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"When he was running for president in 2000, Vice President Al Gore told the NAACP that his father, Senator Al Gore Sr., had lost his Senate seat because he voted for the Civil Rights Act. Uplifting story — except it’s false. Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act. He lost in 1970 in a race that focused on prayer in public schools, the Vietnam War, and the Supreme Court. Al Gore’s reframing of the relevant history is the story of the Democratic party in microcosm. The party’s history is pockmarked with racism and terror. The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence, the Ku Klux Klan. Republicans were the party of Lincoln, Reconstruction, anti-lynching laws, and the civil rights acts of 1875, 1957, 1960, and 1964. Were all Republicans models of rectitude on racial matters? Hardly. Were they a heck of a lot better than the Democrats? Without question."

Won't even mention KKK "Grand Cyclops" Robert Byrd.

Edited by richstadiumowner
  • 2 weeks later...

More on a known "hate group"




The Southern Poverty Law Center has become a scam operating as a left-wing hate cult.


A 2014 Washington Times editorial nails it. I don’t think the SPLC has made a constructive contribution to anything in a long time, but it has played a particularly malign and malicious role in the case of Charles Murray. He has let it go until now; now he talks back.

  • 2 weeks later...

The fight back against liberal hate continues..................



FAIR To IRS: Remove Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Tax Exempt Status.


“Any honest examination of this record can only lead to the conclusion that the SPLC was engaged in on-going prohibited political activity.” I think a lot of “nonprofit” groups are vulnerable on this front, and have simply relied on cover from a friendly IRS.






  On 3/3/2017 at 10:10 PM, DoYouSeeWhatHappensLarry said:

This is a pretty good example. Might as well start the discussion there.




first, eat ****. NC is far better than new York shithole state.


Second, why? Why is that racist?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

In a ruling delivered on Monday, the US Supreme Court concluded that North Carolina was racially motivated, without proper cause, when lawmakers redrew the state map for congressional districts.

The North Carolina case dealt with two districts in particular. Republican lawmakers in the state, after the 2010 census, had redrawn the map to add more black voters into Districts 1 and 12. Lower courts concluded that race was a predominant factor in the redrawing of these districts, without a compelling interest that would justify heavily taking race into account.

The Supreme Court, in a 5-3 decision written by Justice Elena Kagan, agreed, concluding that North Carolina violated the Equal Protections Clause of the 14th Amendment by separating voters in different districts on the basis of race without “sufficient justification” for doing so.



  On 5/25/2017 at 11:42 AM, Joe Miner said:

Good job Portland. Nail those culturally inappropriate burrito bitches' asses to the wall!




This is so infuriating. Once again the left lets you know their thoughts on women: You need to shut up, shut down, get an abortion and obey your political masters, you insignificant bitches.


I am no closer to understanding "cultural appropriation". Most of the examples of this heinous practice seem to promote tolerance and understanding. Its tougher to hate people of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures while loving their food, customs, or fashion. I guess I'm racially and pigmentally incapable of understanding the errors of my Caucasian ways.

  On 5/25/2017 at 10:28 PM, Jauronimo said:

I am no closer to understanding "cultural appropriation". Most of the examples of this heinous practice seem to promote tolerance and understanding. Its tougher to hate people of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures while loving their food, customs, or fashion. I guess I'm racially and pigmentally incapable of understanding the errors of my Caucasian ways.


You're no closer to understanding it because you're a rational human being who makes an effort to think instead of having emotional reactions to what other people do, say, or the manner in which they choose to present themselves.



  On 5/25/2017 at 10:58 PM, Azalin said:


You're no closer to understanding it because you're a rational human being who makes an effort to think instead of having emotional reactions to what other people do, say, or the manner in which they choose to present themselves.



Yeah yeah yeah but am I able to put tomatoes in my cassoulet or not??

  On 5/25/2017 at 10:28 PM, Jauronimo said:

I am no closer to understanding "cultural appropriation". Most of the examples of this heinous practice seem to promote tolerance and understanding. Its tougher to hate people of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures while loving their food, customs, or fashion. I guess I'm racially and pigmentally incapable of understanding the errors of my Caucasian ways.


And there you go culturally appropriating "Caucasian" from residents of the Caucasus region.

  On 5/25/2017 at 11:14 PM, Chef Jim said:

Yeah yeah yeah but am I able to put tomatoes in my cassoulet or not??


Hell yeah, as far as I'm concerned you can put them in cornbread, too.

  On 5/26/2017 at 5:02 AM, Azalin said:


okay, but can I have tomatoes?

NO! 😡


Jesus. Next you'll probably tell me you put grated Parmesan on your Linguine Pescatore.

  On 5/26/2017 at 1:33 PM, Chef Jim said:



Jesus. Next you'll probably tell me you put grated Parmesan on your Linguine Pescatore.


Nope - that stuff stinks so badly that it even keeps vampires away.

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