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Are we ramping up to war with North Korea?

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90% of all Canadians live within a 100 miles of the US border. One "errant" missle that takes out the hydro power plants in Northern Ontario basically incapacitates most of the population in Southern and Lower Canada.





I'm surprised they have the technology to create power plants in the first place.

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I'm surprised they have the technology to create power plants in the first place.

Yeah, tell me about it! Since WWII.


Look it up. Long Lac & Ogoki Diversion from the Arctic TO Lake Superior:




Created during and after the War.


I know this how? Because Canada puts IN to the Great Lakes 25% more water than Illinois takes out... Just useless trade BS...






Hope Donkey Kong Kim ain't reading this thread... Toronto is toast.


Lotsa beavers.



They like to work hard. Essayons!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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plenz made this comment in the OTW thread about Vietnam:


"I did not get that all. What he said in the film is US Intelligence officers mistook radio communication from the North Vietnamese( Viet Cong) . US interpreted it as them getting ready to attack, when in reality it was just a warning to be guarded against an attack from the ARVN.


When LBJ heard it was "probably" an attack, he authorized more bombing raids. He then advanced the Gulf of Tonkin resolution and was widely saluted for it at home and his popularity shot up like 30 pts overnight according to the documentary. People applauded the limited role and clear goals."


Pay special attention to his second paragraph.


Think it would work for Trump against N.Korea? It worked for Dubya.


Even I am tempted to agree with a crack @ taking Lil Donkey Kong Kim out & toppling the regime no matter what it brings from the Chinese. We have the ex-governor of Iowa to handle the Chinese. What could possibly go wrong w/this intrepid crew leading us! :-/ :-/


Get it done Donny... Your ratings will so incredibly soar!

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plenz made this comment in the OTW thread about Vietnam:


"I did not get that all. What he said in the film is US Intelligence officers mistook radio communication from the North Vietnamese( Viet Cong) . US interpreted it as them getting ready to attack, when in reality it was just a warning to be guarded against an attack from the ARVN.


When LBJ heard it was "probably" an attack, he authorized more bombing raids. He then advanced the Gulf of Tonkin resolution and was widely saluted for it at home and his popularity shot up like 30 pts overnight according to the documentary. People applauded the limited role and clear goals."


Pay special attention to his second paragraph.


Think it would work for Trump against N.Korea? It worked for Dubya.


Even I am tempted to agree with a crack @ taking Lil Donkey Kong Kim out & toppling the regime no matter what it brings from the Chinese. We have the ex-governor of Iowa to handle the Chinese. What could possibly go wrong w/this intrepid crew leading us! :-/ :-/


Get it done Donny... Your ratings will so incredibly soar!


Kim Jong Un may actually launch a nuke into the Pacific. Given the unreliability of DPRK rockets, that is such a horrible !@#$ing idea that I'd probably support a preemptive strike on North Korea's nuclear and rocket facilities to prevent it.


But on the other hand...if they do launch a nuke into the Pacific, not even China's going to stand with them while we take the country apart.

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Kim Jong Un may actually launch a nuke into the Pacific. Given the unreliability of DPRK rockets, that is such a horrible !@#$ing idea that I'd probably support a preemptive strike on North Korea's nuclear and rocket facilities to prevent it.


But on the other hand...if they do launch a nuke into the Pacific, not even China's going to stand with them while we take the country apart.

We will see how commies act?


Is this kind of like when you are in the supermarket and a kid is going ballistic in produce? Is the mother gonna be scared to beat the kid senseless.


Can we get a two-for-one showing and throw Trump in there with Lil Kim lobbing bananas? Trump's buddies with Putin, maybe Vlad will give him the old parental backhand upside Trump's head on his next visit to the Kremlin.


This is a game of chicken. N.Korea is not programmed to back down. Saving face is impossible. Best thing that can happen is what happened in the scene from "Rebel Without a Cause." Lil Kim gets his jacket hooked on the door handle. ;-)

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Kim Jong Un may actually launch a nuke into the Pacific. Given the unreliability of DPRK rockets, that is such a horrible !@#$ing idea that I'd probably support a preemptive strike on North Korea's nuclear and rocket facilities to prevent it.


But on the other hand...if they do launch a nuke into the Pacific, not even China's going to stand with them while we take the country apart.


One would hope/expect.


The only wrinkles are the massive refugee influx (which would implode the Chinese economy from what I hear) and the threat of a unified western peninsula. Both of those elements might make make the Chinese feel boxed into supporting the unsupportable.

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So it's beer and donuts for the Mrs. & you?


Gonna have it delivered or you gonna fire up the tow-truck or Ski-Doo and make a run out? When ordering Canadian, you gotta go all out!





Your write. Upon further review, I googled the eatery's website and saw this vid what features their delivery boy.

He is wearing an authentic Canadian tuxedo, but his Ski-Doo doesn't look that dependable.


We just stayed in and had thoughts of home made poutine and cheap beers.


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Earthquake detected in North Korea, reports conflict on scale and nature

A Chinese monitoring agency said the quake was actually stronger – at magnitude 3.4 – and that it was like caused by an explosion, Japan’s Kyoto News reported.

The quake occurred in the area where North Korea recently conducted a nuclear test, the South Korean agency reported.

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