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The 2020 election is projected to mark the first time in more than 40 years that baby boomers aren’t the largest generation of eligible voters.


Facing a bleak electoral landscape after 2016, the brightest spot for Democrats may be President Trump’s continued weakness with members of the Millennial generation—who are poised to surpass the more Republican-leaning baby boomers in 2020 as the largest generation of eligible voters.
Polls early in his presidency consistently show Trump facing lower job-approval ratings, and greater resistance to his key ideas, among Millennials than among any older generation. Those findings are fueling Democratic hopes that Trump’s agenda of bristling nationalism on issues like immigration will stamp the GOP as a party of racial exclusion, not only for the increasingly diverse Millennials, but for the first post-Millennials who will enter the electorate in 2020.
“This could be a generational opportunity for the Democrats to lock in several very key segments of voters for a long time to come, because this is Trump’s party and Republicans will have to live with the downside,” said Dan Pfeiffer, former White House counselor to Barack Obama. “If Trump’s standing stays where it is now, particularly among young people and non-white voters—he is not an anomaly, he is the Republican Party for years to come.”
oh, all they are talking about is voter numbers so yeah, the vapid, hypocritical, self-absorbed, delusional, pollyannas that we know and are forced to love as 'millennials' will undoubtedly mostly become liberals this cycle. the pendulum aint done swinging, and with the don at the helm its swinging like a slutty gay couple at the all you can eat ecstasy bar
and then of course the libs will pick up voters this time bc its not their presidency. did somebody change the pattern and not tell me?
so yeah there swami, nice call
just dont ask the millennials to do anything brainiary in the next decade. bc the answer to that question would be:
millemmingals more like it. leading each other off the cliff of stupid and entitled
Edited by Meathead
Posted (edited)

Millennials should be the most conservative generation ever. The boomers are leaving them a huge federal debt and insolvent entitlements, the lowest labor participation rate in decades, health care costs spiraling up and border and security issues.


If you could put all the millennials in a room and present to them the state of their country now compared to when the boomers got out of college and in the years that followed, we'd make more conservative folks out of them real quick.


The Dem party is only surviving on a complicit media and education system to push their agenda, the rhetoric from politicians and the ignorance of young voters. All you need to do now is look at the energy the dems are investing in trying to take down Trump instead of investing that same time and energy into fixing our nation's big problems. The dem party has no answers for the big issues other than more taxes, more spending and more tired and divisive tactics.


Republicans are marginally better.

Edited by keepthefaith

Millennials should be the most conservative generation ever. The boomers are leaving them a huge federal debt and insolvent entitlements, the lowest labor participation rate in decades, health care costs spiraling up and border and security issues.


If you could put all the millennials in a room and present to them the state of their country now compared to when the boomers got out of college and in the years that followed, we'd make more conservative folks out of them real quick.


The Dem party is only surviving on a complicit media and education system to push their agenda, the rhetoric from politicians and the ignorance of young voters. All you need to do now is look at the energy the dems are investing in trying to take down Trump instead of investing that same time and energy into fixing our nation's big problems. The dem party has no answers for the big issues other than more taxes, more spending and more tired and divisive tactics.


Republicans are marginally better.


That effect is happening with Generation Z - most conservative generation in 70 years.


The problem with that strategy is, like every generation millennials will eventually grow up. They'll start to look at the tax withholding lines on their pay stub and no longer be dumb enough to swayed by empty rhetoric about how social issue are under 'attack'.


whenever you hear about how a party will be 'irrelevant for a long time' just wait a few years. the party du jour always gets too full of themselves, always overreaches, always fubars a good thing, always gives ground right back to their opponents. dems are about as dead as the republicans were back when joe lieberjew was rubbing obamas head and calling him boy as the tie breaking independent


millemmingals more like it. leading each other off the cliff of stupid and entitled



if youre the group that brought us such brilliant cultural tools like safe spaces and trigger warnings shouldnt you permanently have your make up social constructs for the betterment of mankind card revoked?


The problem with that strategy is, like every generation millennials will eventually grow up. They'll start to look at the tax withholding lines on their pay stub and no longer be dumb enough to swayed by empty rhetoric about how social issue are under 'attack'.

When they look at those tax rates which decade will they be harkening back to?


When they look at those tax rates which decade will they be harkening back to?

It has nothing to do with harkening to a time before they were alive; it has to do with wondering what benefit they derive for 30-40% of their income when the evidence of government waste and largess is everywhere.


The anti-sjw movement has already begun among the Millennial generation. Anyone on social media (not blocking everyone) knows this.


These kids are hitting the real world and quickly figuring out that their teachers lied to them. There are no "safe spaces" when you're an adult.

It has nothing to do with harkening to a time before they were alive; it has to do with wondering what benefit they derive for 30-40% of their income when the evidence of government waste and largess is everywhere.


It's amazing how fast a socialist becomes capitalist when it's their money being taken.


The anti-sjw movement has already begun among the Millennial generation. Anyone on social media (not blocking everyone) knows this.


These kids are hitting the real world and quickly figuring out that their teachers lied to them. There are no "safe spaces" when you're an adult.


I think you're still going to see a lot of dumbasses like the chick who whined her way out of a job at Yelp by writing an open letter to the CEO, bitching about her compensation.


Some will get it, but many have just been too coddled their entire lives to understand they simply don't deserve anything other than what they're worth. One day it will hit them, but it'll be too late, at least for them.


words are not automatically racist. you have to have intent for them to become weaponized like that


in this context, its painfully obvious to everyone but the infected that was intended for humor. if you didnt get it, then you are among the infected


its the automatic assumption that is the problem here. you are so diseased you dont see the blatantly obvious joke to rush right to the automatic assumption. its YOU that is compromised here


The problem with that strategy is, like every generation millennials will eventually grow up. They'll start to look at the tax withholding lines on their pay stub and no longer be dumb enough to swayed by empty rhetoric about how social issue are under 'attack'.

Right...because pointing out the fact that we're paying for the safety net of the generations who wrecked the middle class, the real estate market, affordable education, and are responsible for the decline in American health and land resource management is totally a partisan issue.


The millennials could be the death of the Democrat party.


Sigh Nanker... the death of either party any time soon is overly exaggerated by the other side....

Sigh Nanker... the death of either party any time soon is overly exaggerated by the other side....


Unless one gets enough power to outlaw the other.

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