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Are we ramping up to war with North Korea?

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But thank God the country's going to be nuked under a Republican administration - Democratic rule for the next 50 years!

0:) Republicans, Democrats, they're all just spokes on a wheel. The one's on top and that one's on top and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.

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I call this two sick f__ks pushing their respective countries to the brink of war...






:thumbsup: to you, :thumbdown: to them. They're about to get what they've been planning for, for such a very long time.


PSA: Better stock up on your Hyundai parts and Sanyo TVs, etc. They might be getting very scarce very soon.

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THIS IS CNN...........



CNN’s Camerota: If N. Korea fires at but misses Guam, consider it “Just a Missile Test”


North Korea has threatened to fire missiles at Guam, a US territory home to thousands of US citizens and a major US Air Force base.


What if the missiles fell short or missed the island?


What’s the big deal? It’s “just a missile test.”

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Gives the U.S. a chance to test it's anti missile system on Guam or Aegis system on a navy ship.

The ABM system for Guam is an Aegis ship.


Not that it matters. The missile NK would use has exploded 3 of the 4 times it's been tested. North Korea is not only unlikely to hit anything near Guam with these missiles, they're unlikely to hit the planet with them. If they launch a strike against Guam, Guam is probably the safest place to be.

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Trump just said on his warning to North Korea, "Maybe it wasn't tough enough." Maybe as some of us overreacted to his apocalyptic message to Kim Jong Un, it's possible that he made that kind of statement because it's the only way to get through to Kim. I hate defending Trump, but there's an interview he had with the great Tim Russert in '99 where he talks about North Korea that makes me think he isn't as reckless as some of us assume.




My main criticism of Obama was first and foremost making Hillary Clinton SOS, but my 2nd was that he wasn't tougher on North Korea. The same could be said of George W who attacked the wrong country. The one area of his cabinet Trump did a good job in selecting is his foreign policy cabinet members.

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Susan Rice tells Trump to learn to "tolerate" a nuclear North Korea http://washex.am/2vIpB8K...... :doh:




Susan has forgotten what her boss said less than a year ago.





President Obama, Sept 2016: "To be clear, the United States does not, and never will, accept North Korea as a nuclear state"


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If the N Korea military does not take out the madman , put trade sanctions on China until they force them to turn over nuclear and missile program to UN.


China has its own way of doing things and won't take any crap at all.

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Susan Rice tells Trump to learn to "tolerate" a nuclear North Korea http://washex.am/2vIpB8K...... :doh:




Susan has forgotten what her boss said less than a year ago.





President Obama, Sept 2016: "To be clear, the United States does not, and never will, accept North Korea as a nuclear state"





!@#$ susan rice. She needs to be investigated as well

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