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Posted (edited)

It's true. Seriously.


Not only does golf require physical training, body control, hand-eye coordination and a high degree of technical skill, but it also invokes reactions like this:



Do you think this man's face is the reason he attracts such attention from incredible looking women?



This is proof positive that Rory is an upper echelon athlete playing a sport that confers upon him the admiration of the common folk.


Some folks might argue otherwise. Our friend Jeremiah Boyst will no doubt try, but as you watch him struggle to string together a sentence without saying "snowflake" or referencing some hot zookeeper he "bagged" back in 2005, remember Rory's misshapen face.


P.S. I figured a bunch of links would just confuse my opponent, so I decided to stick with videos and pictures. Too much reading gives him a headache.

Edited by FireChan
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I vote for FireChan, if only because Boyst posted his response in the wrong !@#$ing thread.

i did not at all post my response in the wrong thread. that's not at all the response. that's just the warmup.


if you think i will not get much much much more gayer than you're knew here. now give a brother a chance.


I vote for FireChan, if only because Boyst posted his response in the wrong !@#$ing thread.

He's got too many screens up. Always worried about what color undies Cam Newton is gonna wear today.



golf is not a sport. it is a fashionable hobby created by cis-gender privileged men to escape their wives, girlfriends and families. when you can play the game whilst intoxicated without probability of injury you are playing a sport. you can drive a car drunk, too. it doesn't make it a sport, it just makes it Tuesday on your way home from the bar.


now, i've only ever messed around with golf when i was in 7th grade and we had to play for gym class, so i am not expert. i don't know one golfer except for john daily and that bubba sparxx guy because he painted his Bandit Trans Am with the Canadian flag on it. Oh, I know a bunch of those lady golfers, Ting Tang, Yin Yew, Chin Chow, etc. They're kind of cute, but Asians never do it for me. I think part of the reason was the resilience of all of the employees and all of my colleagues. The other reason was one of the best ways, I've found, to get through this kind of a process is to have not necessarily a false optimism but always have this sense that you are going to get through because if you do fall into the trap of doubting that, then it becomes truly perilous. But, more or less, that's because golf is not a sport. u know, I can't believe this, Wyatt. I'm so disappointed in us. I mean, all our lives we've been saying how great it would be if we went to parties, right? And now it's our party and we're in the john. We're in the john! Yes, it takes talent to do things successfully in golf but so does hitting the toilet bowl at 2am with a raging hardon because your viagra didn't wear off yet. Sure, it takes focus to not !@#$ up whilst someone yells bababoey and it is really sad that Eric the Midget is no longer with us. That little !@#$er was so ingrateful but he was club !@#$ing footed. Still, it's better than anything Adam Sandler made, which is far better than anything Will Ferrel made. Some chicks at the bar told me to watch some movie he was in with Zack whoeverthe!@#$nakis called the campaign. i won't watch it.


The unemployment rate has dropped from an Obama administration high of 10% in 2009 to 4.8% in January 2017. Thanks President Obama for leaving us in a much better place then when you began.
'America added 227,000 jobs in January, well ahead of December's gain of 157,000 jobs. The unemployment rate ticked up a bit to 4.8%. More Americans started looking for work again -- a good sign -- which explains the small increase in unemployment. It's the first jobs report to be released under the Trump administration. However, the Labor Department conducted its jobs survey in the second week of January, when President Obama was in office. The report represents the economy that Trump is now taking over.'
When asked in his first press briefing what the unemployment rate was, Sean Spicer wouldn't say. He said there are a number of factors and numbers that go into the calculation. So he was asked what did Trump think the unemployment rate was, or what measurable should be used to determine the starting number for the Trump administration. Again he wouldn't say. Of course they don't want to commit to a measurable number because if it goes bad they will say whatever number is used is not true. In business there are always measurables to determine how the business is performing, but the business genius won't commit to any. But, golf is still not a sport. If golf was sport, than Sean Spicer and PastaJoe would be playing it together.
Cam Newton is waearing green underwear today or saint patricks day. a day in which golf is still not a sport. when fat drunk smoking !@#$s can be at the top of the sport. it's not a sport.
and, ladies and gentlemen, Ed Bruce...

i did not at all post my response in the wrong thread. that's not at all the response. that's just the warmup.


if you think i will not get much much much more gayer than you're knew here. now give a brother a chance.

I retract this then. Just know you're behind the 8 ball.


I retract this then. Just know you're behind the 8 ball.

that's pool, you retard. this is about golf. good thing i didnt' debate you. moron.


Boyst brings an extremely respectable level of ridiculous to the round. I have to give it to him. Besides, it's obvious the little feller never wins anything much anyway.

Now I'm feeling triggered.


Round one to FC.



Posted (edited)

FC may be up but this is a sport. it's march !@#$ing madness and if his pansy ass wont show up. i'm taking the ball and i'm owning this quarter. bitches wait. men conquer.



firechan, this song goes out to you. you're alone. i wish it was about golf, but ever since that girl from that town up near niagara falls broke my heart some time last year this song has a place in my heart, so i extend it to you in sympathy. in a little bit i'll go drink beers with my friend Tanner. he keeps his beard very trimmed and does his hair like he is some dapper queer lumberjack, but he doesn't play golf, because he is still more manly than a golf player. that's because he knows golf is not a sport. he hunts deers and turkey. he fishes and does man ****. he drinks good beer - not ipa's. he doesn't know a 9 iron from a curling iron. which you do, because you're a little B word. i don't give a **** about golf not being a sport. you're an invalid little snearing whore looking for men to take home at the end of the night to crave your man lust.


golf isn't a sport. if it was a sport than how does a fat !@#$ like this even attempt to pick up the ball so poorly? he probably can't even touch his own toes.



and you think these men get women because they play sports? no. it's not a sport. its fame and money. if charles manson, and tasker can get women as degenerate queer eaters than fame has power. and if someone like red whatshisnamewhoownsthetvstationstuff can get women along with joel osteen than money gets women. and i'm sure you understand that power of money and women because we all know you paid that girl $5 to touch her breasts. we read about it the next day when she an hero'd in trauma. you really shouldn't have done that to that poor girl. still, it's not as bad as takeyoutotasker. between his collection of hotwheels and womens underwear he has no where to put the severed heads of the transient hobos he picks up at the bus station.


but back on topic. i respect golf. i really do, it's just not a sport i can think of and believe that wow it really takes a lot of athletic prowess to succeed at. as proof, the psychosomatic (i need points for using a big word that is spelled correctly!)... anyway, the psychosomatic response of tiger woods playing the hobby so poorly shows that it is all in your head. if it was truly a sport where physical dominance and pure athletic ability mattered he would not have fallen off the face of the earth. its mental, and i do respect that. i cannot concentrate on anything for more than that time when macguyver was on the submarine that leaked and in order to get out he filled the top with some gas that goes bang and than went underwater to light it with a flare gun... but why didnt' his ear drums rupture? mental focus is extremely difficult. and my best example is dennis rodman. his ability to focus on the ball and grab the rebound was unccanny. he was on a vh1 show iwth dr drew and they tested his focus and mental acuity. it was off the charts. if all he did was jump and grab rebounds than it would be golf. but he had to run, dribble, pass, shoot, and do many other things other than doink a ball in to the hole. compare dennis rodman to jon daly. both focus, but one is sexy as !@#$ and the other is a black man. compare daly to woods. athletically built like a gazelle to athletically built like rosie odonnels thigh. and, yet, if you handed that thigh a putter it could outshoot tiger woods at least 1 day a month. if you gave that thigh a basketball it would not beat dennis rodman in basketball ever.


golf is an amazing hobby and it is a feat to be successful at the game. but it's not a sport. its a hobby.


edit, and i am synchronizing my posts to the music i post with them for artistic affect.

Edited by Boyst62
Posted (edited)




golf is not a sport. it is a fashionable hobby created by cis-gender privileged men to escape their wives, girlfriends and families. when you can play the game whilst intoxicated without probability of injury you are playing a sport. you can drive a car drunk, too. it doesn't make it a sport, it just makes it Tuesday on your way home from the bar.


now, i've only ever messed around with golf when i was in 7th grade and we had to play for gym class, so i am not expert. i don't know one golfer except for john daily and that bubba sparxx guy because he painted his Bandit Trans Am with the Canadian flag on it. Oh, I know a bunch of those lady golfers, Ting Tang, Yin Yew, Chin Chow, etc. They're kind of cute, but Asians never do it for me. But, golf is still not a sport. If golf was sport, than Sean Spicer and PastaJoe would be playing it together.

Cam Newton is waearing green underwear today or saint patricks day. a day in which golf is still not a sport. when fat drunk smoking !@#$s can be at the top of the sport. it's not a sport.
and, ladies and gentlemen, Ed Bruce...



FC may be up but this is a sport. it's march !@#$ing madness and if his pansy ass wont show up. i'm taking the ball and i'm owning this quarter. bitches wait. men conquer.



firechan, this song goes out to you. you're alone. i wish it was about golf, but ever since that girl from that town up near niagara falls broke my heart some time last year this song has a place in my heart, so i extend it to you in sympathy. in a little bit i'll go drink beers with my friend Tanner. he keeps his beard very trimmed and does his hair like he is some dapper queer lumberjack, but he doesn't play golf, because he is still more manly than a golf player. that's because he knows golf is not a sport. he hunts deers and turkey. he fishes and does man ****. he drinks good beer - not ipa's. he doesn't know a 9 iron from a curling iron. which you do, because you're a little B word. i don't give a **** about golf not being a sport. you're an invalid little snearing whore looking for men to take home at the end of the night to crave your man lust.


golf isn't a sport. if it was a sport than how does a fat !@#$ like this even attempt to pick up the ball so poorly? he probably can't even touch his own toes.



and you think these men get women because they play sports? no. it's not a sport. its fame and money.


but back on topic. i respect golf. i really do, it's just not a sport i can think of and believe that wow it really takes a lot of athletic prowess to succeed at. as proof, the psychosomatic (i need points for using a big word that is spelled correctly!)... anyway, the psychosomatic response of tiger woods playing the hobby so poorly shows that it is all in your head. if it was truly a sport where physical dominance and pure athletic ability mattered he would not have fallen off the face of the earth. its mental, and i do respect that. mental focus is extremely difficult. and my best example is dennis rodman. his ability to focus on the ball and grab the rebound was unccanny. he was on a vh1 show iwth dr drew and they tested his focus and mental acuity. it was off the charts. if all he did was jump and grab rebounds than it would be golf. but he had to run, dribble, pass, shoot, and do many other things other than doink a ball in to the hole. compare dennis rodman to jon daly. both focus, but one is sexy as !@#$ and the other is a black man. compare daly to woods. athletically built like a gazelle to athletically built like rosie odonnels thigh. and, yet, if you handed that thigh a putter it could outshoot tiger woods at least 1 day a month. if you gave that thigh a basketball it would not beat dennis rodman in basketball ever.


golf is an amazing hobby and it is a feat to be successful at the game. but it's not a sport. its a hobby.

I attempted to distill your drivel into a passable form. Bear with me, I'm not a miracle worker


1. when you can play the game whilst intoxicated without probability of injury you are playing a sport. you can drive a car drunk, too. it doesn't make it a sport


I can throw a football or shoot a basketball just as intoxicated. The key distinction you're missing is that your level of play is impaired when drunk, just like you cannot tackle an opponent drunk, or drive a car drunk.


2. when fat drunk smoking !@#$s can be at the top of the sport. it's not a sport.


With this argument, you'd be telling me that football ain't a sport because of this man:




That's right. The Hefty Lefty.


This man set records as a Kentucky Wildcat, got a Super Bowl ring in the NFL, became the GM for North Kentucky River Monsters, resigned as the GM to play starting QB and won the league MVP. All while weighing over 300 lbs. If this guy isn't a successful athlete, then who the !@#$ is?


3. and you think these men get women because they play sports? no. it's not a sport. its fame and money.


And they are famous because they play sports. No one pays you to sodomize cows because that ain't a sport


4. athletically built like a gazelle to athletically built like rosie odonnels thigh. and, yet, if you handed that thigh a putter it could outshoot tiger woods at least 1 day a month. if you gave that thigh a basketball it would not beat dennis rodman in basketball ever.


Putting is one aspect of the game. You give Daly a month and he eventually would make a shot that Rodman wouldn't. Unless the Worm murdered him first.

Edited by FireChan
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