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Posted (edited)



What a maroon.


He's "threatening" us with this:


For starters, we now endorse cutting the federal income tax to the bone—maybe even doing the full Wesley Snipes and abolishing it altogether. We will raise our state and local taxes accordingly to pay for anything we might need or want. We ask nothing more from you and your federal government. Nothing for infrastructure, or housing, or the care of the poor and sick—not that you gave us much, anyway. All we want is our money, and you can keep yours, dollar for dollar.


Which, is basically WTF we want. :wacko:


If we are serious about keeping money where it is? Great! Now I don't have to send $1 for Education to DC, have them take a cut, have them send it to the state...to take a cut, and have my own district and its teachers have to apply/beg the state to send my money back to them, so they can get MAYBE $.15 of my $1. New Plan: I just give them my $1. This unmitigated moron...is threatening me with that? :lol:


Newsflash: the ONLY "higher purpose" The Great Society has been serving, since 1965...is the campaigns of Ds, and in turn, the wallets of those who pay to play with them. How are the Wars on: Poverty, Drugs, Single Motherhood, Child Hunger, Child Abuse, Child Support, Illiteracy et al going? Well, it's been at least 40+ F'ing years, and what exactly has changed? Meanwhile, how has the Federal Grants for Social Science/Federal Overpay for Incompetents Jobs Program industry been doing for the last 40 years? EDIT: GSA scandal anyone?


Most of this amounts to the rantings of an 8th grade girl. For example: this guy doesn't want to pay for rail lines or highways in red states...yet never solves the "where is the food, fuel, water, electricity coming from and how does it get there" problem. :lol: Perhaps he thinks we should build airbases and forts in Manhattan, and not in Kansas(oh, is that part of the money that Kansas is "stealing" from the Blue states? #8thGradeGirl) Also, he seems to think that in his perfect world of high speed rail, and wind/solar farms, places like...the Southern Tier of New York, Western MD, etc. are going to go along his "plan". They'll be fine with being "where the windfarms are" and having to walk/ride their bikes everywhere. I mean its not like these economies are F'ING DYING already...and this clown:

1. wants to nail the coffin shut

2. bitches because the people who live there can now see that, and this guy, for exactly who he is, what he is, and most importantly, what he thinks about them

3. wonders why these people voted against him, and the rest of the 8th grade girls that sit at his lunch table.


The man is literally laying out the case on why both his brain and the ideas it creates suck donkey dick, yet is completely oblivious that he is doing it. :lol:


He bitches about Amtrack running at a loss in Red states. Why does he think it will run a profit in ANYWHERE in VA that isn't within 40 miles of DC? And what about states like NJ/DE/RI? Does he think that they have the $ to build their own rail lines? Especially NJ? Simpsons. Monorail! Batman Trilogy? When are these clowns going to learn that the Monorail is such a known quantity as a failure, that it's repeatedly used as a key plot element?


He thinks, that basing our transportation on fossil fuels and personal vehicles...is LESS risky than basing them on surly government employees who are liable to strike instantly. Just wait until something important is coming to town. In Philly it's the: SEPTA Workers Threaten Strike headline, every time. Yeah. Let's build rail lines with no competition whatsoever, and then? Staff them up with people who KNOW they are the only option. Way less risky. :wallbash:


The final kicker is this: Look at F'ing Chicago and Illinois in general. That entire sh!thole is going down, hard. Decades of mismanagement means they are going to default. Illinois is the new Greece. And, when Illinois inevitably fails? Guess who is going to have to bail them out? (There are many Blue States that aren't far behind.)


Yep, the Red States. Just like the Red States had to pay their tax dollars to bail out what the "smart people" in NYC and DC did to the rest of us in 2008.


Seems this clown forgot about that. I suppose the next time his "enlightened" laws require giving mortgages to people who can't afford them, based on race, it will be nice if it is only his "Blue" money that has to pick up the tab.


These are just the easy ones.There is plenty wrong with this guys argument. But, I hope he keeps trying. He's doing a fine job, as every far-leftist does, of ensuring the opposite of what he wants happens.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

The elderly were huge winners from the Great Society. Use to be large numbers of our poor elderly lived in dire poverty and now the elderly have much more comfortable lives.

Can you explain how and why?

Posted (edited)



Ummmm - he is basically correct - Blue States crush Red States in just about every category - not all - but almost all.


Red States are the Welfare States.


Wanna know why the GOP wants all the HC funding to be block grants? Because the Red Staters can just take that sweet sweet block grant money and throw it in the general fund...educate yourself. And overuse of emitcons doesn't help.

Edited by baskin
Posted (edited)



Ummmm - he is basically correct - Blue States crush Red States in just about every category - not all - but almost all.


Red States are the Welfare States.


Wanna know why the GOP wants all the HC funding to be block grants? Because the Red Staters can just take that sweet sweet block grant money and throw it in the general fund...educate yourself. And overuse of emitcons doesn't help.

Explain why there is no Ed Koch Airbase in Manhattan, or, no David Dinkins Nuclear Power Plant in Queens.


You can't. The reason you can't: it makes about as much sense to locate multi-billion $ government installations there as it does to treat all government spending as one huge line-item, per state. Accounting 101 would tell anybody this, but, what are the chances that you, or any Democrat took, and passed, Accounting 101?


Thus, this guy's entire premise has huge design flaws.


Educate yourself on the simple concept of having to spend more money on the Hoover Dam...because it's the F'ing Hoover Dam, than on the Statue of Liberty.

Educate yourself on the simple concept that if you take farm subsidies out of your dopey, single line-item approach, this entire argument's ass falls out immediately. Yes, farm subsidies...which Blue states demand, because if they didn't, the price of food would go through the roof for them some years, and other years, there would be shortages. The Red States want farm subsidies too, because the food business is too volatile, since it is so heavily dependent on volume, and Blue state demand is subject to wild swings(Milk is good/bad/good/bad/good/bad, etc. :rolleyes:). This isn't 1925. We don't all live on the farm. So, the government has actually been useful here in keeping things necessarily steady. So steady, that we can send food all over the world cheaper than people can make it themselves.


That's called good business, and it comes back 3x to blue states in terms of Blue state people getting jobs moving the food/selling it/cooking it, etc.


But yeah, the "educated" view is that a dollar is a dollar is a dollar. Morons.


As I said: this is is a child's understanding of how/where/why the government spends $. You think rural nursing homes get the same medicaid funding as urban ones? Are you an idiot, or just uneducated? -> https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Health-Plans/MedicareAdvtgSpecRateStats/Downloads/RegionalRatesBenchmarks2016.pdf


Look at page 2. See how a nursing home who serves the poor/Medicaid people in MO gets 26.13, while NY gets 39.73?


So, no, this guy is completely talking out his ass. He's not sending extra magical Medicaid $ anywhere but his own state. And, if he knew anything, he'd know that Medicaid is generally broken down as follows: 50% Fed, 25% State, 25% county.


NY State in its infinite wisdom is one of the largest Medicaid Reimbursers in the country. Only beaten by NJ. NYS doesn't just pay its 25% as required by law, oh no, it pays way more....because we are so compassionate, right?


Wrong: because we are idiots. By doing this, NYS's #1 import is Poor People. Hooray! :rolleyes: People come FROM Red States to get on Medicaid here...ALL THE F'ING TIME!


So, if this guy had any understanding of the material at all, he should be pissed at our "compassionate" NYS legislature, which, has been in the poor people import business for the last 40 years, while steadily raising taxes! Which does what? Forces not poor people, or people who don't want to be poor, out of the state, and out of the F'ing tax base!. :wallbash:


Now, you've been educated. The reason Blue states keep paying more and more and more and more for "nursing homes" is their own damn Blue State Legislatures, who keep insisting on overpaying for ALL entitlements, and thereby attracting Red State poor people. Then, they raise taxes to keep paying even more. It's a vicious cycle, and most states have said "enough!"...which why Blue Legislators, nationwide, have been dropping like flies.


There's some "education" for you. Show me your command of how CMS works, I've already shown you mine.


EDIT: And then, there is supposed to be a mystery to how Democrats lose elections because of over-concentrations of their voters in their safe hidey-hole districts in NY, CA, IL, and NJ? They IMPORTED that over-concentration of takers with their own bad policies. That ain't the Red State's fault. There aren't any takers left in Red States, they've all moved to Blue States where they get to take more.


Yeah astounding, isn't it. :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)

Ah, The Great Society or otherwise How "I'll get those n*****s to vote democrat for the next 200 years".

Yes, just horrible to finally allow blacks the right to vote. Just shameless pandering by the Dems to give people their basic right to representation.


What a total a hole loser you are

Edited by Tiberius

Yes, just horrible to finally allow blacks the right to vote. Just shameless pandering by the Dems to give people their basic right to representation.


What a total a hole loser you are

[This is an automated response.]




Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.7.

Posted (edited)

Yes, just horrible to finally allow blacks the right to vote. Just shameless pandering by the Dems to give people their basic right to representation.


What a total a hole loser you are

“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

I had never heard the above quote from Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House before but my father had told me about LBJ’s terrible mouth and frightful personality.

If you listen to Democrats (many of you do — at least those who watch MSNBC and read the NY Times rabidly), you hear fanciful yarns spun so sweetly about how LBJ ended racism, segregation and voting inequality in America. They make him sound like Mr. Rogers.

How long will the Democrats continue their absurd charade? All the while claiming Republicans are racist, meanwhile the Democrats are the party clearly responsible for the contemptible Jim Crow laws. Let’s see how proud these secret, racist beliefs make current day Democrats. Let’s see how they like the real truth being told about their party.

When I was nine, a friend of my father’s worked in the LBJ White House and was unhappily close with LBJ. He was writing a book about his experiences with this foul-mouthed, racist president and somehow I got my hands on it. I was fascinated. I had never encountered such words or their rampant use — even when no vulgarity was necessary, an inside view of a president that 99.9% of the country never saw.

LBJ was an awful man. He only promoted and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act because he thought it was politically expedient. He disagreed violently and kept it a secret, something I think is unreservedly detestable. Or is it a common politician’s disease?

Let’s look at another quote attributed to “Great Society & Civil Rights Hero” LBJ:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”


Read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-relentless-conservative/the-democratic-partys-two_b_933995.html

Edited by grinreaper

“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

I had never heard the above quote from Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House before but my father had told me about LBJ’s terrible mouth and frightful personality.

If you listen to Democrats (many of you do — at least those who watch MSNBC and read the NY Times rabidly), you hear fanciful yarns spun so sweetly about how LBJ ended racism, segregation and voting inequality in America. They make him sound like Mr. Rogers.

How long will the Democrats continue their absurd charade? All the while claiming Republicans are racist, meanwhile the Democrats are the party clearly responsible for the contemptible Jim Crow laws. Let’s see how proud these secret, racist beliefs make current day Democrats. Let’s see how they like the real truth being told about their party.

When I was nine, a friend of my father’s worked in the LBJ White House and was unhappily close with LBJ. He was writing a book about his experiences with this foul-mouthed, racist president and somehow I got my hands on it. I was fascinated. I had never encountered such words or their rampant use — even when no vulgarity was necessary, an inside view of a president that 99.9% of the country never saw.

LBJ was an awful man. He only promoted and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act because he thought it was politically expedient. He disagreed violently and kept it a secret, something I think is unreservedly detestable. Or is it a common politician’s disease?

Let’s look at another quote attributed to “Great Society & Civil Rights Hero” LBJ:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”


Read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-relentless-conservative/the-democratic-partys-two_b_933995.html

This is a legendary event. But it shows the basic globalist system that is being installed now. Keep people poor and very easy to control. Throw in some division, terrorism and some false flag crap like 9/11 and people will gladly give up independence.

Posted (edited)

Yes, just horrible to finally allow blacks the right to vote. Just shameless pandering by the Dems to give people their basic right to representation.


What a total a hole loser you are

And again:


The unintentional irony abounds: tying the right to vote...to the "LBJ N!gger Entitlement(hey assclown, LBJ said the N word, not me, so why are you defending his "Great Society, again?")" == to be totally irresponsible, and teach that, and get rewarded for that, for 3 generations...all provided you vote Democrat?


Coupled with: More black men have ALMOST! died in Chicago than have died in the War on Terror.


I say ALMOST! because: for all I know, 1 of 3 things are true.

1. I, once again, have to do this F'ing job myself, because nobody else is capable of analytical/abstract thought.

2. We've crossed that threshold, and the media is doing all it can to hide that datum

3. We are like 2 dead black Chicago sh!heels away from surpassing the record, of honor, that the 2 dead black heroes set, and the Rs don't want to spoil the surprise...stats...on the Ds.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

This is a legendary event. But it shows the basic globalist system that is being installed now. Keep people poor and very easy to control. Throw in some division, terrorism and some false flag crap like 9/11 and people will gladly give up independence.

Yeah, I'm totally believing that you are on the same level with grinreaper, because your evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, is exactly like his life experience as a 9 year old. Anybody who's even somewhat familiar with the actual detective work that is required from a real historian knows immediately that grinreaper's story has details that are salient, and therefore, it's likely that there is primary source gold to be found.


You tie that in with Truther Horsesh!t....casually? I mean, at what point should we ask "have you no shame, sir?"


I fear that the point...is irrelevant...because you don't even understand the concept of shame. Oh sure, you can yell the word "shame" at somebody else, at a college campus, but you really don't know what it means.


Honestly? If you lost a bet to me, and I made you do 100 pushups, naked, on Youtube., would you be ashamed, or....would you be looking at the view count?

Posted (edited)

Remember when talking about secession was only something done by raysists® and sore losers?

Yeah, the Big F U here?


Just like the early 80s with Reagan: the Millenials college days are more over than starting now, and they all have to get a job. It will be hilariously "shocking" when they all follow their baby boomer grandparents pattern: they won't want to pay taxes either. As soon as they see their 3rd or 4th real paycheck, and what the real deductions look like? Schit, we might as well bring back Billy Idol. I hate to say it, but, I'm kinda looking forward to the big hair again. :) Hell I think most feminists, deep down, are really scared of having to do the 80s big hair and makeup thing again. I can't blame them. But that doesn't mean I will feel sorry for them. Donald Trump IS the 80s big hair and makeup thing. He exudes it. Mark my words: somebody is gonna do the Dynasty/Markie Post hair soon, and the rest will lemming their way into it.


EDIT: Matter. Of. Time.




The Ds reliance on college-educated Millenial voters is stupidly hilarious. Gen-Xers knew we were screwed right about that 6 months in 6th grade, when all our friend's parents got divorced, and suddenly we became the only adults in the family. All of know better than to expect anything from anybody.


Look at the #s: Gen-X is THE most conservative voting bloc, all races, all genders, there is. There aren't as many of us, but that hardly matters since we don't cancel each other out as much. Our voting pattern suggests we might as well be 80 years old, because we've spent most of our lives as adults. The one thing baby boomers and millenials have in common: they spent most of their lives as children.


Now, 20 years from now, when it's time for millenials to send their kids to college, just like with the Baby Boomers? Oh sure, we'll see another Clinton. But, not...right...now. :)

Edited by OCinBuffalo

The myth that blue states use less federal money than red states...because an obamaphone costs less than a country road.


Blue states typically require 4X more welfare funding than Red states. With the exception of Alaska, the top 10 welfare recipients are all blue states.

So let's equate a military base to an inner city basketball court, if it makes the snowflakes feel smug.

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