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Guest Diesel-USMC
Posted (edited)

You're chopping the wrong tree. baskin is one of those "I used to be a Rebublican until the party left me so now I'm a Socialist Progressive who believes only the government has the answer for everything. Oh, and IKEA!!!"


He'll ask you questions like "Where is the GOP plan?" and then when you provide him links to whatever plan his questioning, he comes back to yell, "That's no plan!" until he disappears for a week or so, and then returns and yells something like "Every industrialized country provides 'free' health care to its people and typically at half what it costs Americans," but then when you ask for more details, he runs away for another week before he returns to yell "Where's the GOP plan?"


He's like Harry Reid, except he has two eyes and no one has accused baskin of diddlin' around with little boys.

Also, I'd rather not get started on the issues surrounding many high profile people and what they do with children. It's amazing to me the amount of backlash Bill Cosby gets for accusations against adults but, heaven forbid we even consider looking into claims of child sex trafficking or molestation against people in the "favorite political party" of the week.

He accused Obama of tapping his phone not the justice department or anything. That was the question right from the beginning right out of Trump's twitter. Trump never said "Hey, i was investigated for connections to Russia."



Everything I typed and your only response is asking if I'm the same poster as someone you disagree with? Savage.......

Edited by Diesel-USMC
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Also, I'd rather not get started on the issues surrounding many high profile people and what they do with children. It's amazing to me the amount of backlash Bill Cosby gets for accusations but, heaven forbid we even consider looking into claims of child sex trafficking or molestation against people in the "favorite political party" of the week.



Everything I typed and your only response is asking if I'm the same poster as someone you disagree with? Savage.......

Just interested if you are that same poster, thats all


I see. Well, I guess I'll mark that particular tree with an "X" and allow the machine to do the chopping for me. Not worth the time.


He contributes nothing to this board, but it's fun to mock him, so there's that.

Guest Diesel-USMC

Just interested if you are that same poster, thats all

Well, surprise, I'm not. I'm not looking to rub people the wrong way. If people want to have a dialogue, great. If they want to resort to pot shots then I suppose we should move on in our respective directions.


Well, surprise, I'm not. I'm not looking to rub people the wrong way. If people want to have a dialogue, great. If they want to resort to pot shots then I suppose we should move on in our respective directions.


Okay, just trying to make things easier for you here.


You know sometimes in the comment sections of various publications, you see that ad like "I just bought a brand new Rover by working from home! My uncle made over $4000 last week! Ask me how!"??


That's tiberius. Most people have him on ignore because he essentially copy/pastes stupid left wing crap until he hits his quota and can make his Rover payment.

Guest Diesel-USMC

He contributes nothing to this board, but it's fun to mock him, so there's that.

I do enjoy a good mocking as I have had fun with it in the past. But, I'd prefer to interact with people who want to discuss. Since you mentioned he wouldn't, I'll enjoy the mocking from afar.

Okay, just trying to make things easier for you here.


You know sometimes in the comment sections of various publications, you see that ad like "I just bought a brand new Rover by working from home! My uncle made over $4000 last week! Ask me how!"??


That's tiberius. Most people have him on ignore because he essentially copy/pastes stupid left wing crap until he hits his quota and can make his Rover payment.


Hahaha! Thanks for helping me out though. There is always a tiny part of me that wonders if those are real.....hoping it could really be that easy.



Okay, just trying to make things easier for you here.


You know sometimes in the comment sections of various publications, you see that ad like "I just bought a brand new Rover by working from home! My uncle made over $4000 last week! Ask me how!"??


That's tiberius. Most people have him on ignore because he essentially copy/pastes stupid left wing crap until he hits his quota and can make his Rover payment.

Ha ha, says the journalism major :lol:


You are just afraid of me

I do enjoy a good mocking as I have had fun with it in the past. But, I'd prefer to interact with people who want to discuss. Since you mentioned he wouldn't, I'll enjoy the mocking from afar.



Hahaha! Thanks for helping me out though. There is always a tiny part of me that wonders if those are real.....hoping it could really be that easy.

You will see a lot of posts here of people trying to discredit me and other Democrats. They just want a right wing echo chamber and that's it. They are afraid to be challenged.

Guest Diesel-USMC

Ha ha, says the journalism major :lol:


You are just afraid of me

You will see a lot of posts here of people trying to discredit me and other Democrats. They just want a right wing echo chamber and that's it. They are afraid to be challenged.


In order to have beneficial discussion, its best to move past affiliations.


Well, surprise, I'm not. I'm not looking to rub people the wrong way. If people want to have a dialogue, great. If they want to resort to pot shots then I suppose we should move on in our respective directions.


This is why I wrote an automated script to call him an idiot.

I suppose I may regret asking when and how. But, before you begin, if I have 2 oranges and I buy two more, then I will have 4 oranges that belong to me. It was meant as a loose metaphor.


If you have two cups of water and two cups of isopropanol, and you add them together, the result is less than four cups.


In a curved geometry, it is possible to define a line with three points (A, B, C), where the geodesic between A and B, and between B and C. have a magnitude of 2, but the distance between A and C is less than 4.


I know it was a loose metaphor. But as the board's Cliff Claven, I have responsibilities... :beer:

He accused Obama of tapping his phone not the justice department or anything. That was the question right from the beginning right out of Trump's twitter. Trump never said "Hey, i was investigated for connections to Russia."


Yes, so now we're going to play the rhetorical game where the President isn't responsible for anything else the executive branch does? I'll remember that the next time you blame something on Trump personally that he personally had nothing to do with.



This is why I wrote an automated script to call him an idiot.


And because of that, half the time when I click a new post of yours I get a gatorboob quote, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of my blocking him. It's like he has a sponsor: This ridiculous verbiage is brought to you by.....



This is why I wrote an automated script to call him an idiot.


And you actually brag about that. :doh:


And because of that, half the time when I click a new post of yours I get a gatorboob quote, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of my blocking him. It's like he has a sponsor: This ridiculous verbiage is brought to you by.....

In the same way commenting about me does, you low life



And because of that, half the time when I click a new post of yours I get a gatorboob quote, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of my blocking him. It's like he has a sponsor: This ridiculous verbiage is brought to you by.....


I'm adding that to the DC-Tom-bot.


Another liar I guess


House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Monday that he has seen no evidence that would support President Donald Trump’s accusation that former President Barack Obama had ordered an illegal wiretap of Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign.

“I learned a long time ago, I'm going to keep my eyes wide open,” Chaffetz (R-Utah) said on “CBS This Morning.” “You never know when you turn a corner what you may or may not see. But thus far I have not seen anything directly that would support what the president has said.”





This is why I wrote an automated script to call him an idiot.



If you have two cups of water and two cups of isopropanol, and you add them together, the result is less than four cups.


In a curved geometry, it is possible to define a line with three points (A, B, C), where the geodesic between A and B, and between B and C. have a magnitude of 2, but the distance between A and C is less than 4.


I know it was a loose metaphor. But as the board's Cliff Claven, I have responsibilities... :beer:



By my count it would come out to 3.5.


That have nothing to do with the accusation made by Trump

[This is an automated response.]


So now we're going to play the rhetorical game where the President isn't responsible for anything else the executive branch does? I'll remember that the next time you blame something on Trump personally that he personally had nothing to do with.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.7.

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