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Are we ramping up to war with North Korea?

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The U.S. population would have to be temporary refugees around the world till the grid is repaired.


As long as most of the U.S. ballistic missile subs survive , pay back will be a beach . That goes for China and Russia , as long as NATO stays with us.


Yeah, the world's going to welcome us with open arms. :lol:



How would the Canadians be able to differentiate between nuclear winter and Canadian winter?


Glow-in-the-dark maple syrup? A Canadian team might win the Stanley Cup?

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Is Dennis Rodman our best hope? I thought this was a joke article at first.. http://nypost.com/2017/09/06/dennis-rodman-wants-to-patch-things-up-between-trump-and-kim-jong-un/


Ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman said Wednesday he wanted to “straighten things out” between his BFF Kim Jong Un and President Trump as the two leaders face off over the rogue regime’s nuke program.

Rodman, aka The Worm, told the British TV show “Good Morning Britain” that he had skied and sung karaoke with the pint-size despot, and was just the guy to bring peace to the tense Korean peninsula.

“For me to go over there and see [Kim] as much as I have, I basically hang out with him all the time. We laugh, we sing karaoke, we do a lot of cool things together. We ride horses, we hang out, we go skiing, we hardly ever talk politics and that’s the good thing,” said Rodman, who at 6-foot-7 is a full foot taller than the Korean dictator.

“I just want to try to straighten things out for everyone to get along together.”

The former baller — known for his relentless rebounding and multi-hued Afros — also praised Trump, even though the president could be “a little bit crazy sometimes.”

Rodman has visited with Kim several times, even as North Korea has carried out a series of nuclear and missile tests and Trump has responded with warnings of a “massive” military response.

The president also threatened “fire and fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before” — a statement many took to mean a nuclear strike.

Rodman — whose gal pals have included Madonna, porn star Jenna Jameson and actress Carmen Electra — last visited North Korea in June and his earlier trips stoked talk that he could somehow help the US cut a deal with the North, although his comments on Kim have also drawn ridicule.

“He loves power. He loves control … and stuff like that, but he’s just a great guy. He’s just a great guy,” he said after a 2013 visit with the murderous nutjob — who has had members of his own family executed.

Rodman said he was not trying to defend Kim and was “just an ambassador for sports.”

Here's the full youtube video that I have no clue how to post youtube videos so I'll just post the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81D1rr4UJWk

Edited by Doc Brown
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North Korea may launch ICBM on Saturday, South Korean president warns

South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon said Thursday its neighbor may launch a missile Saturday while celebrating its founding day. The volatile regime is known to put on a show for its citizens during national holidays to display its strength.

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Lots of drips of exotic weapon technology as of late - which is the norm during the buildup to a first strike of some kind (reference how the Stealth Bomber was rolled out to the public in the 90s). If there is action of some kind on the peninsula, look for the deployment of some of the more "public" exotic weapons such as:




And potentially some of these which have been showing up in photos this past week over MacDill (home to US Special Operations Command, and in the path of Irma):



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Lots of drips of exotic weapon technology as of late - which is the norm during the buildup to a first strike of some kind (reference how the Stealth Bomber was rolled out to the public in the 90s). If there is action of some kind on the peninsula, look for the deployment of some of the more "public" exotic weapons such as:




And potentially some of these which have been showing up in photos this past week over MacDill (home to US Special Operations Command, and in the path of Irma):



That tungsten meteor shower doesn't sound like a good idea in practice.

Who came up with that, Lucy Ricardo?

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Glow-in-the-dark maple syrup? A Canadian team might win the Stanley Cup?

The first one actually sounds really good. As long as they don't add pecan flavoring or some crap. That started all the stupid trends with beer, coffee, vodka, etc. IHOP can kiss my ass.


The second one....lol.


You're smart. Let me ask you a question. So the moron Canadian team that should be named the Maple Leaves are too stupid to spell the name of their own team. That has to be some sort of record. But does Hillary Clinton technically have fat calfs or fat calves?

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The first one actually sounds really good. As long as they don't add pecan flavoring or some crap. That started all the stupid trends with beer, coffee, vodka, etc. IHOP can kiss my ass.


The second one....lol.


You're smart. Let me ask you a question. So the moron Canadian team that should be named the Maple Leaves are too stupid to spell the name of their own team. That has to be some sort of record. But does Hillary Clinton technically have fat calfs or fat calves?

She has two, so the answer is a parent.

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