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Posted (edited)


TL:DR version: Yes, yes it is you stupid mother!@#$er.



As individuals, we are only capable of seeing the world through our own eyes, regardless of how objective we are trying to be. As such, all individuals have their own biases. The media, comprised of individuals, will be no different, and their world view will be broadcast, intentionally or not, through their reporting, either by directly editorializing in place of informing as the most egregious example of bias, or by presentation or omission.

This bias presents itself from all sides of the political spectrum, and from a nearly limitless individual advocacy positions and interest groups.

Outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo, Vox, Mother Jones, DailyKoS, Slate, The New Yorker, and The Atlantic skew strongly to the left in their reporting; while outlets like The Economist, The Hill, FoxNews, RedState and The Blaze skew strongly towards conservative views.

Still other outlets such as Brietbart, Info Wars, David Wolfe, and Occupy Democrats sell their services to the confirmation biases on the fringes.

Even "centrist outlets" like Reuters and the AP routinely title lead, inconsistently report, or omit. In truth, most media bias manifests itself in this way, with essential facts being omitted in order to support a pre-conceived narrative beneficial towards a preferred outcome, policy, or candidate.

The authors of results of a comprehensive study of media behavior conducted by UCLA, Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey Milyo , conclude: "For every sin of commission … we believe that there are hundreds, and maybe thousands, of sins of omission – cases where a journalist chose facts or stories that only one side of the political spectrum is likely to mention.”

As far as determining what general direction this inherent bias leans towards, one need look not much further than the statistics:

- A 2008 Investors Business Daily (pay wall) study put the campaign donation ratio at 11.5-to-1, in favor of Democrats. In terms of total dollars given, the ratio was 15-to-1.

- In a 2001 Kaiser Family Foundation poll (pg. 27), media professionals were nearly 7 times likelier to call themselves Democrats rather than Republicans.

And more recently, A 2014 study by Indiana University's School of Journalism found that just 7.1% of all journalists identified themselves as Republicans, vs, 28.1% who self-identified as Democrats and 50.2% who said they were Independents.

In summary, all media, as are all individuals are biased.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

As if, NAZI Putinbot!

Soooooo...Let me respond by saying that I preface everything by here 2-four (Canadian will get this, eh) rejecting your Heteronormantive microagression system of oppression and feel deeply marginalized and triggered (ouch) by the patriarchy so check your privilege.

The New York Times is always correct and Walter Duranty won a Wurlitzer Prize.

Safespace safespace safespace.

On a somewhat serious note

I'll have to concede rounds 2, 3 and 5. Public transit waits for no m... er um 'anyone" (of no particular gender).

I've been packing my ice fishing gear for 1/2 an hour now and I'm off to seriously put a hurt on the Lake Trout in the Muskokas.

Tight lines my friends

Good fun.

Thanks for including me.




In summary, all media, as are all individuals are biased.


So I think it is safe to say that all these biased members of the media have their own sets of morality that often times don't line up with some of their counterparts.



So I think it is safe to say that all these biased members of the media have their own sets of morality that often times don't line up with some of their counterparts.

This is America, so yes, people are still free to be wrong and hold bad opinions.



So that's one vote for rich...


Mags... who you picking...


Need one more vote for quarter one:

when you quote Waylon you win.

This is America, so yes, people are still free to be wrong and hold bad opinions.


I'll consider that a tacit acknowledgement from you that morality is indeed subjective.


Tgreggy, you mean between TYTT and Rich?


So I think it is safe to say that all these biased members of the media have their own sets of morality that often times don't line up with some of their counterparts.

"Foisted on his own petard."



I'll consider that a tacit acknowledgement from you that morality is indeed subjective.


Tgreggy, you mean between TYTT and Rich?


Yes, sorry, the rules of the game are each team gets one post per quarter, the winner of each quarter is decided by the first three posters to vote in the thread.

Posted (edited)


I'll consider that a tacit acknowledgement from you that morality is indeed subjective.


You shouldn't, unless you're comfortable doing so out of context.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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