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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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Real threats to journalists’ safety


CNN thought they scored a coup because they tracked down a nobody who had launched a silly Internet meme, a funny gif of Trump beating down CNN’s company logo. And because they were able to terrorize the nobody into begging forgiveness.


Hey CNN, how about getting back to real life? Try this one on:


On the fifth anniversary of [a controversy], I appeared on stage with five other people. Of those five… [and for having spoken about the controversy,] one was shot at point-blank range. The other had his event shot-up and two people were killed. Another was forced out of public life entirely. And the fourth had her family’s restaurant fire-bombed. Those are real threats against media figures that go on… right now.




Can you guess

  1. The specific controversy?
  2. The larger theme – who did it? Who does those kinds of attack on public media figures, in real life?


The first answer might not be obvious, but the second should be super obvious. Hint: It wasn’t Trump supporters, or conservatives of any stripe.


The controversy was the “Danish cartoons”, also known as “Drawing Mohammed”. And the people making the physical assaults and threats on journalists were, of course, radical Muslims.


I don’t remember CNN covering any of these attacks on journalists. I can’t say for sure that they didn’t; I would love to be surprised. But anyway, the above is what threats to the safety of journalists look like in real life.


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Absolutely was. And CNN's attempt to spin it any other way is why they're losing so badly. They're lying themselves into irrelevance.

The optics in this are just hilarious...



I cannot imagine CNN getting so arrogant with such an undeserved level of entitlement.


If I were that poster I'd gladly let them publish my name.


And wait to see the next 1,000 viral posts I'd release about CNN....

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This whole fiasco just confirms what we've known all along.


1.) Trump continues to be a man child who thought it was appropriate to retweet on the personal presidential twitter account a doctored WWE wrestling match of him body slamming somebody with a CNN logo on it.


2.) CNN is a left wing propagandist outlet disguised as a News organization that makes even Fox News look good. CNN should have just not responded and let Trump feed his base while the rest of America does a collective face palm.

Edited by Doc Brown
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2.) CNN is a left wing propagandist outlet disguised as a News organization that makes even Fox News look good. CNN should have just not responded and let Trump feed his base while the rest of America does a collective face palm.

Well, come on now. If you think CNN is that bad, then you have to also say the whole rest of the media, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, all of them, are just left wing outfits, just like any real right winger would say

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This whole fiasco just confirms what we've known all along.


1.) Trump continues to be a man child who thought it was appropriate to retweet on the personal presidential twitter account a doctored WWE wrestling match of him body slamming somebody with a CNN logo on it.


2.) CNN is a left wing propagandist outlet disguised as a News organization that makes even Fox News look good. CNN should have just not responded and let Trump feed his base while the rest of America does a collective face palm.


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Well, come on now. If you think CNN is that bad, then you have to also say the whole rest of the media, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, all of them, are just left wing outfits, just like any real right winger would say


There are no left-wing power bases in the US. Or at least left as defined by any period of history or place on earth that was honestly left.


The media clearly gives the Democratic Party the benefit of the doubt and then some, that's plainly obvious.


It's like Red Sox fans thinking they can be objective reporting on the New York Yankees, and even far worse.

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There are no left-wing power bases in the US. Or at least left as defined by any period of history or place on earth that was honestly left.


The media clearly gives the Democratic Party the benefit of the doubt and then some, that's plainly obvious.


It's like Red Sox fans thinking they can be objective reporting on the New York Yankees, and even far worse.


I think you think that

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Absolutely was. And CNN's attempt to spin it any other way is why they're losing so badly. They're lying themselves into irrelevance.

The optics in this are just hilarious...


why did she leave? i'd have sat down and tied my shoelaces, then went and ordered a pizza delivery there, then started crocheting (yes, i can crochet, i was bored)

This whole fiasco just confirms what we've known all along.


1.) Trump continues to be a man child who thought it was appropriate to retweet on the personal presidential twitter account a doctored WWE wrestling match of him body slamming somebody with a CNN logo on it.


2.) CNN is a left wing propagandist outlet disguised as a News organization that makes even Fox News look good. CNN should have just not responded and let Trump feed his base while the rest of America does a collective face palm.

this has nothign to do with trump, assolo

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It was just last week.

Why are they trying to identify any user of anything?

Sorry, there is only so much trash I can pay attention to in the news,


let me ask a different question


>> Was it really Donald?


It wouldn't surprise me if the Donald actually performed in a WWE stunt 15 or more years ago.

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Nope, not gonna fall into your troll trap there.... :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

i want to punch you in the nuts, you and chef jim reply to him more than anyone.


and i already know i will punch jim in the nuts come september.

Sorry, there is only so much trash I can pay attention to in the news,


let me ask a different question


>> Was it really Donald?


It wouldn't surprise me if the Donald actually performed in a WWE stunt 15 or more years ago.

trump did a bunch of work with the wwe for a long time.


was a big heel there.

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Sorry, there is only so much trash I can pay attention to in the news,


let me ask a different question


>> Was it really Donald?


It wouldn't surprise me if the Donald actually performed in a WWE stunt 15 or more years ago.


Are you being serious?


Trump was on anything that had a rolling camera

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Actually yes. I was serious.


I stopped paying attention to WWE WWF in the 90's when my kids grew out of it.

The only reality show I watched was Survivor, but even that grew stale after a decade.


No excuse. I never watched wrestling, and even I knew Trump performed in wrestling.

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Sorry, there is only so much trash I can pay attention to in the news,


let me ask a different question


>> Was it really Donald?


It wouldn't surprise me if the Donald actually performed in a WWE stunt 15 or more years ago.

The tweet was last week. Trump did do the WWE thing but I think it was 15 years ago or thereabouts.

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Yeah, appearing on WWE is beneath the office ..............oh wait.

The Race Comes to RAW - YouTube




Apr 22, 2008 - Uploaded by WWEHillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain address the WWE fans on Monday Night RAW!


I'm no fan of Obama, but come on, man! Trump's buffoonery level was turned up to 1000. Barack was at a solid zero.

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