kaepernick breaks off an 80 yard TD run and doesn't pant or hit the oxygen mask


He obviously works pretty hard to be in such elite shape.


I don't love him but he's just as good as our qb.


This is Ryan's way saying he sucks.

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Kap is suddenly willing to stand for the anthem. I guess the vague injustices he was protesting aren't so important after all.


This guy became a side show and now he's jobless. Todays GM's/Coaches on short leashes don't need the added burden of a side show.


Cue TBD's finest w/ racist accusations


Or its run its course and he's ready to move on and not carry that burden anymore given his career is at a cross roads. He doesnt need to be a Martyr for the rest of his life, he made his statement and not its time to move on. I don't see you complaining that all the protestors aren't still marching over the election. You make a protest and move on. You don't carry that protest every day of your life for the rest of your life. You people are getting ridiculous with this.

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