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That politician complaining about the $5 mil to

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These guys are morons....the penny tax failing is the best thing that could have happened to Erie County. The recent poll in the Buffalo News shows that people want the fat cut from the county, and politicians are bitter that they can't get away with hiring their buddies and family at high salaries anymore. I hate to see jobs lost, but many of them shouldn't have been hired in the first place. I just hope those get cut, and not meaningful jobs, like librarians. RWS is in no way part of the problem, but this politician needs to point a finger at something, as long as its not himself.

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Take nothing that DeBenedetti says as truth. The guy is a sh--. He was offering to trade his "yes" vote on the sales tax for a job when he gets voted out of office. He's an ass and will be shown the door next election cycle.

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When has good judgement and common sense ever have anything to do with Buffalo and Erie County government?





It is not exclusive to Buffalo. I live in Richmond Va, and the triple A team here is offering to develop a part of town with a new stadium, retail, condos restaurants the whole nine yards that could be very cool and increase the tax base significantly. This is where the money would come from.. No cost to taxpayers except forfeting the additional revenues from the incresed assesmsnts, which will not be there if the area is not developed.


But no, we might see more traffic( none now cause the area pretty dead), maybe a building that has been vacant for the last 30 years thirty years would need to go, and get this, people migght actually have to walk up to a 1/4 mile from some of the parking. Happens everywhere where a politician wants his name in the papers

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