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This is a pretty good example. Might as well start the discussion there.



If we're going to have this/these discussion(s) we're going to have to try to use nuance and analysis. I don't think "list the racists!" is going to get us very far.

eat a corn cob with your anus. My state is the best state.

Meathead is a Crayonz account. He's a troll. Hard stop.

can't be. Meathead has been around a while and different posting style. Meathead is only meathead

its really funny bc when i tell black folks i married a black woman they usually ask me if im still with her. when i say no more often than not they immediately chime in 'did she turn crazy?', then i say 'yeah you know how black women are' and we both immediately laugh out loud. thats bc its definitely true, black women have earned the reputation within blackness of turning crazy when they get in relationships. this is known so universally well in blackness that its a running joke, you say she turned crazy and black folks IMMEDIATELY know exactly what you are talking about


then when we are done laughing about that, i tell the black folks 'you know if i say that to white ppl they all will call me racist. lots of times the black folks dont even believe me, they will say no, really? and i have to say again, yep they will often call me racist right then and there


now what just happened here? i said the same things i always say on this topic and what did they white ppl present do? they did what white ppl always do when i say this, they jumped into the automatic racism pool


two things to learn here, white ppl. first, you are absolutely full of total ѕhit when it comes to this topic. you possess the worst possible combination of self-awareness when it comes to the issue of whites commenting on blackness: you think you know what youre talking about but you are absolutely full of ѕhit. what that means is that you will run around making judgments about any comment made by whites about blackness, you will condemn those comments as automatically racist, and then you will try to shame/shout down those ppl making those comments. all based on your own warped horseѕhit views that are demonstrably wholly ignorant of reality


you are the neo-racists. the new racist. the sludge of human existence that remains pitifully stuck in the past, raising tired old arguments that have nothing to do with reality, with almost nothing able to slow your destructive ignorance down bc you are so wrongfully convinced you are correct that you just plow ahead with what are actually illegitimate objections based on nothing


you are the fools here. and you dont even know it. retards

Posted (edited)

its really funny bc when i tell black folks i married a black woman they usually ask me if im still with her. when i say no more often than not they immediately chime in 'did she turn crazy?', then i say 'yeah you know how black women are' and we both immediately laugh out loud. thats bc its definitely true, black women have earned the reputation within blackness of turning crazy when they get in relationships. this is known so universally well in blackness that its a running joke, you say she turned crazy and black folks IMMEDIATELY know exactly what you are talking about


then when we are done laughing about that, i tell the black folks 'you know if i say that to white ppl they all will call me racist. lots of times the black folks dont even believe me, they will say no, really? and i have to say again, yep they will often call me racist right then and there


now what just happened here? i said the same things i always say on this topic and what did they white ppl present do? they did what white ppl always do when i say this, they jumped into the automatic racism pool


two things to learn here, white ppl. first, you are absolutely full of total ѕhit when it comes to this topic. you possess the worst possible combination of self-awareness when it comes to the issue of whites commenting on blackness: you think you know what youre talking about but you are absolutely full of ѕhit. what that means is that you will run around making judgments about any comment made by whites about blackness, you will condemn those comments as automatically racist, and then you will try to shame/shout down those ppl making those comments. all based on your own warped horseѕhit views that are demonstrably wholly ignorant of reality


you are the neo-racists. the new racist. the sludge of human existence that remains pitifully stuck in the past, raising tired old arguments that have nothing to do with reality, with almost nothing able to slow your destructive ignorance down bc you are so wrongfully convinced you are correct that you just plow ahead with what are actually illegitimate objections based on nothing


you are the fools here. and you dont even know it. retards

You're rambling and not making sense. I had a black friend too dammit!!


Jerry Stiller told us this a long time ago


Edited by Ryan L Billz

its really funny bc when i tell black folks i married a black woman they usually ask me if im still with her. when i say no more often than not they immediately chime in 'did she turn crazy?', then i say 'yeah you know how black women are' and we both immediately laugh out loud. thats bc its definitely true, black women have earned the reputation within blackness of turning crazy when they get in relationships. this is known so universally well in blackness that its a running joke, you say she turned crazy and black folks IMMEDIATELY know exactly what you are talking about


then when we are done laughing about that, i tell the black folks 'you know if i say that to white ppl they all will call me racist. lots of times the black folks dont even believe me, they will say no, really? and i have to say again, yep they will often call me racist right then and there


now what just happened here? i said the same things i always say on this topic and what did they white ppl present do? they did what white ppl always do when i say this, they jumped into the automatic racism pool


two things to learn here, white ppl. first, you are absolutely full of total ѕhit when it comes to this topic. you possess the worst possible combination of self-awareness when it comes to the issue of whites commenting on blackness: you think you know what youre talking about but you are absolutely full of ѕhit. what that means is that you will run around making judgments about any comment made by whites about blackness, you will condemn those comments as automatically racist, and then you will try to shame/shout down those ppl making those comments. all based on your own warped horseѕhit views that are demonstrably wholly ignorant of reality


you are the neo-racists. the new racist. the sludge of human existence that remains pitifully stuck in the past, raising tired old arguments that have nothing to do with reality, with almost nothing able to slow your destructive ignorance down bc you are so wrongfully convinced you are correct that you just plow ahead with what are actually illegitimate objections based on nothing


you are the fools here. and you dont even know it. retards

How do you know anyone's race?


you can make the case that this is electorate bias and not necessarily a statement about the inferiority and unworthiness of a race, which is what 'racism' is supposed to be. you could say blackness is really the convenient exploitability of that voting block driving the selective legislative behavior and not necessarily a race bias


are there some republicans that secretly get a little chubby at the same time just bc its blacks they are fkg over? yeah, most likely. does that mean we should let the whole thing bc classified as automatically racist? i dont think so


i agree that their modifications of the voting laws are unacceptable and most efforts like this need to be not only struck down in the courts but punished at the polls. the courts always need to stay on top of these kinds of vote manipulation and selective restrictions efforts


but i dont see the benefit culturally of making those actions automatically 'racist', that word doesnt really fit here unless you force fit it, and making fit is whats causing all the trouble in our general culture when it comes to our thoroughly dysfunctional race problems


lets save calling stuff racist for real racism. you know, when one race doesnt like or trust or thinks another race isnt worthy for no good reasons. weve warped the definition of racism into sooooo many corners of everything including a ton of stuff where it doesnt belong and its destroying our ability to do this race thing properly



lol. this is actually very true. it incredibly bizarre to sit in a black club and watch black folks discriminate against dark blacks. happens all the time, at least it used to when i used to go to clubs, cant see much reason why it would be much different now

Dude, they looked at how blacks voted, where, when and how, and then tried to restrict exactly those where, when and how's. Racist!


Dude, they looked at how blacks voted, where, when and how, and then tried to restrict exactly those where, when and how's. Racist!


if their data showed large numbers of trailer parks voted dem and did the same thing there, would that be racist?

Posted (edited)

This explains why so many white people are hypersensitive to perceived racism:




this is like the least surprising race issue news ever


its long been pretty obvious that white ppl have entered this WAAAAY overcompensating mode when it comes to their view of black thoughts, behavior, and results. the double standard is pretty freaking huge and has been creating damaging social standards for a while now. our greatest evidence is our disaster result at the most important job in the world. so yeah, there have been consequences to this diversion


i love my black brothers and sisters but blacks are definitely far more racist as a percentage of population than whites. that alone should be our call to action. you would think we would recognize that danger after all the pain and suffering it has caused us, but apparently we havent learned our lesson yet. its only been many thousands of years so no hurry


new research suggests that professing such third-party concern—what social scientists refer to as "moral outrage"—is often a function of self-interest, wielded to assuage feelings of personal culpability for societal harms or reinforce (to the self and others) one's own status as a Very Good Person.
Feelings of guilt are a direct threat to one's sense that they are a moral person and, accordingly, research on guilt finds that this emotion elicits strategies aimed at alleviating guilt that do not always involve undoing one's actions. Furthermore, research shows that individuals respond to reminders of their group's moral culpability with feelings of outrage at third-party harm-doing. These findings suggest that feelings of moral outrage, long thought to be grounded solely in concerns with maintaining justice, may sometimes reflect efforts to maintain a moral identity.
the concept of white guilt is yet another thing that our blackness influenced overcompensation has deeded worthy of instant condemnation and being shouted down. weve seen exactly that happen when someone tries to include even a smidgen of its consideration on the cable news networks, instantly being shut down. yet its a very valid observation in my experience with white people, which btw is extensive
the reality is that most whites have transitioned from a racist past (i estimate 80% white racists in 1970) to a non-racist present (around 35%), so almost all whites had to go through a difficult reconciliation of that highly guilt inducing past. i watched this go on for decades, many of them are still processing the guilt of that realization
since childhood ive had a unique perspective bc i never literally never went through that phase at all. i was born in the middle of extreme white racism, yet due to my mothers affiliation with a completely all-race loving church we were raised for it to be normal to be around black folks and to be mutually loving while doing it. from a young age i watched intently from the front lines of redneck crackerland racism, trying to figure out this craziness of white racism, as these people went excruciatingly slow through this transition
white guilt doesnt explain away white transgression, past or present. but it is a real phenomenon that is having real consequences - and we should be talking about it and how it affect us negatively. most specifically, whites have pulled back from deciding what racism standard should be, and blackness has naturally filled that void. blacks have just done what people in that situation of all colors always do when they get some influence, they mostly used it to try to sabotage the other side. very typical human behavior, very typical low human nature behavior
if this was any other race we would be able to talk about it and address the real shortcomings in our blackness. but in todays world just criticizing blackness is akin to automatic racism, and the net result has been coddling of some black beliefs and behaviors. all our brothers and sisters deserve criticism sometimes, as we do ourselves. we are putting a shell over one race and one race only, and then wondering why things have got fkd up
there are some of us that criticize our brothers and sisters bc we love them. and we love us. and we have to speak to truth when social diseases evolve from our emotional failings of current and prior racism
again, i will keep pointing this out until it hits home: the result we got from our current race issue system is donald freaking trump. if thats not a blaring siren for a call to action idk wtf is
Edited by Meathead
Posted (edited)


its long been pretty obvious that white ppl have entered this WAAAAY overcompensating mode when it comes to their view of black thoughts...



It's pretty obvious that at least one white person is way overcompensating, but I don't presume to speak for all people of one color or another. You shouldn't either.

Edited by Azalin

The goals of the media elite changed from advocating a color blind society to aggressively categorizing people by race, religion, etc. That model is divisive and leads to hunting for racists, like the existence of this thread.

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