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Then you should have nothing to fear about the independent council looking into things


Like Clinton had nothing to fear about an independent COUNSEL looking in to Whitewater. Which somehow turned in to a mandate to crawl up his ass with a microscope, which turned in to the Lewinski scandal.


I'm sure no one has anything to fear from an independent counsel with a blank check to investigate anything he damn well pleases in a ridiculous political environment where putting your feet on the furniture is a major scandal.

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Serious people realize that Russia meddled in the election but did not change the outcome. Serious people hold zero belief that Trump, Sessions, Flynn or Trump's campaign had anything to do with the meddling. Serious people are laughing at the left's commitment to this non-story.


While I'm discouraged by the left's arrogance and lack of self awareness, it's simply the bizarro form of the past 8 years with petty attempts at character assasination.



Oh, I'm definitely judging you yahoos. Make no mistake about it.

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You're an idiot.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.61.



Like Clinton had nothing to fear about an independent COUNSEL looking in to Whitewater. Which somehow turned in to a mandate to crawl up his ass with a microscope, which turned in to the Lewinski scandal.


I'm sure no one has anything to fear from an independent counsel with a blank check to investigate anything he damn well pleases in a ridiculous political environment where putting your feet on the furniture is a major scandal.

I know, really! Too bad it has to go down like this, but we need to know if our President is a dirty sell out to the Putin, or if Putin has dirt on him, or those loans he has...oh gees, we really need a special council






Now more that ever! B-)


I know, really! Too bad it has to go down like this, but we need to know if our President is a dirty sell out to the Putin


Well, he didn't give him a reset button, for starters.


The double standard you operate under truly amazes me sometimes.

Posted (edited)


"During the election, the Liberal Democrat Fake News remained silent but the Clinton Campaign engaged in unethical if not illegal actions with the Russians. WikiLeaks released emails showing Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta owned 75,000 shares of a Putin connected energy company. To cover this up, Podesta then passed the shares on to his daughter.

The Clinton campaign knowingly accepted foreign money as noted in emails released surrounding her campaign. In addition, the Clinton Foundation was involved in more than 500 instances of conflicts of interest as reported by Clinton employee Doug Band. The Foundation was used by the Clintons as a ‘pay for play’ operation where bribes to the Clintons or the Foundation are reimbursed in the form of political favors.

The ultraliberal New York Times reported in April 2015 that the Clintons received millions of dollars from the Chairman of the firm Uranium One which were not disclosed publicly and in return the firm received uranium deposits in the US. At the same time the Russians were buying the majority stake in Uranium One. Ultimately the Clintons made millions and the Russians took over a large portion of the world’s global uranium supply chain. This transaction was just one of many that the Clintons took part in to amass their $250 million net worth over the past 16 years."

Jim Hoft

Drain The Swamp

Edited by richstadiumowner

Who is this mysterious Russian ambassador who caused so much trouble for 2 top officials in the Trump White House? http://nyti.ms/2m2z6dh



Guys, he’s the same Russian ambassador that met with Obama roughly 22 times – the same one who has met with multiple senators (both Democrats and Republicans).

We know, you really want to make him out to be some evil Russian spy guy but sorry, NYT, he’s just an ambassador.



Tiberius is Baskin?


Maybe? I mean, that's how I took that exchange... or it's like B says and it's a copy-paste talking points kind of thing. I never knew he was Baskin though, if he is...



Well, he didn't give him a reset button, for starters.


The double standard you operate under truly amazes me sometimes.

Oh please. Who do you think you are fooling?


Maybe? I mean, that's how I took that exchange... or it's like B says and it's a copy-paste talking points kind of thing. I never knew he was Baskin though, if he is...

Then Hillary was going to win the election no matter what. I cut and pasted it because it was a good point made in a funny way


Oh please. Who do you think you are fooling?

Then Hillary was going to win the election no matter what. I cut and pasted it because it was a good point made in a funny way

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Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.61.



Tiberius is Baskin?

No. Tiberius/gatorman can't put a sentence together without butchering it. He reads the same Huffington Post as Baskin but needs help in doing so. Baskin can read for himself and can even put a sentence or two together. He's more like the whiny little B word, lyrbob.


No. Tiberius/gatorman can't put a sentence together without butchering it. He reads the same Huffington Post as Baskin but needs help in doing so. Baskin can read for himself and can even put a sentence or two together. He's more like the whiny little B word, lyrbob.

I'll tell you what's funny. Here at PPP the more Conservative members seem to want to talk about the more Liberal members, while the Libs actually want to talk about politics and such.

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