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White House Spokesman Predicts More Federal Action Against Marijuana


The Justice Department may step up enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states that have voted to legalize its recreational use, according to White House press secretary Sean Spicer.




rednecks are people too, you know. and people sure love their weed


you want to fracture the trump base? go after the weed


that ship has sailed, don. turning back the clock is only going to keep tilting your slide


whats next, porn?

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Posted (edited)

trans bathroom rights are a "state issue" and pot is a "federal issue"


^^^^^This and let's not forget illegal pot from Mexico (bad), legal pot that is TAXED & REGULATED by the state (worse).


In case anyone was wondering just looking at CCA's stock. It skyrocketed on November 9th 2016.


It's almost as if Trump has investments in Mexican drug cartels and CCA. He wins either way. Arbitrage at its finest. Guy is a genius.


Worst explanation today came from Spicer trying to equivocate the opiate epidemic and cannabis. Dude needs to get high. It's legal in DC. The whole Trump Administration should call it a day 40 minutes early at 4:20 and go get high.

Edited by Dr.Sack

trans bathroom rights are a "state issue" and pot is a "federal issue"




^^^^^This and let's not forget illegal pot from Mexico (bad), legal pot that is TAXED & REGULATED by the state (worse).



The issue of state's rights isn't about them being able to pick and choose which federal laws they can ignore and which they will voluntarily obey. If you approached legalization of drugs with regard to the issue of state's rights, you'd have to rescind all federal laws regarding drugs and allow the states to create their own.

Posted (edited)

I had a client ask me a few weeks ago about marijuana stocks. I told her to stay away from them. I gave her several reasons but I told her that the Trump administration is the biggest reason to stay away. Looks like I was right.


Also the fact that it is prescribed as medicine but you can't transport in on a plane is problematic. It appears they are just going after the recreational aspect of it. If they allow medical MJ they need to allow those using medically to be able to transport it. As long as they have a valid prescription they should be allowed to.

Edited by Chef Jim

At least Trump is consistent in enforcement of Federal law. He's not just picking out the ones he likes. (like Obama).


What is the political breakdown of pot users?

we need a poll. Who smokes weed. Where is Dr suck?

I still don't understand why the stuff is illegal.

I still don't understand why grandma would want to take a **** next to me.

I think it is possible to realize that although pot is clearly a loser's game, this may be an area where the Feds are diving in beyond their authority. The need standing if they are going to make/enforce laws banning it despite the will of an individual state. They need to explain how they have jurisdiction over say Colorado if that state wants to let loser stoners run amok in their state. It may go to the courts to decide and that is fine.


If a State wanted to reinitiate prohibition, would the Feds stop them? It seems like the same issue to me.

I still don't understand why the stuff is illegal.


Possibly because you've smoked too much of it.


Losers like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson.


Keep those fries crispy Merper.



So you define winners and losers by money made?


Where do Kinney Garden teachers fit on that spectrum?


So you define winners and losers by money made?


Where do Kinney Garden teachers fit on that spectrum?

I define losers by frequency of visits to Golden Corral and if they wish to curtail the use of something that makes others happy for no reason whatsoever.


That stoner Matthew Mcconaghey is such a loser! Grow up, marijuana use is a non issue.


trans bathroom rights are a "state issue" and pot is a "federal issue"

Not exactly. Trump overturned an executive order on the bathroom thing so the laws as they were are intact. If congress want to pass a new federal law about bathroom rights, they can make that effort.


i dont think money made was the point, it was intelligence and capability. you were generalizing weed users as losers and those two wouldnt usually be called losers





The issue of state's rights isn't about them being able to pick and choose which federal laws they can ignore and which they will voluntarily obey. If you approached legalization of drugs with regard to the issue of state's rights, you'd have to rescind all federal laws regarding drugs and allow the states to create their own.

Which is exactly what they should be doing.

Posted (edited)

I think it is possible to realize that although pot is clearly a loser's game, this may be an area where the Feds are diving in beyond their authority. The need standing if they are going to make/enforce laws banning it despite the will of an individual state. They need to explain how they have jurisdiction over say Colorado if that state wants to let loser stoners run amok in their state. It may go to the courts to decide and that is fine.


If a State wanted to reinitiate prohibition, would the Feds stop them? It seems like the same issue to me.


Possibly because you've smoked too much of it.

I've only smoked a few times in my life, I don't have any personal stake in this. Alcohol is easily worse as far as what it does to a person's behavior, so to me, weed being illegal is just illogical. Ban alcohol, or legalize marijuana, one or the other.

Edited by Dorkington

when i first got hired into AT&T's new information systems consulting group in the 80's a bunch of us new hires were sent to denver to work on an emergency diagnostics problem with their high end digital switches on a big project with the gubmint. it was grunt work but required technical debugging knowledge so the team was mostly b.s. degreed or higher. we were out there for months and at first everybody was pretty straight. the company paid for a lot of outings for us, one of which was that concert at redrocks. a few of us had been getting high in private together but that concert made us realize most of us were getting high privately out there, including one of the squarest looking instructors who was training us on special requirements for the customized digital switches


that was back at a time where not many places drug tested, but if you got caught using weed you were definitely fired. it was funny seeing how most of the class of software tech ppl were buttoned up during the day and stoners at night


that was back at a time where not many places drug tested, but if you got caught using weed you were definitely fired. it was funny seeing how most of the class of software tech ppl were buttoned up during the day and stoners at night


Halcyon days before your employer could dictate what you could do in your private time.

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