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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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As opposed to the "class" that his opponents show on a daily basis? I'm not defending him by any stretch, but the Left is bat-**** looney in their obsession of him and the bitterness of their rancor in personally attacking him is not without blame either, and is worthy of scorn.

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As opposed to the "class" that his opponents show on a daily basis? I'm not defending him by any stretch, but the Left is bat-**** looney in their obsession of him and the bitterness of their rancor in personally attacking him is not without blame either, and is worthy of scorn.

Try to stay on topic. This is not about left vs. right or party or ideology. The man is crap. You say you're not defending him, but you kind of are.

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Trump owns one of the most unbelievable political victories in history and is a billionaire, yet he seems to be as insecure as a teenager. These latest tweets are just pathetic and puts him right on the level of the crazies he's verbally attacking.


Guy can't even take the cart path let alone the high road. This is the leader of the free world? Majority of the representatives and, by extension, the voting public are all !@#$ed in the head.

Edited by Rockpile233
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Try to stay on topic. This is not about left vs. right or party or ideology. The man is crap. You say you're not defending him, but you kind of are.


The man has been crap for decades. This isn't news.


But his lack of any class as president is symptomatic of the race to the bottom of all of American society. The vast majority of Americans think his actions are okay.

Trump owns one of the most unbelievable political victories in history and is a billionaire, yet he seems to be as insecure as a teenager. These latest tweets are just pathetic and puts him right on the level of the crazies he's verbally attacking.


Guy can't even take the cart path let alone the high road.


He got where he is now via the cart path. Why would he change now?

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The man has been crap for decades. This isn't news.


But his lack of any class as president is symptomatic of the race to the bottom of all of American society. The vast majority of Americans think his actions are okay.


He got where he is now via the cart path. Why would he change now?

Ehh I'm with you. I'm beginning to hate everyone. This is the representation we deserve.

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The man has been crap for decades. This isn't news.


But his lack of any class as president is symptomatic of the race to the bottom of all of American society. The vast majority of Americans think his actions are okay.



He got where he is now via the cart path. Why would he change now?

I agree with this. But he has taken the flag and run with it. I don't think Trump is very bright overall, but he does know how to harness idiocy to his benefit. It's like he said a couple decades ago: "If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. They're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific."


It is truly an idiocracy we are living in, but there are still good people left and it's worthwhile to continue pointing out when others behave badly, lie, etc... And yes, I'm talking about left and right.

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This latest tweet is going to cut him deeper than many others. Watch.


He really is a disturbed human. Not one parent would let their child talk to someone like that and yet here we are with a president who does it. Gross.



He's crossed the line of decency many many times. It really is disgusting. Couldn't care less what his politics are and they've changed so much over his life anyways, it's embarrassing that anyone could still defend him because he got the R on his ticket. Obama, Bush, everyone else before had their gaffes. But Trump is intent on always having the last word. These aren't gaffes, it is just who he is.

I just read a tweet from RoguePotusStaff that said Frump got pissed during the Ryan Press Conference when asked about Frumps morning tweet


POTUS suddenly angry watching Ryan press conference.

Apparently shouted ____off and threw a book at the TV and may have broken it.


Batshit Crazy.

the last line was my comment

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Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) June 29, 2017

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., commented on the tweets during his weekly news conference, saying that politicians are trying to "improve the tone and civility of the debate.... this obviously doesn't help do that."

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As opposed to the "class" that his opponents show on a daily basis? I'm not defending him by any stretch, but the Left is bat-**** looney in their obsession of him and the bitterness of their rancor in personally attacking him is not without blame either, and is worthy of scorn.

The morning joe is not my president.


And yes, your two defelctions so far are defenses. His post is reprehensible. Period.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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He's crossed the line of decency many many times. It really is disgusting. Couldn't care less what his politics are and they've changed so much over his life anyways, it's embarrassing that anyone could still defend him because he got the R on his ticket. Obama, Bush, everyone else before had their gaffes. But Trump is intent on always having the last word. These aren't gaffes, it is just who he is.

awe princess. Youbdont like Mr big bad pres trump because he hurts feelings.



You kitty. Snowflake AF. Grow a pair dorothy

Try to stay on topic. This is not about left vs. right or party or ideology. The man is crap. You say you're not defending him, but you kind of are.

and what the !@#$ was Obama? A narcissitic asshair hell bent on forcing policy he was too lazy to even bother to secure and now is falling apart because he was not only lazy but stupid. Obama lit the way for unqualified blowhards. Trump is just another obama. This time the snowflake democrats are having to deal with election consequences.


Obama was far worse than trump has been but both are equally laughable, make no mistake about it.

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I agree with this. But he has taken the flag and run with it. I don't think Trump is very bright overall, but he does know how to harness idiocy to his benefit. It's like he said a couple decades ago: "If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. They're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific."


It is truly an idiocracy we are living in, but there are still good people left and it's worthwhile to continue pointing out when others behave badly, lie, etc... And yes, I'm talking about left and right.

where did he say that, exactly? That meme... are we still on that fake news?


The funniest part is Obama was just as inept and terrible to people. This is tit for tat. Obama took a giant **** on this country and its constitution

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This administration couldn't be more fun if Twitter had a way to spit confetti from your phone every time Trump sends a tweet.


The media helps everyone elect a life-long Dem reality show star to POTUS, and suddenly you're concerned with respect and decorum? Nice bubble you all live in.


Newflash: America doesn't give a crap about how much dignity and respect Trump does or doesn't bring to the office. They don't give a crap what you think about what is or isn't acceptable in the WH. They stopped caring about this years ago when Barry went full-goose bozo to turn the federal government into a weapon against its people, and the media let him alone.


Michael Goodwin at NY Post really makes the point of all points this week: Trump is Obama's Legacy.


Don't like it? Quityer bitchin' and do something about it.

Edited by LABillzFan
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awe princess. Youbdont like Mr big bad pres trump because he hurts feelings.



You kitty. Snowflake AF. Grow a pair dorothy

and what the !@#$ was Obama? A narcissitic asshair hell bent on forcing policy he was too lazy to even bother to secure and now is falling apart because he was not only lazy but stupid. Obama lit the way for unqualified blowhards. Trump is just another obama. This time the snowflake democrats are having to deal with election consequences.


Obama was far worse than trump has been but both are equally laughable, make no mistake about it.

Why are you so hot about it? You should be happy. Things are turning out very well for you. It's a Boyst62 world, Charlie Brown.

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