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Unintended Leak of Tyrod's Future??


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McDermott and staff are far more influential in any decision to keep TT or not. I'll give Whaley and Manos credit for preparing for either scenario though.

Whaley surely has ambivalent thoughts about TT and his long term prospects. But he, more so than the new HC, has to feel some internal heat, whether explicit or not, to have the team under his stewardship be a more competitive team.


Let's face it for the past two years he has made public pronouncements stating his belief that he has assembled a playoff caliber roster. Those optimistic predictions were not fulfilled. His acquisition and upgraded contract for McCoy was a decision that was not rooted in the future; it was an acquisition made with the intention of getting immediate results. The same line of thinking went into trading up to get Watkins at a rather expensive cost.


As with anyone in his position there are long term strategies and short term strategies. If the the front office handles this situation right with keeping TT for the purposes of being competitive now and getting a long term franchise qb sooner rather than later then he has deftly handled the short term and the long term needs.


I have been a staunch Whaley supporter. Based on his record my esteem for him has (to put it diplomatically) been eroded. My reservoir of goodwill for him is not empty but it is getting lower.

Edited by JohnC
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the man can stretch a play out.. granted he seems to have a problem not having brady-like passing skills , but after watching the horrible QB play in recent years, i like him.. i like how i feel he gives the team a chance to win.. there were a few instances if a call or a break goes our way , a couple of games end up differently.. IMO

Would have loved to see him qbing this team back when it was a top 5 defense.....

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Another L for Ryan L.


You think maybe there is a connection?


Perhaps you should just get a bridge name..... Rionel?......like Rionel Richie..... and see if that helps?


Or perhaps go full rebuild?

I've caught zero L's. You can ask my secretary for an appointment to open up talks about L's If Tyrod can accumulate 9 wins.


Draft a stud like Watson or Trubisky to bail him out by week 8 and I'll sit through the losses.

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The problem with Taylor is he has too many holes in his game to be consistent. He will make flashy plays, he will get you a few long td throws but that is not enough. He can't make easy short throws on a consistent basis , he can't or won't throw the ball over the middle of the field. He holds the ball entirely too long.


I remember before last season arguing with you that he was a top 15-20 QB while you were saying he was the worst starting QB in the entire NFL. That's as high on him as I ever was. Sorry, that was for Chan. Edited by metzelaars_lives
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Whaley surely has ambivalent thoughts about TT and his long term prospects. But he, more so than the new HC, has to feel some internal heat, whether explicit or not, to have the team under his stewardship be a more competitive team.


Let's face it for the past two years he has made public pronouncements stating his belief that he has assembled a playoff caliber roster. Those optimistic predictions were not fulfilled. His acquisition and upgraded contract for McCoy was a decision that was not rooted in the future; it was an acquisition made with the intention of getting immediate results. The same line of thinking went into trading up to get Watkins at a rather expensive cost.


As with anyone in his position there are long term strategies and short term strategies. If the the front office handles this situation right with keeping TT for the purposes of being competitive now and getting a long term franchise qb sooner rather than later then he has deftly handled the short term and the long term needs.


I have been a staunch Whaley supporter. Based on his record my esteem for him has (to put it diplomatically) been eroded. My reservoir of goodwill for him is not empty but it is getting lower.

I have mixed feelings about ambivalence, but that's another matter.


There's ample reason to be a bit weary of Whaley at this point because in a business that measures your value in wins, he's on the short end for sure.


But it's not like he's just sitting there twirling his thumbs, either. He is a very active GM. Even as I type this. And I already accept that he's gonna screw the pooch on things at times moving forward. He's also gonna get some things right.


I'll let others make believe that his inability to speak in public or the fact he wears his heart (read anger) on his sleeve towards those he perceives as non friendlies says everything about his ability to do his job. That said, he's on a short leash I imagine.

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Would have loved to see him qbing this team back when it was a top 5 defense.....

i agree .. taylor with the schwartz D , who knows? .. but even this year , to expound on your point , the oakland game , everyone faults taylor for not bringing them from behind, may or may not be justified, . but the lead was considerable, the D blew it.

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I've caught zero L's. You can ask my secretary for an appointment to open up talks about L's If Tyrod can accumulate 9 wins.


Draft a stud like Watson or Trubisky to bail him out by week 8 and I'll sit through the losses.



Ok but in the meantime what is your wikipedia page again? I wanna' update it.

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If the Bills pay a bridge QB 30 million then get on board for a few more Dick Jauron years. 6-7 wins against the worst teams while we get smoked against the real teams.


This town loves mediocrity. Imagine if Tyrod had long flowing hair and a Polish last name.

i was super sad when they got rid of Kiko Alonski and his flowing locks
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i was super sad when they got rid of Kiko Alonski and his flowing locks




Let us not forget that this town also gave a washed up Terrell Owens the key to the city before he even played a down here. We also welcomed Rex, a coach who was fired for not making the playoffs year after year, as a conquering hero.

Edited by jeffismagic
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This is the smart move


But as usual the Bills pay WAY to much money it reminds me of the Fitz situation, i just hope it doesn't wind up in 2 years to be the same scenario as Fitz !


Who ever is the one agreeing to these crazy contracts with out giving the team a out (incase things don't work out) needs to be fired ! Or at least have their ass chewed on !!


Fitz, Marrone, DAREUS because of no out in his contract, Clay makes more $ than Gronk, now Tyrod, & if they keep Gilmore that would be another bad contract ...


But let Hogan, & others walk ?????

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But as usual the Bills pay WAY to much money it reminds me of the Fitz situation, i just hope it doesn't wind up in 2 years to be the same scenario as Fitz !


Who ever is the one agreeing to these crazy contracts with out giving the team a out (incase things don't work out) needs to be fired ! Or at least have their ass chewed on !!


Fitz, Marrone, DAREUS because of no out in his contract, Clay makes more $ than Gronk, now Tyrod, & if they keep Gilmore that would be another bad contract ...


But let Hogan, & others walk ?????

Are you suggesting we should have kept Hogan?


One other thing I want to point out....lets not look at the bills in a vacuum when it comes to contracts. If you are looking at all the NFL teams I am sure you would see this around the league in some form or another.

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He missed 2 in that game. He makes both of those we probably win.


You and me been saying this since the season ended. WE NEED A NEW KICKER. HOW IS IT THAT MOST OTHER TEAMS KICKERS ARE AUTOMATIC? And when Carp kicks its like McKelven returning a fumble, you have/hate to watch cuz u never know how its gonna turn out.

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Well if the choices are going after an expensive, older Qb who hasn't been able to play a full season in a few years and has very little playoff success (Romo)

or a pipe dream that has about as much chance of being signed here as acquiring Brady (Cousins) what else is left?


Mediocre backups/failed starters like Foles, McCown, Hoyer, guys with very little tape who you have no idea if they will amount to anything (garrapollo, McCarron, Oakland backup) or guys that couldn't keep jobs with the Browns?


Theres not much out there this year to pick from that are definitely better then Taylor (and it seems that the only ones who think so poorly of Taylor are Bills fans as most will say he is a pretty good starting QB, just not an elite one)


So you stick with what you got, even if paying him mid level starter money is considered overpaying to some, and you buy some more time to maybe find an elite franchise guy, or see if Taylor can get to that level with a better surrounding cast. I don't think even the biggest Taylor supporters would deny that the Bills don't need to draft someone high for the future, compared to those that despise Taylor that think that once he is cut by the Bills he will be lucky to stock shelves at Wegmans and will never be seen in the NFL again (even though many reports have him as being in high demand/interest with a bunch of QB needy teams)......

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