Buffalo Barbarian Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 "I live in Mexico where steroids are legal. Guess what. Mexico doesn't have a steroid problem. In fact, the issue doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Anyone, including a 15 year-old soccer player, can walk into a pharmacy, go right up to the counter, ask for preloaded ready-jects of Sustanon 250 and Deca, pay his 500-some-odd pesos and walk out, just as if he'd purchased pink sugar cookies and a bottle of Gatorade. No problem. And, oddly, the news reports in Mexico are barren of anyone dying from steroids. No teens are committing suicide. Sports are not rife with cheaters and allegations of malfeasance. Parent groups aren't up in arms demanding legislation. There's nobody testifying in front of congress blaming juiced professional athletes for their son's alleged steroid-induced suicide (more on that character in a minute)." https://www.t-nation.com/opinion/should-steroids-be-legal
Over 29 years of fanhood Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 I'm in favor of the conversation. People can't pretend they dont like what these ultra freak jacked up Super humans add to the sport. Lawrence Taylor even makes an argument for the entertainment enhancement offered by other substances being allowable too... There is a lotta money at stake. On the other side, unnatural things are bad for you... like Soda and cheetos and synthetic growth hormone
Buffalo Barbarian Posted March 8, 2017 Author Posted March 8, 2017 I'm in favor of the conversation. People can't pretend they dont like what these ultra freak jacked up Super humans add to the sport. Lawrence Taylor even makes an argument for the entertainment enhancement offered by other substances being allowable too... There is a lotta money at stake. On the other side, unnatural things are bad for you... like Soda and cheetos and synthetic growth hormone soda and Cheetos are bad but SGH wont hurt you, however excessive insulin will.
jr1 Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 I want players to be clean for the integrity of records
Buffalo Barbarian Posted March 8, 2017 Author Posted March 8, 2017 I want players to be clean for the integrity of records start new records
BuffaloBillsGospel Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Ask Lyle Alzado if they should be legal, Oh wait you can't because it crippled and killed him.
Buffalo Barbarian Posted March 8, 2017 Author Posted March 8, 2017 Ask Lyle Alzado if they should be legal, Oh wait you can't because it crippled and killed him. Wait steroids don't cause brain tumors, try again.
Pbomb Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 No its unhealhty. Not everyone would or want to use it, puts them at a huge disadvantage. Some of the best pure athletes would never exist anymore. Prosports isnt the wwe
Captain_Quint Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Who cares. We pay enough for tickets, let these beasts battle to the death.
Maury Ballstein Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Hell no. The non cheater shouldn't lose his roster spot to the cheater.
Elite Poster Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 That's because people in other countries have self control.
Chandler#81 Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Excellent topic, BB. My short answer; Yes. The good press about ever-expanding health science and medications lack an interested following vs headline grabbing horrors. Every day, new discoveries occur from stem cell to pharmaceuticals. We as fans pay for this level of entertainment which in turn makes these athletes wealthy and willing to subject themselves to the physical damage which incurs. Much like pro wrestling, it makes the spectator aspect even more appealing. If they use good judgment and educate themselves on possible associated risks, then bring it on. Our diet today is trash, yet we're living much longer than ever before. I wonder why..
Elite Poster Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) Excellent topic, BB. My short answer; Yes. The good press about ever-expanding health science and medications lack an interested following vs headline grabbing horrors. Every day, new discoveries occur from stem cell to pharmaceuticals. We as fans pay for this level of entertainment which in turn makes these athletes wealthy and willing to subject themselves to the physical damage which incurs. Much like pro wrestling, it makes the spectator aspect even more appealing. If they use good judgment and educate themselves on possible associated risks, then bring it on. Our diet today is trash, yet we're living much longer than ever before. I wonder why.. This post had so much ridiculous in it I just need to interject. Did you really compare steroid use to stem cell research??? Oh. My. Goodness. Also, life expectancy is longer, NOT because we are healthier, but because we are better at treating infectious disease. Less people are dying from the flu (but those vaccines definitely are harmful, right?) and tuberculosis but more people are dying from heart disease, aka, diet suicide. For perspective, the US in all its greatness is 17th in life expectancy for women and 18th for men in the world. We are a mess, health wise, but are #1 in resources. In the meantime we are blowing up healthcare hahaha. Edited March 8, 2017 by Elite Poster
bobobonators Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Wtf is going on in this thread. Steroids are legal. You need a damn prescription for them. Shut this garbage down someone. Anyone.
Big Turk Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) "I live in Mexico where steroids are legal. Guess what. Mexico doesn't have a steroid problem. In fact, the issue doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Anyone, including a 15 year-old soccer player, can walk into a pharmacy, go right up to the counter, ask for preloaded ready-jects of Sustanon 250 and Deca, pay his 500-some-odd pesos and walk out, just as if he'd purchased pink sugar cookies and a bottle of Gatorade. No problem. And, oddly, the news reports in Mexico are barren of anyone dying from steroids. No teens are committing suicide. Sports are not rife with cheaters and allegations of malfeasance. Parent groups aren't up in arms demanding legislation. There's nobody testifying in front of congress blaming juiced professional athletes for their son's alleged steroid-induced suicide (more on that character in a minute)." https://www.t-nation.com/opinion/should-steroids-be-legal The reason they are illegal is because you have idiots who abuse them and end up having serious issues...well no kidding...the same way a guy who abuses alcohol ends up having issues or the same way a person who swallows a whole bottle of prescription pills or even aspirin for that matter has issues. Is there some risk involved, yes there is, but if done properly under the watch of a doctor with the proper supports, responsible steroid use is pretty safe. Much safer than at least half of prescription drugs people pop like tic tacs without thinking twice. With the number of men and now even teenagers suffering from low testosterone levels due to the environmental onslaught of the male endocrine system with xenoestrogens from pesticides, plastics and these dumbasses who use any form of incremented soy product/poison, males have had declining testosterone levels since the 1950s...it's the silent epidemic nobody wants to talk about. In fact, virtually every Federal Agency was against banning steroids citing lack of evidence for serious harm except for the FDA. There was a big piece done on 60 minutes about this a while back bringing up this whole issue with numerous doctors and scientists saying steroids pose little health risk...and that "roid rage" you hear about? Other than Tren or perhaps Anadrol, the only time this happens is again with idiots who don't control their Estrogen levels with the use of aromatase inhibitors... Edited March 8, 2017 by matter2003
boyst Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) They are legal. They don't need to be available to the masses without restriction. The masses are retarded. This sets precedence for kids getting them. Roids at anything before 20 is dangerous. There are better options at younger ages than anabolics Even at older ages anabolics are not ideal in most situations Most do not know how to properly consume anabolics as well and end up wasting a good % of its ability Wtf is going on in this thread. Steroids are legal. You need a damn prescription for them. Shut this garbage down someone. Anyone. this. I chalk this kind of mentality up with the pussification of uhmerika. Quite sad. Edited March 8, 2017 by Boyst62
MAJBobby Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) Hell no. The non cheater shouldn't lose his roster spot to the cheater. If they were legal there wouldnt be a cheater would there? Edited March 8, 2017 by MAJBobby
Chuck Wagon Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) Baseball was WAY better when everyone was on steroids. I also believe many more NBA and NFL players than people would suspect are on HGH already. Edited March 8, 2017 by Chuck Wagon
jimmy10 Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 I find myself on the fence on this topic. On one hand, they're adults, they can weigh the risks and make their own decisions. On the other hand, very often the need to start considering chemical enhancement begins pretty young, in college or before. So you have kids getting into it. It's a pretty sticky wicket. Baseball was WAY better when everyone was on steroids. To the masses and casual fans who just wanted to watch Sammy and Mark hit dingers in the summer of 1998, yes. I would argue a significant percentage of hardcore baseball fans (I count myself among those) love the game either way and don't care about explosive offense. In fact I love good defense and low-scoring games, in general, no matter the sport.
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