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Posted (edited)

A sport is only a sport if there is the possibility of one getting killed in it. By Boyst's own admission, it looks like he dies every night. So, his "nightly ritual" is a sport even know Boyst disagrees. Now, golf? I don't see Rory gettin' any. The chick on the other hand, she has died and gone to heaven... But she isn't golfing.


Verdict: Boyst with the five slama jama! Golf is NOT a sport.



Boyst wins on masturbation admission. It's like scorpions death chain move "get over here."


I still have a response before you declare the winner, you dolts.

Edited by FireChan

He did respond. I can call this a win. But he is trying to form up a response worthy. He is consulting the neighborhood 12 yr old on how to write to my level. It won't work. I'm on a level of a 13 yr old writing at a 6yh grade level.

Hell, i take masturbating like a sport. I train vigorously, have a special glove and even prefer a certain type of lotion. Does that make my nightly ritual a sport?


Well, a sport usually means competition. Do you do this with other people? If so, what constitutes "winning"? Does Betsy approve? Is a steer a transgendered cow or one of the following:


zim: zir: zis: zieself: sie: sie: hir: hirs: hirself: ey: em: eir: eirs: eirself: ve: ver: vis: vers: verself: tey: ter: tem ...

I feel in order for firechan to get a redo on his retort he must also reply to this. All 3 paragraphs.




I still have a response before you declare the winner, you dolts.


this is me spanking you.


Quarter three. start this. take 5 breaths.



here we go. again, FC.


it is hard to debate topics which are arbitrary. as nkreed pointed out it is about viewpoint. if you stand on this side of the barn the sky is deep blue. if you stand on the other side of the barn there are clouds. it makes it difficult to offer a viewpoint to someone who you respect which contradicts them. You and so many here could provide great ideas of your viewpoint but no one could ever concur that golf is a sport. it is not a sport. there is no way to ever truly believe that.

You state: "I can throw a football or shoot a basketball just as intoxicated. The key distinction you're missing is that your level of play is impaired when drunk, just like you cannot tackle an opponent drunk, or drive a car drunk."

Well, I certainly can tackle drunk - how do you think I bed so many women? And, driving drunk? I mastered that at 22. These counter arguments you provide clearly display a lack of social awareness and experience in your life. If you have yet to drive intoxicated I first commend you but also tell you that you may not have lived. I have driven everything from a tractor to a lawn mower to a truck nearly black out drunk. The level of "play" being abstract to begin with I will often point out that how many fat !@#$ bastards go out and play golf sober? I think a majority of them get a few drinks at the club house before they shoot a few rounds then go play grab ass in the showers offering clementines to each other.

Cue this song for the following response.

I would like to dedicate this to FC for his love of BBW's.


Jared Lorenzen is an athlete. Plain and simple. Athletes can also play golf. Tiger Woods was an athlete, he played golf. Charles Barkley is an athlete who plays golf. He played at the Jamie Farr classic Pro Am 20 years ago and hit a bad slice which hit one of my neighbors in the foot and really messed it up. Sarah was really cute and was over there since the course was across the street. He took her family out to eat and offered her a bunch of autographed stuff. He came back a few years later to play again and went to her house out of the blue to see how she was doing. She was a year younger than I was, my sisters age and maybe 10-11 at the time. I bring that up because it really contradicts what you hear about Barkley.

But, back on point and away from the Family Guy cutaway. We are still on a tangent to discuss obesity in this country. If Lorenzen was in better shape he might have actually succeeded at a higher level of competitive to truly play professionally instead of a small gimmick league in Kentucky. Just like if John Daly and any other athlete simply took better care of themselves they could succeed at their endeavors at a much higher level. If being intoxicated impairs you than so does being fat. So does improper lifestyles. This is why Tiger Woods succeeded. He approached the hobby of golf as a sport. It doesn't make it a sport. Hell, i take masturbating like a sport. I train vigorously, have a special glove and even prefer a certain type of lotion. Does that make my nightly ritual a sport?

It does not take much to make someone famous. in todays current world a woman with 40k followers on instagram is famous and more likely to be recognized than the 3rd best golfer in the country. emma watson is no longer acting but she is still recognizable. Molly Ringwold hasn't done any major films in decades and still recognizable. Jon Daly and Tiger Woods are the most popular two golf players in the world as far as recognizable. But, if you were at the WalMart you wouldn't recognize them because it'd just be another fat dude eating a big mac at the walmart. and all black dudes look alike so who'd recognize Tiger?

and Adams Farm from Canada pays folks to sodomize animals, that is how Jeffrey Pumba Laroque got exposed. The poor kid.

You show your off base thinking with this. "Putting is one aspect of the game. You give Daly a month and he eventually would make a shot that Rodman wouldn't. Unless the Worm murdered him first."

I think this is because you're a racist. The premonition that a black man must kill someone to be successful is why I chose this score. These men are of African American persuasion. Do they kill people? No, they just kill the rhythmic beats which allow us to grove.

Your premise that just because Cis gendered white men can do something means that a black man cannot. That's wrong. Rodman is an athlete gifted enough to get the shot in. In that same month the athletic prowess of the superior black man would allow him to make shots that Daly could not. If you gave anyone with ambition a month and they can do something that John Daly couldn't. And here is an arbitrary list of things that John Daly probably could not do over the course of a month.

1. touch his toes

2. refuse ranch dressing

3. wear skinny jeans

4. touch the net of a basketball goal

5. do the macarana

f. swan dive

g. kayak

8. see his penis without a mirror

9 wipe his ass fully

10. tie his shoes.

so if those are just ten simple things the average american can do but jon daly, one of the sports best, cannot... than how can we consider it a sport? if you consider it a sport than you must say that jon daly is the sports most successful player ever because he has excelled despite being 300 lbs. he is not jared lorenzen, jared lorenzen hasn't succeeded like jon daly, despite your love of fat bbw's and bbm's. not all fat people are successful and as part of the PSA which i am required by ownership to comment on - fat people often end up with...


my final song to let this all sink in as your reply...

because, as the underdog i must apologize to Tiberius, whom I am likely to face in the next round.

Thats right, if I win this ****, I am facing Tibs next. Who doesn't want to see that!

You know the end of 8 Mile? Where the guy completely freezes because he has nothing to say and has lost the crowd? That's me right now.


You know the end of 8 Mile? Where the guy completely freezes because he has nothing to say and has lost the crowd? That's me right now.

oh bull ****. you're better than that.


Why would you want to chase a ball around? hit it and go hit it again. Kind of like how many times can you throw the stick for the dog before he turns and looks at you and thinks, you go get that f en stick.

Even worse is to go stand around and watch people play the dumb game.

Posted (edited)

Quarter three. start this. take 5 breaths.



here we go. again, FC.


it is hard to debate topics which are arbitrary. as nkreed pointed out it is about viewpoint. if you stand on this side of the barn the sky is deep blue. if you stand on the other side of the barn there are clouds. it makes it difficult to offer a viewpoint to someone who you respect which contradicts them. You and so many here could provide great ideas of your viewpoint but no one could ever concur that golf is a sport. it is not a sport. there is no way to ever truly believe that.


You state: "I can throw a football or shoot a basketball just as intoxicated. The key distinction you're missing is that your level of play is impaired when drunk, just like you cannot tackle an opponent drunk, or drive a car drunk."

Well, I certainly can tackle drunk - how do you think I bed so many women? And, driving drunk? I mastered that at 22. These counter arguments you provide clearly display a lack of social awareness and experience in your life. If you have yet to drive intoxicated I first commend you but also tell you that you may not have lived. I have driven everything from a tractor to a lawn mower to a truck nearly black out drunk. The level of "play" being abstract to begin with I will often point out that how many fat !@#$ bastards go out and play golf sober? I think a majority of them get a few drinks at the club house before they shoot a few rounds then go play grab ass in the showers offering clementines to each other.

Cue this song for the following response.

I would like to dedicate this to FC for his love of BBW's.


Jared Lorenzen is an athlete. Plain and simple. Athletes can also play golf. Tiger Woods was an athlete, he played golf. Charles Barkley is an athlete who plays golf. He played at the Jamie Farr classic Pro Am 20 years ago and hit a bad slice which hit one of my neighbors in the foot and really messed it up. Sarah was really cute and was over there since the course was across the street. He took her family out to eat and offered her a bunch of autographed stuff. He came back a few years later to play again and went to her house out of the blue to see how she was doing. She was a year younger than I was, my sisters age and maybe 10-11 at the time. I bring that up because it really contradicts what you hear about Barkley.

But, back on point and away from the Family Guy cutaway. We are still on a tangent to discuss obesity in this country. If Lorenzen was in better shape he might have actually succeeded at a higher level of competitive to truly play professionally instead of a small gimmick league in Kentucky. Just like if John Daly and any other athlete simply took better care of themselves they could succeed at their endeavors at a much higher level. If being intoxicated impairs you than so does being fat. So does improper lifestyles. This is why Tiger Woods succeeded. He approached the hobby of golf as a sport. It doesn't make it a sport. Hell, i take masturbating like a sport. I train vigorously, have a special glove and even prefer a certain type of lotion. Does that make my nightly ritual a sport?

You show your off base thinking with this. "Putting is one aspect of the game. You give Daly a month and he eventually would make a shot that Rodman wouldn't. Unless the Worm murdered him first."

I think this is because you're a racist. The premonition that a black man must kill someone to be successful is why I chose this score. These men are of African American persuasion. Do they kill people? No, they just kill the rhythmic beats which allow us to grove.

Your premise that just because Cis gendered white men can do something means that a black man cannot. That's wrong. Rodman is an athlete gifted enough to get the shot in. In that same month the athletic prowess of the superior black man would allow him to make shots that Daly could not. If you gave anyone with ambition a month and they can do something that John Daly couldn't. And here is an arbitrary list of things that John Daly probably could not do over the course of a month.

1. touch his toes

2. refuse ranch dressing

3. wear skinny jeans

4. touch the net of a basketball goal

5. do the macarana

f. swan dive

g. kayak

8. see his penis without a mirror

9 wipe his ass fully

10. tie his shoes.

so if those are just ten simple things the average american can do but jon daly, one of the sports best, cannot... than how can we consider it a sport? if you consider it a sport than you must say that jon daly is the sports most successful player ever because he has excelled despite being 300 lbs. he is not jared lorenzen, jared lorenzen hasn't succeeded like jon daly, despite your love of fat bbw's and bbm's. not all fat people are successful and as part of the PSA which i am required by ownership to comment on - fat people often end up with...






Baseball is filled with fat, drunken slobs who can only hit.


It's filled with pitchers who have one strong right arm and a beer belly, just like you except they are less likely to go blind.


Every baseball player would get killed by Rodman in basketball. Again, because most of them are out of shape Cubans who are good at one particular skill.


Unless your argument is that baseball isn't a real sport too. If that's the case, take your commie crap out of my country. Just try to tell me this man ain't playing a sport.



Edited by FireChan
Posted (edited)





Baseball is filled with fat, drunken slobs who can only hit.


It's filled with pitchers who have one strong right arm and a beer belly, just like you except they are less likely to go blind.


Every baseball player would get killed by Rodman in basketball. Again, because most of them are out of shape Cubans who are good at one particular skill.


Unless your argument is that baseball isn't a real sport too. If that's the case, take your commie crap out of my country. Just try to tell me this man ain't playing a sport.

quarter 4


In honor of you saying

You know the end of 8 Mile? Where the guy completely freezes because he has nothing to say and has lost the crowd? That's me right now.

...here you go.



Now, everybody from the PPP

Put your mother!@#$ing hands up and follow me!

Everybody from the PPP

Put your mother!@#$ing hands up! Look, look...

Now, while he stands tough

Notice that this man did not have his hands up

This topic's got you gassed up

Now, who's afraid of the big bad Chan-Man?

1, 2, 3 and to the 4, 1 putt, 2 putt, 3 putt, 4

4 iron, 3 iron, 2 iron, 1.

You're iron, he's iron, no iron, none

This guy ain't no mother!@#$ing FC

I know everything he's 'bout to say against me

I am a white, I do !@#$ sheep.

I do take a lot women to take to sleep

My boy TYTT is a B word

I do got a moderator friend named Rich.

Who steals my Stetson any chance tailgate.

I can't compete with you guys intellectually at any rate.

I did make you an avatar once, man.

I'm still standing here screaming, "!@#$ FireChan"

Don't ever try to judge me, dude

You don't know what the !@#$ I've been through

But I know something about you,

You went to DeVry, that's not a good school

Wharts the matter, dog, you embarassed?

This guy is a poster? His real name is _____*.

And, ______* loved Rex Ryan, that's a damn joke,

And, ______, don't you realize he broke??

This guy don't wanna go at it, he shook, can't even debate,

Not not more, not since I told him I masterbait.

He's scared to death, he's scared to look his reply mentioned; and all this ****

!@#$ the beat, I'll go a cappella, I'm gettin' lit.

!@#$ a Transgreg, !@#$ a clock, !@#$ a sheep; !@#$ everybody!

!@#$ y'all if you doubt me!

I'm a piece of !@#$ing CIS-white farm boy, I say it proudly

And !@#$ this debate, I don't wanna win, I'm outtie

Here, tell these people something they don't know about me.



-Drops Mic-


**Firechan was too scared to give me his real name.

Edited by Boyst62


quarter 4


Now, everybody from the PPP
Put your mother!@#$ing hands up and follow me!
Everybody from the PPP
Put your mother!@#$ing hands up! Look, look...
Now, while he stands tough
Notice that this man did not have his hands up
This topic's got you gassed up
Now, who's afraid of the big bad Chan-Man?
1, 2, 3 and to the 4, 1 putt, 2 putt, 3 putt, 4
4 iron, 3 iron, 2 iron, 1.
You're iron, he's iron, no iron, none
This guy ain't no mother!@#$ing FC
I know everything he's 'bout to say against me
I am a white, I do !@#$ sheep.
I do take a lot women to take to sleep
My boy TYTT is a B word
I do got a moderator friend named Rich.
Who steals my Stetson any chance tailgate.
I can't compete with you guys intellectually at any rate.
I did make you an avatar once, man.
I'm still standing here screaming, "!@#$ FireChan"
Don't ever try to judge me, dude
You don't know what the !@#$ I've been through
But I know something about you,
You went to DeVry, that's not a good school
Wharts the matter, dog, you embarassed?
This guy is a poster? His real name is _____*.
And, ______* loved Rex Ryan, that's a damn joke,
And, ______, don't you realize he broke??
This guy don't wanna go at it, he shook, can't even debate,
Not not more, not since I told him I masterbait.
He's scared to death, he's scared to look his reply mentioned; and all this ****
!@#$ the beat, I'll go a cappella, I'm gettin' lit.
!@#$ a Transgreg, !@#$ a clock, !@#$ a sheep; !@#$ everybody!
!@#$ y'all if you doubt me!
I'm a piece of !@#$ing CIS-white farm boy, I say it proudly
And !@#$ this debate, I don't wanna win, I'm outtie
Here, tell these people something they don't know about me.
-Drops Mic-
**Firechan was too scared to give me his real name.



I despite hip hop beyond description, and I still think that's pretty badass. :lol:

Posted (edited)

quarter 4


In honor of you saying

...here you go.



Now, everybody from the PPP

Put your mother!@#$ing hands up and follow me!

Everybody from the PPP

Put your mother!@#$ing hands up! Look, look...

Now, while he stands tough

Notice that this man did not have his hands up

This topic's got you gassed up

Now, who's afraid of the big bad Chan-Man?

1, 2, 3 and to the 4, 1 putt, 2 putt, 3 putt, 4

4 iron, 3 iron, 2 iron, 1.

You're iron, he's iron, no iron, none

This guy ain't no mother!@#$ing FC

I know everything he's 'bout to say against me

I am a white, I do !@#$ sheep.

I do take a lot women to take to sleep

My boy TYTT is a B word

I do got a moderator friend named Rich.

Who steals my Stetson any chance tailgate.

I can't compete with you guys intellectually at any rate.

I did make you an avatar once, man.

I'm still standing here screaming, "!@#$ FireChan"

Don't ever try to judge me, dude

You don't know what the !@#$ I've been through

But I know something about you,

You went to DeVry, that's not a good school

Wharts the matter, dog, you embarassed?

This guy is a poster? His real name is _____*.

And, ______* loved Rex Ryan, that's a damn joke,

And, ______, don't you realize he broke??

This guy don't wanna go at it, he shook, can't even debate,

Not not more, not since I told him I masterbait.

He's scared to death, he's scared to look his reply mentioned; and all this ****

!@#$ the beat, I'll go a cappella, I'm gettin' lit.

!@#$ a Transgreg, !@#$ a clock, !@#$ a sheep; !@#$ everybody!

!@#$ y'all if you doubt me!

I'm a piece of !@#$ing CIS-white farm boy, I say it proudly

And !@#$ this debate, I don't wanna win, I'm outtie

Here, tell these people something they don't know about me.



-Drops Mic-


**Firechan was too scared to give me his real name.

Citing "8 Mile Last Battle" instead of "Shook Ones II" by Mobb Deep invalidates your entire post. Get some god damn class.


Way to go waiting until we got votes on Q3 you mouthbreather.

Edited by FireChan

Citing "8 Mile Last Battle" instead of "Shook Ones II" by Mobb Deep invalidates your entire post. Get some god damn class.


Way to go waiting until we got votes on Q3 you mouthbreather.


I dropped the mic.


Is golf a real sport because Trump is president now? He likes to go golfing quite a bit...

are you a retard or just retarded? What the hell?!?

Citing "8 Mile Last Battle" instead of "Shook Ones II" by Mobb Deep invalidates your entire post. Get some god damn class.


Way to go waiting until we got votes on Q3 you mouthbreather.



I think boys just won the whole tournament with that post.


I'm tempted to agree with both these contradictory posts. :lol:


FC gets a response and a chance to tie, it's 2-1 Boyst by my scorecard.


This has been a fantastic game :lol:





I'm tempted to agree with both these contradictory posts. :lol:


FC gets a response and a chance to tie, it's 2-1 Boyst by my scorecard.


This has been a fantastic game :lol:

No way bro, we haven't had a vote post my Q3 response.


I feel like the Bills. Playing against boyst and the officials over here.

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