Rob's House Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 The goals of the media elite changed from advocating a color blind society to aggressively categorizing people by race, religion, etc. That model is divisive and leads to hunting for racists, like the existence of this thread. That's because racial harmony is bad for business when you're peddling grievances. 1
IDBillzFan Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 The goals of the media elite changed from advocating a color blind society to aggressively categorizing people by race, religion, etc. That model is divisive and leads to hunting for racists, like the existence of this thread. When the country starts to suddenly realize that the far left ideology magnified in places like Chicago and Detroit is bad for everyone except the people in charge, opposition rises, and when opposition rises, it's easier to label and accuse people of racism, as it shuts up most of the opposition immediately. One of the more important, small events of the past few years that went pretty much unreported was the fact that the neighbor of the San Bernardino terrorists saw suspicious activity at their house, but they did nothing specifically because they were afraid they were going to be called racists. That's the left wing end game. Everybody shut up!
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 The goals of the media elite changed from advocating a color blind society to aggressively categorizing people by race, religion, etc. That model is divisive and leads to hunting for racists, like the existence of this thread. Ya, don't you hate when people pretend racism is real and hurts people, so sad
Guest Diesel-USMC Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 (edited) Racism is a real part of the whole human thing. It's always been a part and it will always be a part. It's not restricted to one particular race or another. You don't have to be white to have racial biases. Not only that but, the term racism is often used as a political/social crutch and in many cases is announced as racism but actually is something entirely different. Again, for those who can't discern whether I'm racist or not, I didn't say it didn't exist but I also know that it doesn't exist on scales often presented. FYI, I don't consider myself someone who considers race as determining factor in my opinion of you. Therefore, I don't consider myself a racist. If you have a different definition of what you think racism is, I cannot be held accountable for that opinion. Edited March 6, 2017 by Diesel-USMC
Rob's House Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 If the goal were to reduce racial animosity, particularly toward minorities, the current strategy of hypersensitivity to micro-aggressions and marginalizing white people over perceived "privilege" would be extremely counterproductive as those attacks build resentments that foster racism and drive people to ethnic identity groups. We're so often told that being marginalized radicalizes others, but seem completely blind to the fact that we're doing the exact same thing to young white males. Then we wonder why white nationalists start popping up. Of course, eliminating racism was never the goal to begin with.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 If the goal were to reduce racial animosity, particularly toward minorities, the current strategy of hypersensitivity to micro-aggressions and marginalizing white people over perceived "privilege" would be extremely counterproductive as those attacks build resentments that foster racism and drive people to ethnic identity groups. We're so often told that being marginalized radicalizes others, but seem completely blind to the fact that we're doing the exact same thing to young white males. Then we wonder why white nationalists start popping up. Of course, eliminating racism was never the goal to begin with. Hey, what the North Carolina legislature tried to do what flat ot racism and one of the age old tactics of racists everywhere, to try and reduce the political power of the other racial group. Just ask the Economist
boyst Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Hey, what the North Carolina legislature tried to do what flat ot racism and one of the age old tactics of racists everywhere, to try and reduce the political power of the other racial group. Just ask the Economist so a website says it than it must be true. In your words explain this. Tell us why this bull **** lie should be perceived as true?
Rob's House Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Hey, what the North Carolina legislature tried to do what flat ot racism and one of the age old tactics of racists everywhere, to try and reduce the political power of the other racial group. Just ask the Economist I don't see evidence of racism there to draw that conclusion. I'd be curious to see if the racial disparities persisted were we to focus only on people below the poverty line.
boyst Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 I don't see evidence of racism there to draw that conclusion. I'd be curious to see if the racial disparities persisted were we to focus only on people below the poverty idiot. Tiberius think that only the poor people are black people. There are no other types of blacks. And meathead doesn't care about white people if they're poor. Soooo... yeah, you're asking them to look at a picture of a square and see a square when all they see is a peanut
Guest Diesel-USMC Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 If the goal were to reduce racial animosity, particularly toward minorities, the current strategy of hypersensitivity to micro-aggressions and marginalizing white people over perceived "privilege" would be extremely counterproductive as those attacks build resentments that foster racism and drive people to ethnic identity groups. We're so often told that being marginalized radicalizes others, but seem completely blind to the fact that we're doing the exact same thing to young white males. Then we wonder why white nationalists start popping up. Of course, eliminating racism was never the goal to begin with. Yup. Counter production is the goal.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 I don't see evidence of racism there to draw that conclusion. I'd be curious to see if the racial disparities persisted were we to focus only on people below the poverty line. No, it was racism. Obvious racism. I guess turning a blind eye to racism makes it all ok.
grinreaper Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Hey, what the North Carolina legislature tried to do what flat ot racism and one of the age old tactics of racists everywhere, to try and reduce the political power of the other racial group. Just ask the Economist Hey, maybe you should just post in your native tongue and we'll get an online translation.
IDBillzFan Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Hey, maybe you should just post in your native tongue and we'll get an online translation. Don't blame Tiberius. He's doing his job, which is just to copy/paste what he's given and then disappear.
Azalin Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Hey, maybe you should just post in your native tongue and we'll get an online translation.
FireChan Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Did anyone mention that Familial Mediterranean Fever is racist?
Meathead Posted March 7, 2017 Posted March 7, 2017 That's not what they did. I can't judge n speculation, only fact ultra weak you have courage to stand up to their righty echo chamber, but not enough to stand up to the dysfunctional race issue echo chamber. hmmm. dont make sense unless your partisanship outweighs your brotherhood so you cant engage in intellectual speculation now? so the very best tool available to us to examine and analyze, our mind, is now completely off the table with you? the ability to model other idea options and contrast those results against our current (unsatisfactory) results, a unique ability available only to humans (most of us) is something you are comfortable with just totally mothballing? super mega epic weak, man of course we can speculate, and the answer is pretty blisteringly obvious. either side could target whatever size network of trailer parks they want, and that would be about as clickable as the irs releasing new tax forms on pig farming. not that theres anything wrong with pig farming whiteness is judged on a whole other scale than blackness is. our gauges and our judgments on race issues have gotten so out of adjustment that we now routinely report on things being 'racist' when they actually have no automatic race bias as we are claiming and accepting as defacto. conspicuously and yet somehow ignored, those things ALWAYS target whites its so blatent that it screams of something where we ourselves as a general culture are projecting racism INTO situations where it doesnt belong. and yeah, i think a large part of that is guilt, and this is the result of that overcompensation but thats a whole other thread of this topic so lets move on the larger point is this gross double standard of ideas and thoughts, the lack of accountability for the real serious problems of black racism, black bias, and black behavior, has spilled into our culture at large and become entrenched in our allegedly progressive thinking. its a disease that has infected us there and needs to see the light of day to be excised it gets more and more obvious every day as we meander further through this fantasy land of don. we went too far. pendulum WAAAY overswung and we became the racists. whitey got sick of it and stomed to the polls. nice fg job fortunately weve seen a plunge in the off the hook race issue diatribes coming from the left since on this issue. it was getting infurating to even me to see blacks and enabling whites coming on national cable and broadbrushing whiteness with almost no chance at rebuttal, and literally zero opportunity to make even highly valid criticisms of blackness. i think im still hoarse from the screaming at the tv session i had after hearing hillarys deplorables comment for the first time. 'just endorse the ass hole you stupid B word' i think were my very un-pc words remember, im the guy that loves black folks. im the guy that never identified with that old racist white culture. i was very often the only one speaking up for blackness, i cant even count how many times i became the only ni99er in the room. but in this cycle and those of the last couple decades, it has been the increasingly exclusive squelching of whitey on anything involving blackness, especially valid criticisms, that has definitely become repressive. its definitely become oppressive. this is exactly the behavior we rightfully condemned in classic white racism how quickly we become that which we hate. get a little influence, have that influence graduate to control, and then boom! here comes the rigging, here comes the sabotaging. oh you mean we can get away with calling whitey and his culture the exclusive racist here? well then hell yeah, whitey is the the whole problem here! case closed. woo hoo that was easy. and shut up if you disagree yeaaaah. that never goes wrong if it was nascar fans either party was targeting it would be viewed as nothing. meh, democrats targeting rural white communities to weaken their voting abilities. snore. borrrrring. ppl will hardly click on that now make it black and everything changes. everything changes. a hundred million times more clickable. and click you people sure as fk do does anybody see the potential for a problem here? no? not so unpredicatably it sounds exactly like the white racists from former cycles you previously had the moral authority to condemn the key word there of course is previously those conditions, white racism and oppression, do not primarily exist anymore. oh they definitely exist, but not primarily. our false claims that they do, blm im looking at you, are the primary bias here in fact, if we want to talk about a percentage of population, where does most of the racism lie? theres simply no doubt that right now most racism as a percent of population resides in ppl of color in america absolutely and for sure. whitness has A LOT more ppl so that even just their racists dwarf other entire individual races, but still when we hold the racism meter (one that actually works) to each race we pretty clearly see that our browner brothers and sisters are now the ones with race bias problems greater than the highly melanin challenged brothers wasnt that way before. is that way now what is the primary claim from blackness on american race issues? that institutional white racism is the primary driver of black dysfunction and needs to be aggressively destroyed well, an objective mature reasoning adult analysis of that shows that we have mostly corrected all that. will always have more work to do, but whitey has indeed finally crawled across that finish line. lets not bother with the parade, took WAAAY damn too long. but la dee dah, woo hoo, and whoop die doo, whitey finally made it. lets move on if we stop and unemotionally analyze what is the largest source of destructive race issue bias today in america, who has the most influence and what is it? pretty clear its our blackness and our liberalism teaming up to broadbrush whitey and shout down any rightful dissent is our greatest race issue sin right now. been that way for a while now, actually so um yeah, we should be doing conjecture on situations like this, we should try to admit our bias and where its infecting us in negative ways we had a chance to do that with race issues in a healthy manner. we didnt. and we got the don. nice piece of work its a correction. its a call to spiritual arms. we reject the ways of the neoracists. we embrace our redneck deplorables and the progress they have made even if it did take way too damn long. most of them are out of the racism desert now, lets stop browbeating them for old sins, lets appreciate their conversion, lets join with them to root out racism wherever it exists and lets look at ways maybe we are now the bigger problem, progressives. maybe we should just drop our outdated campaign and move forward, even if that means abandoning a political power we once weilded exclusively. i know it will be hard to let THAT go, you addicted partisans, but its time to move past that horseѕhit reboot
DC Tom Posted March 7, 2017 Posted March 7, 2017 ultra weak you have courage to stand up to their righty echo chamber, but not enough to stand up to the dysfunctional race issue echo chamber. hmmm. dont make sense unless your partisanship outweighs your brotherhood so you cant engage in intellectual speculation now? so the very best tool available to us to examine and analyze, our mind, is now completely off the table with you? the ability to model other idea options and contrast those results against our current (unsatisfactory) results, a unique ability available only to humans (most of us) is something you are comfortable with just totally mothballing? super mega epic weak, man of course we can speculate, and the answer is pretty blisteringly obvious. either side could target whatever size network of trailer parks they want, and that would be about as clickable as the irs releasing new tax forms on pig farming. not that theres anything wrong with pig farming whiteness is judged on a whole other scale than blackness is. our gauges and our judgments on race issues have gotten so out of adjustment that we now routinely report on things being 'racist' when they actually have no automatic race bias as we are claiming and accepting as defacto. conspicuously and yet somehow ignored, those things ALWAYS target whites its so blatent that it screams of something where we ourselves as a general culture are projecting racism INTO situations where it doesnt belong. and yeah, i think a large part of that is guilt, and this is the result of that overcompensation but thats a whole other thread of this topic so lets move on the larger point is this gross double standard of ideas and thoughts, the lack of accountability for the real serious problems of black racism, black bias, and black behavior, has spilled into our culture at large and become entrenched in our allegedly progressive thinking. its a disease that has infected us there and needs to see the light of day to be excised it gets more and more obvious every day as we meander further through this fantasy land of don. we went too far. pendulum WAAAY overswung and we became the racists. whitey got sick of it and stomed to the polls. nice fg job fortunately weve seen a plunge in the off the hook race issue diatribes coming from the left since on this issue. it was getting infurating to even me to see blacks and enabling whites coming on national cable and broadbrushing whiteness with almost no chance at rebuttal, and literally zero opportunity to make even highly valid criticisms of blackness. i think im still hoarse from the screaming at the tv session i had after hearing hillarys deplorables comment for the first time. 'just endorse the ass hole you stupid B word' i think were my very un-pc words remember, im the guy that loves black folks. im the guy that never identified with that old racist white culture. i was very often the only one speaking up for blackness, i cant even count how many times i became the only ni99er in the room. but in this cycle and those of the last couple decades, it has been the increasingly exclusive squelching of whitey on anything involving blackness, especially valid criticisms, that has definitely become repressive. its definitely become oppressive. this is exactly the behavior we rightfully condemned in classic white racism how quickly we become that which we hate. get a little influence, have that influence graduate to control, and then boom! here comes the rigging, here comes the sabotaging. oh you mean we can get away with calling whitey and his culture the exclusive racist here? well then hell yeah, whitey is the the whole problem here! case closed. woo hoo that was easy. and shut up if you disagree yeaaaah. that never goes wrong if it was nascar fans either party was targeting it would be viewed as nothing. meh, democrats targeting rural white communities to weaken their voting abilities. snore. borrrrring. ppl will hardly click on that now make it black and everything changes. everything changes. a hundred million times more clickable. and click you people sure as fk do does anybody see the potential for a problem here? no? not so unpredicatably it sounds exactly like the white racists from former cycles you previously had the moral authority to condemn the key word there of course is previously those conditions, white racism and oppression, do not primarily exist anymore. oh they definitely exist, but not primarily. our false claims that they do, blm im looking at you, are the primary bias here in fact, if we want to talk about a percentage of population, where does most of the racism lie? theres simply no doubt that right now most racism as a percent of population resides in ppl of color in america absolutely and for sure. whitness has A LOT more ppl so that even just their racists dwarf other entire individual races, but still when we hold the racism meter (one that actually works) to each race we pretty clearly see that our browner brothers and sisters are now the ones with race bias problems greater than the highly melanin challenged brothers wasnt that way before. is that way now what is the primary claim from blackness on american race issues? that institutional white racism is the primary driver of black dysfunction and needs to be aggressively destroyed well, an objective mature reasoning adult analysis of that shows that we have mostly corrected all that. will always have more work to do, but whitey has indeed finally crawled across that finish line. lets not bother with the parade, took WAAAY damn too long. but la dee dah, woo hoo, and whoop die doo, whitey finally made it. lets move on if we stop and unemotionally analyze what is the largest source of destructive race issue bias today in america, who has the most influence and what is it? pretty clear its our blackness and our liberalism teaming up to broadbrush whitey and shout down any rightful dissent is our greatest race issue sin right now. been that way for a while now, actually so um yeah, we should be doing conjecture on situations like this, we should try to admit our bias and where its infecting us in negative ways we had a chance to do that with race issues in a healthy manner. we didnt. and we got the don. nice piece of work its a correction. its a call to spiritual arms. we reject the ways of the neoracists. we embrace our redneck deplorables and the progress they have made even if it did take way too damn long. most of them are out of the racism desert now, lets stop browbeating them for old sins, lets appreciate their conversion, lets join with them to root out racism wherever it exists and lets look at ways maybe we are now the bigger problem, progressives. maybe we should just drop our outdated campaign and move forward, even if that means abandoning a political power we once weilded exclusively. i know it will be hard to let THAT go, you addicted partisans, but its time to move past that horseѕhit reboot To do this properly, you need to use emoticons.
grinreaper Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 ultra weak you have courage to stand up to their righty echo chamber, but not enough to stand up to the dysfunctional race issue echo chamber. hmmm. dont make sense unless your partisanship outweighs your brotherhood so you cant engage in intellectual speculation now? so the very best tool available to us to examine and analyze, our mind, is now completely off the table with you? the ability to model other idea options and contrast those results against our current (unsatisfactory) results, a unique ability available only to humans (most of us) is something you are comfortable with just totally mothballing? super mega epic weak, man of course we can speculate, and the answer is pretty blisteringly obvious. either side could target whatever size network of trailer parks they want, and that would be about as clickable as the irs releasing new tax forms on pig farming. not that theres anything wrong with pig farming whiteness is judged on a whole other scale than blackness is. our gauges and our judgments on race issues have gotten so out of adjustment that we now routinely report on things being 'racist' when they actually have no automatic race bias as we are claiming and accepting as defacto. conspicuously and yet somehow ignored, those things ALWAYS target whites its so blatent that it screams of something where we ourselves as a general culture are projecting racism INTO situations where it doesnt belong. and yeah, i think a large part of that is guilt, and this is the result of that overcompensation but thats a whole other thread of this topic so lets move on the larger point is this gross double standard of ideas and thoughts, the lack of accountability for the real serious problems of black racism, black bias, and black behavior, has spilled into our culture at large and become entrenched in our allegedly progressive thinking. its a disease that has infected us there and needs to see the light of day to be excised it gets more and more obvious every day as we meander further through this fantasy land of don. we went too far. pendulum WAAAY overswung and we became the racists. whitey got sick of it and stomed to the polls. nice fg job fortunately weve seen a plunge in the off the hook race issue diatribes coming from the left since on this issue. it was getting infurating to even me to see blacks and enabling whites coming on national cable and broadbrushing whiteness with almost no chance at rebuttal, and literally zero opportunity to make even highly valid criticisms of blackness. i think im still hoarse from the screaming at the tv session i had after hearing hillarys deplorables comment for the first time. 'just endorse the ass hole you stupid B word' i think were my very un-pc words remember, im the guy that loves black folks. im the guy that never identified with that old racist white culture. i was very often the only one speaking up for blackness, i cant even count how many times i became the only ni99er in the room. but in this cycle and those of the last couple decades, it has been the increasingly exclusive squelching of whitey on anything involving blackness, especially valid criticisms, that has definitely become repressive. its definitely become oppressive. this is exactly the behavior we rightfully condemned in classic white racism how quickly we become that which we hate. get a little influence, have that influence graduate to control, and then boom! here comes the rigging, here comes the sabotaging. oh you mean we can get away with calling whitey and his culture the exclusive racist here? well then hell yeah, whitey is the the whole problem here! case closed. woo hoo that was easy. and shut up if you disagree yeaaaah. that never goes wrong if it was nascar fans either party was targeting it would be viewed as nothing. meh, democrats targeting rural white communities to weaken their voting abilities. snore. borrrrring. ppl will hardly click on that now make it black and everything changes. everything changes. a hundred million times more clickable. and click you people sure as fk do does anybody see the potential for a problem here? no? not so unpredicatably it sounds exactly like the white racists from former cycles you previously had the moral authority to condemn the key word there of course is previously those conditions, white racism and oppression, do not primarily exist anymore. oh they definitely exist, but not primarily. our false claims that they do, blm im looking at you, are the primary bias here in fact, if we want to talk about a percentage of population, where does most of the racism lie? theres simply no doubt that right now most racism as a percent of population resides in ppl of color in america absolutely and for sure. whitness has A LOT more ppl so that even just their racists dwarf other entire individual races, but still when we hold the racism meter (one that actually works) to each race we pretty clearly see that our browner brothers and sisters are now the ones with race bias problems greater than the highly melanin challenged brothers wasnt that way before. is that way now what is the primary claim from blackness on american race issues? that institutional white racism is the primary driver of black dysfunction and needs to be aggressively destroyed well, an objective mature reasoning adult analysis of that shows that we have mostly corrected all that. will always have more work to do, but whitey has indeed finally crawled across that finish line. lets not bother with the parade, took WAAAY damn too long. but la dee dah, woo hoo, and whoop die doo, whitey finally made it. lets move on if we stop and unemotionally analyze what is the largest source of destructive race issue bias today in america, who has the most influence and what is it? pretty clear its our blackness and our liberalism teaming up to broadbrush whitey and shout down any rightful dissent is our greatest race issue sin right now. been that way for a while now, actually so um yeah, we should be doing conjecture on situations like this, we should try to admit our bias and where its infecting us in negative ways we had a chance to do that with race issues in a healthy manner. we didnt. and we got the don. nice piece of work its a correction. its a call to spiritual arms. we reject the ways of the neoracists. we embrace our redneck deplorables and the progress they have made even if it did take way too damn long. most of them are out of the racism desert now, lets stop browbeating them for old sins, lets appreciate their conversion, lets join with them to root out racism wherever it exists and lets look at ways maybe we are now the bigger problem, progressives. maybe we should just drop our outdated campaign and move forward, even if that means abandoning a political power we once weilded exclusively. i know it will be hard to let THAT go, you addicted partisans, but its time to move past that horseѕhit reboot You lose on this one just for the fact that you wasted so much time refuting gator/Tiberius.
ExiledInIllinois Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 When the country starts to suddenly realize that the far left ideology magnified in places like Chicago and Detroit is bad for everyone except the people in charge, opposition rises, and when opposition rises, it's easier to label and accuse people of racism, as it shuts up most of the opposition immediately. One of the more important, small events of the past few years that went pretty much unreported was the fact that the neighbor of the San Bernardino terrorists saw suspicious activity at their house, but they did nothing specifically because they were afraid they were going to be called racists. That's the left wing end game. Everybody shut up! Chicago gets stuck in a lot of people's craw. Why worry about Chicago. You don't live here, just let it fall off the earth. But, boy it is so important to many, why?
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