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Trump's Budget Proposal


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The president is tossing a political football of giant proportions to a Congress on GOP control. Boy, this should be fun! The Republicans are on record as saying the (evil) government is WAY to big etc etc, and now they own it. Are they really going to gut everything? Well, except for the military, social security, medicare and the VA, you know, most of the budget. Get your popcorn!

The president’s proposed budget would increase defense-related spending by $54 billion and cut virtually the same amount from other federal agencies while preserving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — setting up a potential clash with Republicans in Congress who insist those entitlement programs must be overhauled to ensure the government’s fiscal health.
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You're not trying to make a point, you're just a jerk.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.61.

No point? The point is, ass sucker, that the GOP has always complained and complained, now they can do whatever they want. Have fun.

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No point? The point is, ass sucker, that the GOP has always complained and complained, now they can do whatever they want. Have fun.

[This is an automated response.]




I'm not stupid.


Yes, yes you are.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.61.

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I'd be cautious with that. Because of the way SIPRI defines "military expenditure," their numbers are of uncertain accuracy and don't readily compare across countries (e.g. the PLAN includes functions performed by the US Coast Guard, but the USCG isn't included in the US expenditures.) And both convert national expenditures to dollars...meaning the estimates are exchange-rate sensitive and don't take purchase power in to account (the estimates for Russia being an excellent example).


They seem roughly accurate as a rule-of-thumb guide, but I wouldn't quote any of those numbers as authoritative.

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If you go by % of GDP, it's 3%, which is about average.


If you go by total amount spent, it's close to 20X the average and twice as much as the second person on the list; China.


Which is the correct way to measure it.


Everything is relative.


Having said that, Trump's deficits are going to make Obama's look like child's play.

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I'm semindrunkb in durhambat mardinhras. What's this?

God DAMN it, people! Next time gatorman starts a thread, instead of responding to it can we just sit back and watch him trade barbs with an automated script?

shurbyoup. You're an idot
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God DAMN it, people! Next time gatorman starts a thread, instead of responding to it can we just sit back and watch him trade barbs with an automated script?



My money's on the automated script.................... :w00t:

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