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Will a rookie QB hurt the Bills in the FA market?

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WGR550 was talking about this during the morning show and it made me wonder. Last year, this team was on the road to the playoffs and was a team someone would usually want to join to try for a Super Bowl ring. However, the team that was 9-7 last year got rid of their veteran QB and it looks like they may be losing two huge parts of the OL and DL. Is this a team that a veteran free agent would want to join? The cold weather is a factor, and so is the taxes. Do they consider us in a rebuilding mode? The Bills are admitting that the road may be a little bumpy this year, but they don't mind, because the long run will be worth it. Would the big name free agents feel the same way? In other words, would Takeo Spikes or Troy Vincent have signed onto this team now? Or would they have passed because of the fact that we are going with a rookie this year? What do you guys think?

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WGR550 was talking about this during the morning show and it made me wonder. Last year, this team was on the road to the playoffs and was a team someone would usually want to join to try for a Super Bowl ring. However, the team that was 9-7 last year got rid of their veteran QB and it looks like they may be losing two huge parts of the OL and DL. Is this a team that a veteran free agent would want to join? The cold weather is a factor, and so is the taxes. Do they consider us in a rebuilding mode? The Bills are admitting that the road may be a little bumpy this year, but they don't mind, because the long run will be worth it. Would the big name free agents feel the same way? In other words, would Takeo Spikes or Troy Vincent have signed onto this team now? Or would they have passed because of the fact that we are going with a rookie this year? What do you guys think?



But last year we were coming off a 6-10 season, worse than the year before. Were we really seen as a team on a rise last year? Maybe after Bledsoe's first year i.e 2002 (2003 offseason), when we signed Spikes this was the case, but I have my doubts about last year.


Losman is a second year player, not a rookie. Not to be nit-picky, but this is an important difference.

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It really depends. In my opinion it will not hurt us getting those guys who are FA and looking for the best paycheck. Where it hurts us is the solid 30+ year olds who wan't a legit chance at a ring this year or next, before they retire. I believe they will go cheaply to NE, Philly, Ravens, etc...


The Bills may be pushing it to be a playoff team, but they are a long way from a legit SB contender.

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It really depends.  In my opinion it will not hurt us getting those guys who are FA and looking for the best paycheck.  Where it hurts us is the solid 30+ year olds who wan't a legit chance at a ring this year or next, before they retire.  I believe they will go cheaply to NE, Philly, Ravens, etc... 


The Bills may be pushing it to be a playoff team, but they are a long way from a legit SB contender.



Good post. I agree.

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It really depends.  In my opinion it will not hurt us getting those guys who are FA and looking for the best paycheck.  Where it hurts us is the solid 30+ year olds who wan't a legit chance at a ring this year or next, before they retire.  I believe they will go cheaply to NE, Philly, Ravens, etc... 


The Bills may be pushing it to be a playoff team, but they are a long way from a legit SB contender.



Yeah, I agree but I think we would be in that situation whether or not Bledsoe was still the QB.

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Losman is a second year player, not a rookie. Not to be nit-picky, but this is an important difference.




I and many have high hopes for JPL developing into a contributing NFL player quickly, but even at his lofty vet status in his second year, whose future has been declared to be now by the Bills he is still a young unproven QB to me. He has great potential, but potential simply means you haven;t done anything yet.


Since we already have a young QB, adding another one simply seems redundant to me.


It might make a little sense if we had a number 2 who could credibly step in and give our team a reasonable chance of winning if JP gets dinged again (I think it is too early to label him as injury prone given the willingness and ability he showed to take hits in college- RJ really has made Bills' partisans gunshy) or if JP needs development time before contributing and isn't ready yet (unlikely from what I see and hear, but easily possible for any 2nd year QB).


However, Matthews as #2 strikes me as such wishful thinking that he is a credible #2 that it does make me laugh. Matthews would be a good #3 because he has been around the NFL awhile, played well enough in mo-up duty last year and knows the Bills O, but his career is one of a journeyman and it is unreasonable to expect him to play even the 3 game Frank Reich role if called upon.


The nore credible the #2 we get the more reasonable it is to get a young QB at #3. However, the reasonable course to me would be to spend as best we can for a #2 (Batch, Kordell, McMahon, Peete?) and then hope Matthews (or his wife) decides he can sign on to carry the clipboard and help groom JP.

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Yeah, I agree but I think we would be in that situation whether or not Bledsoe was still the QB.


I don't disagree with this.


I am of the different camp as you know that felt even as many mistakes as Drew made, we had a better shot at the playoffs with him. Either way though JP or Drew we were just on the cusp of playoff contention.


So all in all we agree. It's just that some vet's would have felt more comfortable with a known entity and known strengths and weaknesses of Drew then a pure wild card in JP. For all you and I know he will make RJ look like a HOF'er.

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in my opinion i really think it helps the bills . it shows the free agent that the team and management want to go to the next step . it lets people know that they are not going to sit around and let subpar play be accepted .

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I don't disagree with this. 


I am of the different camp as you know that felt even as many mistakes as Drew made, we had a better shot at the playoffs with him.  Either way though JP or Drew we were just on the cusp of playoff contention. 


So all in all we agree.  It's just that some vet's would have felt more comfortable with a known entity and known strengths and weaknesses of Drew then a pure wild card in JP.  For all you and I know he will make RJ look like a HOF'er.



I am not in the Bledsoe-hating camp either. I am excited about the prospect of a new offensive look to the team, but I was not and am still not sure that was the right decision. I would have preferred both be on the team, but that was not to be.

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So all in all we agree.  It's just that some vet's would have felt more comfortable with a known entity and known strengths and weaknesses of Drew then a pure wild card in JP.  For all you and I know he will make RJ look like a HOF'er.


That's the point that I'm trying to get to. Many vets may feel that with JP, we are rebuilding and Losman is an unknown and that could be a good thing, but it could also be bad (RJ). I think that the key is a veteran QB. We need to have someone who would be a pretty good QB if JP struggles or if he goes down.

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I've heard quite the opposite. Most support the move.



I think the question is not whether you think JP or Drew was the right move. The move is done. JP is the man. Bledsoe is gone. We need to move on.


The key outstanding question is what do we do now for a #2.


1. I think Matthews would be a great #3, but has little record of accomplishment in his 11 years and enough mileage on his body playing for hapless teams that I do not see hm at all as a credible #2. If he his #2, I think our best chance is that JP turns into a star and never gets hurt, rather than any confidence that Matthews (who is already retired in my mind) rather than it being reasonable to assume he can even play the Frank Reich role of giving this team a good chance for 3 starts.


2. I think the many demands we have, and good but not great cap room makes it unlikely we can pay the large amounts a former NFL QB starter of any accomplishment (SB wins like Warner and Johnson, Pro Bowl berths like Garcia) will likely command. Even worse, I think it is a fair question whether any of these players have enough left to be worth investing in. I think we will have to do the best we can as cheaply as we can with a #2 and hope for the best.


As it stands, I think we likely will need to go with a back-up who has been around for awhile who we think/hope can show something under the QB career rehab magic of MM/TC to make our new #2 the real deal if necessary.


I like the idea of us getting Batch, McMahon, or even Peete IF MM thinks he can revive one of them. Further, I like the idea of getting Kordell as MM has already revived him once but using him as a slash player and going with only 2 QBs on the roster.


Our best shot will be if MM/Clements/Wyche can make it work with JP. This is possible but far from a sure-thing. We need another real possibility that probably won't work so you don't want to do it, but has better chance of working than Shane Matthews.

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WGR550 was talking about this during the morning show and it made me wonder. Last year, this team was on the road to the playoffs and was a team someone would usually want to join to try for a Super Bowl ring. However, the team that was 9-7 last year got rid of their veteran QB and it looks like they may be losing two huge parts of the OL and DL. Is this a team that a veteran free agent would want to join? The cold weather is a factor, and so is the taxes. Do they consider us in a rebuilding mode? The Bills are admitting that the road may be a little bumpy this year, but they don't mind, because the long run will be worth it. Would the big name free agents feel the same way? In other words, would Takeo Spikes or Troy Vincent have signed onto this team now? Or would they have passed because of the fact that we are going with a rookie this year? What do you guys think?



OK! I can't take no more. First those two dumb asses on in the morning make no sense. Are Offense ranked 25th this year. Bledsoe in 2002 did not score a TD in 7 GAMES. That right there blows me away, granted it was not all DB but come on now. THINK PEOPLE no f@#$ing TD's there is no way JP will ever go 7 games without scoring a TD even if he has to run it in himself. JP will be a BIG improvement and if we can get some O-line help to make some holes for WM we have the making of a top 10 Offense this year and a very entertaining one. Lets look at there other logic of are big holes (JJ and PW) The Patsies loose so called great players every year and now there releasing Ty Law I guess they are DOOOOOMED now. In my eyes Jonas was part of a average line and big Pat I would like to keep hey he's not gone yet. I guess what I'm saying is thank God the Bills future are in the hands of the Coaches instead of WGR BOZO's and certain negative people on this board. GO BILLS

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It really depends.  In my opinion it will not hurt us getting those guys who are FA and looking for the best paycheck.  Where it hurts us is the solid 30+ year olds who wan't a legit chance at a ring this year or next, before they retire.  I believe they will go cheaply to NE, Philly, Ravens, etc... 


The Bills may be pushing it to be a playoff team, but they are a long way from a legit SB contender.



IMHO only, guys go where they are offered the most money. If it happens to be to team that is a contender, they are going there to be the final piece. If they are going to a team that appers to suck, they are going to be a part of seeing a great turnaround and being part of something special. Think Muhommand signed with Da Bears cause of their playoff and SB chances. But he said he thinks with Grossman the the team is right on the cusp, and wins are more more important than the jacki he got, and he really wants that ring.


In terms of the Patriots FAs, lets not forget that outside of Brady and maybe Bruschi, nobody playing for less than market. And I mean NOBODY else. Sure as hell dont see Venateri signing up to be less than the highest paid kicker the league, now do you.Certainly TY Law said pay me or cut me.


Again, my strong belief. uys follow the jack, and say whatever the press relations manual says they should say in that situation.

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That's the point that I'm trying to get to.  Many vets may feel that with JP, we are rebuilding and Losman is an unknown and that could be a good thing, but it could also be bad (RJ).  I think that the key is a veteran QB.  We need to have someone who would be a pretty good QB if JP struggles or if he goes down.


Were the Steelers rebuilding last year? I don't think so.

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For those who are not within earshot of WGR, it was not Howard Simon making these remarks...it was Brad Riter and Jeremy White.  Howard can't get back from vacation quick enough! :D



I also can't wait for Howard to return, and I apologize if anyone thought my coments were toward HS they were NOT...........

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WGR550 was talking about this during the morning show and it made me wonder. Last year, this team was on the road to the playoffs and was a team someone would usually want to join to try for a Super Bowl ring. However, the team that was 9-7 last year got rid of their veteran QB and it looks like they may be losing two huge parts of the OL and DL. Is this a team that a veteran free agent would want to join? The cold weather is a factor, and so is the taxes. Do they consider us in a rebuilding mode? The Bills are admitting that the road may be a little bumpy this year, but they don't mind, because the long run will be worth it. Would the big name free agents feel the same way? In other words, would Takeo Spikes or Troy Vincent have signed onto this team now? Or would they have passed because of the fact that we are going with a rookie this year? What do you guys think?




it depends.


If the target is a defensive player who played the Bills, he will know the offense will be much harder to defense without Drew since constant pressure up the middle will no longer totally destroy the offensive consistency.


If the target is an OL, then he will much relieved not having to protect a statute with no pocket presense.


If the target is a WR or TE, they will be relieved that Drew won't be locking onto Moulds on every play, so they may actually see the ball.


So I guess if a player gets the right cash, he will probably view the Bills as a well run operation whose team is playoff bound.

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