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I'll ask the same question here I did in the other thread.


What was Sessions' affiliation with the Trump campaign in 2016?


March 17, 2016:


Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller is explaining the detailed role Sen. Jeff Sessions will play as chairman of Trump’s Foreign Policy Advisory Committee.


“The news that I’m here to tell you about tonight,” Miller said on The Kelly File, “is that Senator Sessions is the Chairman of his Foreign Policy Committee.

For first time, Miller detailed the effort Sessions has poured into this new role. “Jeff Sessions has been meeting for hours now putting together a team of foreign policy advisers, military experts, [and] intelligence experts,” Miller said. “I had a chance to speak to Sen. Sessions today and his military advisers for about half an hour before coming here and we discussed some robust foreign policy ideas.”

Miller informed viewers that Trump has “sat down with Senator Jeff Sessions and has spoken about these [foreign policy] issues at length.”


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Posted (edited)

Also a member of the Armed Services Committee, says there was no reason for any member to meet with any ambassadors









It’s easy to forget because ambassadors aren’t very important.




Yep, guys, Jeff Sessions is a Russian agent. You don't sound 100% unhinged at all. :lol:

Edited by B-Man

Yep, guys, Jeff Sessions is a Russian agent. You don't sound 100% unhinged at all. :lol:


As I've been arguing for months now in various threads, if there is actual perjury or treasonous activities by anyone in the administration then they should be investigated and prosecuted. I don't think anyone here argues otherwise -- even the few Trumpsters we have.


What's been missing, and continues to be missing, is actual evidence. Instead we've been getting a steady stream of unnamed sources spouting unnamed methods which have been used to create a narrative. A narrative that now has teeth, not because the evidence has increased or been disclosed, but teeth because it's been broadcast 24/7 for three straight months by various CIA sponsored media mouthpieces. Conditioning is a hell of a thing.


Of course what is omitted from all these stories and the left's thinking on this subject is that this Neo-McCarthyist narrative predates Trump and the election by nearly 3 years! The push for war with Russia by some in the IC predates any of this "hacking the election" nonsense -- and yet that element is never discussed by the left because it undercuts their outrage and might make them stop and realize they're being used.


So now we hit the Sessions story, regardless of the contents of the meetings, his meeting with a Russian Ambassador will be another brick in the 2D wall the IC is trying to build in the nation's mind. Of course they're telling everyone it's a 3D wall, but any serious inspection would reveal that's a mirage. Even if he's cleared the optics will stick -- like the dossier which is a laughable piece of "evidence".


If he resigns, which now is being reported he will do today by various rumor-mongers on various/notorious sites around the web, we might well be dropping bombs before the year's out -- which would make everyone on the left happy, right? That's what they want, the complete subversion of our democratic republic and a shooting war with the big bad Russian foe.


The lack of perspective is staggering...



As I've been arguing for months now in various threads, if there is actual perjury or treasonous activities by anyone in the administration then they should be investigated and prosecuted. I don't think anyone here argues otherwise -- even the few Trumpsters we have.


What's been missing, and continues to be missing, is actual evidence. Instead we've been getting a steady stream of unnamed sources spouting unnamed methods which have been used to create a narrative. A narrative that now has teeth, not because the evidence has increased or been disclosed, but teeth because it's been broadcast 24/7 for three straight months by various CIA sponsored media mouthpieces. Conditioning is a hell of a thing.


Of course what is omitted from all these stories and the left's thinking on this subject is that this Neo-McCarthyist narrative predates Trump and the election by nearly 3 years! The push for war with Russia by some in the IC predates any of this "hacking the election" nonsense -- and yet that element is never discussed by the left because it undercuts their outrage and might make them stop and realize they're being used.


So now we hit the Sessions story, regardless of the contents of the meetings, his meeting with a Russian Ambassador will be another brick in the 2D wall the IC is trying to build in the nation's mind. Of course they're telling everyone it's a 3D wall, but any serious inspection would reveal that's a mirage. Even if he's cleared the optics will stick -- like the dossier which is a laughable piece of "evidence".


If he resigns, which now is being reported he will do today by various rumor-mongers on various/notorious sites around the web, we might well be dropping bombs before the year's out -- which would make everyone on the left happy, right? That's what they want, the complete subversion of our democratic republic and a shooting war with the big bad Russian foe.


The lack of perspective is staggering...

Are you suggesting all the intelligence agencies are lying?


Are you suggesting all the intelligence agencies are lying?


First, it's not all the intelligence agencies and never has been. There is not a unified consensus within the IC which consists of 17 different agencies. I'm talking about a very specific faction within the IC, not the entire IC.


Second, yes. Intelligence Agencies lie for a living. They subvert countries for a living. That they would be doing so now, when their backs are literally against the wall and the blindfolds are being lowered, should be expected.


Here's some recent examples of the very same people you're now touting as being above lying, lying to the American people about all sorts of things, including NSA spying and WMD in Iraq:






Are you saying the Intelligence Agencies have never lied to the American people to get a war?



As I've been arguing for months now in various threads, if there is actual perjury or treasonous activities by anyone in the administration then they should be investigated and prosecuted. I don't think anyone here argues otherwise -- even the few Trumpsters we have.


What's been missing, and continues to be missing, is actual evidence. Instead we've been getting a steady stream of unnamed sources spouting unnamed methods which have been used to create a narrative. A narrative that now has teeth, not because the evidence has increased or been disclosed, but teeth because it's been broadcast 24/7 for three straight months by various CIA sponsored media mouthpieces. Conditioning is a hell of a thing.


Of course what is omitted from all these stories and the left's thinking on this subject is that this Neo-McCarthyist narrative predates Trump and the election by nearly 3 years!


The lack of perspective is staggering...



"There continues to be no there, there."

Said Sean Spicer:


"The only new piece of information that has come to light is th
at political appointees in the Obama administration have sought to create a false narrative to make an excuse for their own defeat in the election."





The quote appears in a NYT article titled "Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking."




That article also contains material about Jeff Sessions, I've read the new material and don't think it adds up to anything. That's why I chose the Spicer quote for the post title.


When I first saw the news alerts last night, I started saying "Jeff Sessions lied to Congress," even though I knew that wasn't quite accurate, and Meade pointed out that's how news stories like this are effective. Even when there's nothing misstated in the news article, it can work to put a false idea in your head.






Also a member of the Armed Services Committee, says there was no reason for any member to meet with any ambassadors









It’s easy to forget because ambassadors aren’t very important.




Yep, guys, Jeff Sessions is a Russian agent. You don't sound 100% unhinged at all. :lol:



Hey, is that a photo of Claire McCaskill with the Russian Ambassador? How awkward. She said she'd never done it.



Posted (edited)

Republicans turn up heat on Sessions


(CNN)The Russian cloud hovering over the Trump White House engulfed Attorney General Jeff Sessions Thursday following revelations he failed to disclose pre-election meetings with the Kremlin's ambassador to Washington.
Several Republicans, many of them increasingly uneasy about the implications of the evolving Russian drama, called on Sessions to recuse himself from any involvement in an FBI probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Moscow.
"If he, himself, is the subject of an investigation, of course he would," said House Speaker Paul Ryan. "But if he's not, I don't see any purpose or reason to doing this." (lol of course you dont - mh)
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told CNN Sessions "should further clarify his testimony." Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, said "we need a clear-eyed view of what the Russians actually did so that all Americans can have faith in our institutions."
"Jeff Sessions is a former colleague and a friend, but I think it would be best for him & for the country to recuse himself from the DOJ Russia probe," said Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, in a statement.

Also a member of the Armed Services Committee, says there was no reason for any member to meet with any ambassadors









It’s easy to forget because ambassadors aren’t very important.



ouch. thats embarrassing for her.



Edited by Meathead

Say focused kids, the issue is lying under oath. A president was impeached, not because of what he did, but because he lied under oath.


You're fooling yourself if you think that's the agenda.


Not excusing perjury, but this is about more than just Sessions' testimony. It's the continuation of a narrative designed to undermine our democratic process by some in the IC who wish to parlay that subversion into a shooting war.


You're being played. Hard. They're taking advantage of your outrage over the election and hoping to funnel that into a blank check for the MIC to wage war.


Gotta start thinking beyond the election and look at the actual scope of what's being pushed on the public by known liars and manipulators. Ask yourself this, if this is really about Russian interference in our elections, why did the anti-Russian narrative on the left really pick up steam in 2013 after Romney was made to be a laughing stock in the election for proposing the very same thing...


Say focused kids, the issue is lying under oath. A president was impeached, not because of what he did, but because he lied under oath.


You mean like Hillary? And Clapper? THAT kind of lying under oath that the left likes to ignore?


I'm not one for justifying bad behavior by pointing out other bad behavior, but I sure the hell am one to point out the complete and embarrassing hypocrisy that you seem to wallow in on a regular basis.


Stay focused, hypocrite.


Not too long ago I pointed out that Obama went on a foreign policy tour during his first campaign, and met with foreign leaders.


And it was pointed out to me that as a Senator, he was permitted to do so.


Well...THAT excuse certainly didn't last long.



First, it's not all the intelligence agencies and never has been. There is not a unified consensus within the IC which consists of 17 different agencies. I'm talking about a very specific faction within the IC, not the entire IC.


You are saying the intelligence agencies are lying? The 17 involved? Or most or some of them are? Lying about this subject?

Not too long ago I pointed out that Obama went on a foreign policy tour during his first campaign, and met with foreign leaders.


And it was pointed out to me that as a Senator, he was permitted to do so.


Well...THAT excuse certainly didn't last long.

First post on topic from Tom: Obama


Are you suggesting all the intelligence agencies are lying?


Aren't you one of the jackasses that routinely suggests that all the intelligence agencies lied about WMDs in Iraq?


Say focused kids, the issue is lying under oath. A president was impeached, not because of what he did, but because he lied under oath.


Sessions: ‘I Have Not Met With Any Russians At Any Time To Discuss Any Political Campaign’



No lying.



“Last year, the senator had over 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, including the British, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian, German and Russian ambassadors.


He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.” Sessions himself professes not to recall the substance of the discussions. In a separate column at the Post, Aaron Blake parses the denials.


The story is full of portentous implications. This is what it’s all about: “The previously undisclosed discussions could fuel new congressional calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 presidential election. As attorney general, Sessions oversees the Justice Department and the FBI, which have been leading investigations into Russian meddling and any links to Trump’s associates. He has so far resisted calls to recuse himself.”

The Post’s story has triggered a Pavlovian response from Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has called on Sessions to resign.

The Post devotes seven reporters to the story. Despite the manpower devoted to the story, the text reports nothing on the substance of the conversations and lacks any detail at all on the alleged July meeting.


You are saying the intelligence agencies are lying? The 17 involved? Or most or some of them are? Lying about this subject?

First post on topic from Tom: Obama


First post on the topic: illustrating the left's rampant hypocrisy.


You don't complain when a Democrat does it. You DO complain when a Republican does it. You are engaging in a double-standard. And claiming that double-standard is the moral high ground. That makes you a hypocrite of the highest order.



First post on the topic: illustrating the left's rampant hypocrisy.


You don't complain when a Democrat does it. You DO complain when a Republican does it. You are engaging in a double-standard. And claiming that double-standard is the moral high ground. That makes you a hypocrite of the highest order.



Sessions: ‘I Have Not Met With Any Russians At Any Time To Discuss Any Political Campaign’



No lying.



Not what he said under oath.



What he said under oath:


“I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”


That is a lie


You are saying the intelligence agencies are lying? The 17 involved? Or most or some of them are? Lying about this subject?


I am saying the claim that there is a unified consensus within the IC that the Russians interfered with the election is false. There has never been a joint statement issued by all 17 agencies, and even within the agencies which issued statements (CIA, DHS, DNI) there is not a consensus. That's why BF got slammed repeatedly when he kept parroting that line a few months ago, it just ain't true. It's part of a narrative trick designed to make you think there's a consensus when there is none. Just like every story and leak so far is designed to make you think there is actual evidence being presented when it is in fact just unnamed sources citing speculations.


So, if there is no consensus within the IC, which there is not, then any story or talking head that claims otherwise is revealing their true loyalties.


The main people pushing this narrative publicly have been Clapper (a known liar and perjurer), Brennan (a known liar), and a host of "unnamed officials".


Brenner and Clapper do NOT and never have spoken for the entirety of the IC.

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