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Nets Demand Evidence 123 Times, Scold Nunes for Giving It


When President Trump made his claim that President Obama “wiretapped” Trump Tower during the presidential campaign, the media demanded evidence. Since Trump’s initial tweet on March 4, the evening news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC have called on the White House to provide more evidence a grand total of 123 times.

But when House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes briefed the President, and the press, revealing that Trump associates’ names hadn’t been redacted from intelligence reports, the networks changed their tone.

According to Nunes, the Trump associates hadn’t been the target of surveillance. However, their conversations were picked up in the process, and then their identities weren’t masked as is usually the protocol with American citizens.

Nunes’s revelation didn’t prove the President’s wiretapping claims, but it did change the network news’s tone on releasing evidence. Before Nunes, the evening news shows were full of examples of demands for evidence to be made public.


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The dissonance...it...hurts...


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“I recommend reading this closely, looking for weasel words:”

The NYT struggles to fight off Trump’s use of that NYT headline “Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides.”


Liu writes that Trump was “misleading” to say that the Times said that “wiretap data” was “used in inquiry of Trump aides.” “
Misleading” is NOT the same as false
, so Liu really is admitting that it was true. The reason it’s misleading, according to Liu, is that the article doesn’t say that “Mr. Obama ordered surveillance on him.”


Did Trump say Obama ordered surveillance on him? There’s no Trump quote to that effect, and it makes me suspicious that Trump is being paraphrased to confine him to what can be refuted, which — talk about misleading! — feels very misleading.




It’s been hard for the press to pivot directly from Leaked Wiretaps Show Trump’s a Putin Stooge all the way to Wiretaps? What wiretaps?


That sounds like a concession that Flynn was wiretapped! He may not have been the original target or the official target, but he got swept in, and we shouldn’t even know about that. But there was a leak, and wasn’t the
targeted on him — a gross violation of law designed to take him down?


I can’t believe we’re nitpicking Trump’s use of the term “wiretapped” rather than outraged about a shocking abuse of power for political purposes.




Well, that’s how they try to distract people.


Trump gave the media an out by being so specific about his tweets. The bigger problem is whether the FBI or other intelligence agency took liberties with their surveillance system privileges. That and the leaks to the media. Although, few people said "Deep Throat" should go to jail after Watergate.


Trump gave the media an out by being so specific about his tweets. The bigger problem is whether the FBI or other intelligence agency took liberties with their surveillance system privileges. That and the leaks to the media. Although, few people said "Deep Throat" should go to jail after Watergate.


Trump only gave the media an out for people who are comfortable with the extreme cognitive dissonance of the argument.


This is the only time I can ever recall that anyone tried to pretend that an argument hinged on whether the use of the president's name was a specific personal reference vs. a general reference to the administration.


When does Obama get jailed ?

When pastajoe stops being a shill and when gator composes a legible post without copy pasting from a left wing blog.


When pastajoe stops being a shill and when gator composes a legible post without copy pasting from a left wing blog.

I really hope I get him next round. I am locked and loaded
NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday



Fox News’ James Rosen has a significant entry in the ongoing debate over possible surveillance of the Trump team by the Obama administration. It’s a report based on anonymous sources who claim the NSA will provide “smoking gun” proof the last administration was keeping tabs on the current one:


Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News…

The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources.

The key to that conclusion is the unmasking of selected U.S. persons whose names appeared in the intelligence, the sources said, adding that the paper trail leaves no other plausible purpose for the unmasking other than to damage the incoming Trump administration.







Posted (edited)

NSA could provide smoking gun proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday



Fox News James Rosen has [/size]a significant entry in the ongoing debate over possible surveillance of the Trump team by the Obama administration. Its a report based on anonymous sources who claim the NSA will provide smoking gun proof the last administration was keeping tabs on the current one:[/size]

In the words of our mindless liberal posters...is that a drip, drip, drip I'm hearing? Edited by LABillzFan

In the words of our mindless liberal posters...is that a drip, drip, drip I'm hearing?


"But OBAMA wasn't PERSONALLY spying on Trump himself!"


We could find out that Obama personally went to the FISA court, personally got the warrant, personally planted a physical bug on every single communications line and device in Trump Tower, then personally operated each and every bug to personally record every conversation that took place and personally listened to every recording, and the left would still say "But he didn't personally put the toner in the laser printer that printed the warrant! Trump's lying!"



"But OBAMA wasn't PERSONALLY spying on Trump himself!"


We could find out that Obama personally went to the FISA court, personally got the warrant, personally planted a physical bug on every single communications line and device in Trump Tower, then personally operated each and every bug to personally record every conversation that took place and personally listened to every recording, and the left would still say "But he didn't personally put the toner in the laser printer that printed the warrant! Trump's lying!"




Trump only gave the media an out for people who are comfortable with the extreme cognitive dissonance of the argument.


This is the only time I can ever recall that anyone tried to pretend that an argument hinged on whether the use of the president's name was a specific personal reference vs. a general reference to the administration.


No no. First there was the strict adherence to the word "wiretap". Then there was the Trump vs. Administration parsing. Then it was "well, there wasn't any surveillance of US citizens, so it's okay". Then it turned into "nothing to see here".


Lol this is just another piece of insignificant distraction of news. No one talks about the 2000 new bills that have been introduced to Congress since Trump taking office.


Should be focusing on these bills like HR 861, which is only 1 sentence long, states, "The EPA shall terminate on Dec. 31, 2018"


Or How about HR 899, which gets rid of the Department of Education


These bills have a high likelihood of being passed....

Posted (edited)


Trump only gave the media an out for people who are comfortable with the extreme cognitive dissonance of the argument.


This is the only time I can ever recall that anyone tried to pretend that an argument hinged on whether the use of the president's name was a specific personal reference vs. a general reference to the administration.


The evasive maneuvers by these anti-Trumpers are ridiculous. I have been away from this board for awhile, because it's just hitting your head against a wall. They are completely invested in opposing anything Trump, and will go to any length to find fault, or deny any of his positions might have some merit.


It's pointless. !@#$'em, until they are personally affected by some tragedy, they will put their heads in the sand.

Edited by HoF Watkins

Lol this is just another piece of insignificant distraction of news. No one talks about the 2000 new bills that have been introduced to Congress since Trump taking office.


Should be focusing on these bills like HR 861, which is only 1 sentence long, states, "The EPA shall terminate on Dec. 31, 2018"


Or How about HR 899, which gets rid of the Department of Education


These bills have a high likelihood of being passed....


That would be the best thing ever. Unless you can explain why exactly we need a 5,000 person federal department for

something that is run entirely at the state and local level in this country.


Department of Education sounds like a great thing. Who's against education? Until you realize a top down, all encompassing beaurocracy that dictates the ideology of the federal government to all states is really just social engineering.

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