3rdnlng Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 5 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: yes..how many press conferences has this dude had in two years??? Reporters could press him on his statements/ rhetoric, would make s huge difference if he committed to a 30-minute speech/ 30 minute question period. You are being disingenuous. Trump is always putting himself out there to answer questions. His administration is the most open in my lifetime. Oval Office speeches are rare and no press conferences are ever given there.
DC Tom Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 33 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: Is a network obligated to carry his political message? If Trump wants an Oval office message every Sunday night at 9 EST, are the networks obligated to carry it? If it is so critical, why will he not answer questions from reporters? The President can demand - basically take - air time if he deems it necessary. Say, in a national emergency. Generally, the White House asks, and the networks say yes...but I can vaguely recall a few instances where networks have said "***** it, we'd rather air real programming than this *****." Don't forget, the government, via the FCC, owns the airwaves. 30 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: yes..how many press conferences has this dude had in two years??? Reporters could press him on his statements/ rhetoric, would make s huge difference if he committed to a 30-minute speech/ 30 minute question period. It's tough to answer questions when the asshat from CNN is proselytizing all the ***** time. Trump hasn't had a real press conference...and that might be the one thing in the past two years that is truly not his fault.
leh-nerd skin-erd Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 5 hours ago, plenzmd1 said: then it should have been an emergency or of great national import before the shutdown, which it was not. And certainly was not important to him when he agreed to the spending resolution, then did a 180 cause the folks on Fox and Rush went nuts. Call a spade a spade a spade here..i don't think this became a demonstrably different "emergency" in the last two weeks. He wants free, unobstructed, non challenged airtime....for something that he himself did not see as an emergency two weeks ago. I do believe the man uses other forms of communication, one might even say he is an expert at it. And the problem with listening to his arguments(of which i do) is the need to deconstruct every sentence to understand that which was factually correct, that which is an exaggeration to help his argument, and that which is just flat out lies and misrepresentations. Stop...you're arguing a point you seem not to even believe based on earlier posts. The president, elected by the people, has chosen to address the nation on what he deems to be an issue critical to the security of the nation. He wants free, unobstructed, non-challenged airtime to directly address the American people. Rest assured the guardians at the gate will be ready to rip into everything he says or does, and rest assured the dems will be prepared to reject everything said or done about the border in spite of everything THEY have said about the border. What will follow will be series of pre-scripted, focus-group tested word tracks from news media types, border security experts and the whitest person in America Chuck Todd. In fact, the responses are already written.
Koko78 Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 44 minutes ago, B-Man said: .@SpeakerPelosi/@SenSchumer joint statement on Pres. Trump’s prime time address - they call for equal air time on the networks:. Wow, talk about mewling babies. 'It's not fair, we want to lie too!' Just as well, as their rebuttal will no about consist of such classic lefty responses as: "ARE NOT!", "Double dumbass pork chop on you!", and "I'm rubber/you're glue!"
Deranged Rhino Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 54 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: I agree, but this is different ( as is everything in the Trump era)Two weeks ago, this was not a national emergency/crisis. Now it is according to one side. Why no urgency or national emergency before this became a political game? He is in office nearly two years..are you telling me this suddenly became a national emergency to him..or is it a crucial political battle and as POTUS the networks are expected to carry his water? Is a network obligated to carry his political message? If Trump wants an Oval office message every Sunday night at 9 EST, are the networks obligated to carry it? If it is so critical, why will he not answer questions from reporters? 3 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: (a year ago) He literally made it a national emergency over a year ago. It got zero media attention. It's not a "political message" when POTUS is addressing the nation from the Oval. That's the point you're missing. If you're going to hold this president to that unique standard, it's essentially saying either one of two things: 1) He isn't really POTUS 2) The public is not to be trusted in determining fact from fiction Both of those are bad precedents to set. 1
DC Tom Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said: He literally made it a national emergency over a year ago. It got zero media attention. I found more coverage of that on Sputnik News than I did on all American media sites. But - point of note - it's not the same issue. Only tenuously related. Half the names and organizations on that list are accused of "construction contract fraud." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On another topic, I've already found two articles describe how Trump is lying in his speech tomorrow. 2
B-Man Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 45 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: ^^^^^ thats a good thing right @B-Man ? Yes. My reason is probably different than yours though. I don't think that we should set a precedent of having the minority party get an automatic response........................(other than the SOTU) but in this case, the more Americans who actually get to hear Pelosi and Schumer speak the better. How many have actually heard them, other than their scripted soundbites ? Let them show their childness to the world. Real Democrats should be ashamed of those their own representatives picked to "lead" them. . 1
DC Tom Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 3 minutes ago, B-Man said: Yes. My reason is probably different than yours though. I don't think that we should set a precedent of having the minority party get an automatic response........................(other than the SOTU) but in this case, the more Americans who actually get to hear Pelosi and Schumer speak the better. How many have actually heard them, other than their scripted soundbites ? Let them show their childness to the world. Real Democrats should be ashamed of those their own representatives picked to "lead" them. . Pelosi showed her childishness to the world a decade ago when, as Speaker of the House, she knowingly threw the world financial markets over a cliff rather than work with Republicans. And she's Speaker again. The world doesn't care how childishenss she is. And the world doesn't care how childish Shroomer is because...does anyone ever pay any attention to him?
reddogblitz Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 (edited) 7 hours ago, B-Man said: The President does not "stop paying people" Trump can't sign anything...........................nothing has been sent to him. The House passed the budget and the democrats in the Senate have blocked it because they object to the wall funding. THAT..................is where we are Thanks for the update B-Man. I'm gonna crawfish here a little. I was mistaken that both houses of Congress passed a Bill that Trump refused to sign. After your post I did some more research. I believe both houses have at some point passed bills, but not the same one. Therefore as you point out, Trump has nothing to sign. with all these the information and disinformation out there I often Don t know what to believe. However, the problem is the same in that real people are losing or soon will lose pAychecks and money by no longer being able to work their jobs or supply government with pencils and toner and computers disks and hamburgers etc. National Parks are being closed that we the citizens pay for. One not far from my house I've been to a few times is essentially closed. -ttps://www.king5.com/article/news/local/mount-rainier-national-park-closed-to-vehicles-during-government-shutdown/281-193e5ecd-d0ed-4f38-9de2-d4a8b4f7460c. while you are right Trump didn't do it all on his own,he has plenty of blame to share. Both sides are to blame IMHO. I wish I could grab them and knock their heads together and tell them to stop screwing around. In the meantime, we'll get more Red vs Blue political gamesmanship getting set for the next election where they hope to acquire more money and power. to heck with the people they provide "public service". That's 90% of what this is all about IMHO. Edited January 8, 2019 by reddogblitz
plenzmd1 Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 8 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: He literally made it a national emergency over a year ago. It got zero media attention. It's not a "political message" when POTUS is addressing the nation from the Oval. That's the point you're missing. If you're going to hold this president to that unique standard, it's essentially saying either one of two things: 1) He isn't really POTUS 2) The public is not to be trusted in determining fact from fiction Both of those are bad precedents to set. great , let's do everything we can to keep those individuals listed in this Executive Order out of the country..all 13 of them listed in the EO!!! And man those guys from Gambia and Russia crossing on the Southern border! Cmon dude, this EA has nothing to do with the "crisis at the southern border" or why Pence keeps pushing the false 17,000 criminals apprehended at the southern border, or Sanders pushing the 4000 terrorists apprehended at the southern border narrative. I sure hope Trump can stick to facts tonight..it will help his case. If he gets his teeth kicked in in the 12 hours post speech with mistruths and exacerbations, this government could be closed for a long long time
boyst Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 12 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: great , let's do everything we can to keep those individuals listed in this Executive Order out of the country..all 13 of them listed in the EO!!! And man those guys from Gambia and Russia crossing on the Southern border! Cmon dude, this EA has nothing to do with the "crisis at the southern border" or why Pence keeps pushing the false 17,000 criminals apprehended at the southern border, or Sanders pushing the 4000 terrorists apprehended at the southern border narrative. I sure hope Trump can stick to facts tonight..it will help his case. If he gets his teeth kicked in in the 12 hours post speech with mistruths and exacerbations, this government could be closed for a long long time You've already made your mind about his "facts" tonight and you're just beating a dead horse. Why do you continue to flog the carcass when you won't honestly listen to him? For someone screaming for truth and honesty you sure don't see the irony when you won't give an opportunity to let down the cognitive dissonance and clear bias you show. Your animus toward #orangemanbad is exactly what TDS is. 3
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 Quote When Fox News executives face criticism of the network’s destructive, unethical, and propagandistic right-wing hosts, they often respond by pointing to the network staffers who do respect normal journalistic conventions. But on Sunday, when one of those much-touted news staffers practiced exemplary journalism at the expense of the White House, the network promptly buried it. Fox News host Chris Wallace’s much-touted grilling of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over the administration’s false talking point that thousands of terrorists are stopped at the southern border each year was big news everywhere but at his own network. Wallace challenged Sanders during a combative interview on Fox News Sunday, pointing out that the administration’s claim is contradicted by State Department reports that found, as Wallace said, “no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico.” Sanders responded, “We know that roughly nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable point of entry is at our southern border,” Wallace debunked her claim, saying, “I studied up on this. Do you know where those 4,000 people come or where they’re captured? Airports.” https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2019/01/07/guess-which-cable-news-network-isnt-talking-about-chris-wallaces-interview-sarah-huckabee-sanders/222435 Maybe she should have hyped the sex trafficers instead??
Deranged Rhino Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 3 hours ago, plenzmd1 said: great , let's do everything we can to keep those individuals listed in this Executive Order out of the country..all 13 of them listed in the EO!!! And man those guys from Gambia and Russia crossing on the Southern border! Cmon dude, this EA has nothing to do with the "crisis at the southern border" or why Pence keeps pushing the false 17,000 criminals apprehended at the southern border, or Sanders pushing the 4000 terrorists apprehended at the southern border narrative. I sure hope Trump can stick to facts tonight..it will help his case. If he gets his teeth kicked in in the 12 hours post speech with mistruths and exacerbations, this government could be closed for a long long time It has to do with Trafficking. That's the entire subject I've been hitting on in this thread. Said it several times now.
plenzmd1 Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said: It has to do with Trafficking. That's the entire subject I've been hitting on in this thread. Said it several times now. and i know that is your stance, and I 100% believe that is a cause you believe in with great conviction..no arguments there 100%. My argument is that EO and the current government shutdown have no relation to each other. That EO pertained directly to folks and organizations leading human trafficking organizations from abroad and had nothing to do with trafficking at the southern border. You prolly noticed I liked the post, and I thanked you for posting that as I was not aware of that Executive order. I do not deny that Trump wants to stop trafficking, but to use this EO and link it to a possible EO for this fight I do not think is correct
Deranged Rhino Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 Just now, plenzmd1 said: My argument is that EO and the current government shutdown have no relation to each other. They will after tonight. It's also just one of several EO's on the issue he has issued: October: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-taking-action-end-human-trafficking/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-trump-administration-is-taking-bold-action-to-combat-the-evil-of-human-trafficking/2018/11/29/3e21685c-f411-11e8-80d0-f7e1948d55f4_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.ba84c259cb36 2 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: That EO pertained directly to folks and organizations leading human trafficking organizations from abroad and had nothing to do with trafficking at the southern border. Read the thread in here on that EO and you'll see this is not an accurate statement. I'll find it and link it, it was from Dec 17 or Jan 18. 3 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said: You prolly noticed I liked the post, and I thanked you for posting that as I was not aware of that Executive order. I do not deny that Trump wants to stop trafficking, but to use this EO and link it to a possible EO for this fight I do not think is correct I did and am not trying to be a dick or argumentative, just continuing the conversation. Trafficking has been a number one agenda for this administration from day one. The need for the wall has less to do with immigration and more to do with trafficking. They are connected, and the political messaging has been all over the board - but if you go by actions then it's clear this is the main push by this administration for the wall. And the table has been properly set to declare a national emergency, with human trafficking being the primary reason along the southern border, in conjunction with the several other EO's and actions taken since they took office. 2
boyst Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 50 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: They will after tonight. It's also just one of several EO's on the issue he has issued: October: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-taking-action-end-human-trafficking/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-trump-administration-is-taking-bold-action-to-combat-the-evil-of-human-trafficking/2018/11/29/3e21685c-f411-11e8-80d0-f7e1948d55f4_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.ba84c259cb36 Read the thread in here on that EO and you'll see this is not an accurate statement. I'll find it and link it, it was from Dec 17 or Jan 18. I did and am not trying to be a dick or argumentative, just continuing the conversation. Trafficking has been a number one agenda for this administration from day one. The need for the wall has less to do with immigration and more to do with trafficking. They are connected, and the political messaging has been all over the board - but if you go by actions then it's clear this is the main push by this administration for the wall. And the table has been properly set to declare a national emergency, with human trafficking being the primary reason along the southern border, in conjunction with the several other EO's and actions taken since they took office. Disirregardless of whatever is said tonight with facts sourced straight from the gov the "fact checking" tomorrow will be clung to with great passion. When Trump says 300 women are assaulted a day in the smuggling operation WaPo will correct that and say that while the average may be 300 a day there is no statistics for sure because between June 3rd and June 19th no one was reported assaulted so Trump was false. Then it'll be something about Trump saying he needs $5b. The press, fair and honest press, will report that $5b would only scratch the surface and he will need much more and this is just the start to a massive investment project. When Trump declares it will be a federal works program to employ folks the press would be hysterically ironic to tout out the pork that Obama's fed programs brought about with no jobs and nothing more than handouts to declare fed projects are best left to contractors. Either way, Trump will not tell one honest thing tonight because ***** you that's why
Foxx Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 9 minutes ago, Boyst62 said: Disirregardless .... is that like.. a triple negative? so.... if a double negative cancels each other out.....
boyst Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 4 minutes ago, Foxx said: is that like.. a triple negative? so.... if a double negative cancels each other out..... Undisirregardlessly irrespective of your insults, my self of steam is a-o-k 1
3rdnlng Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 4 minutes ago, Boyst62 said: Undisirregardlessly irrespective of your insults, my self of steam is a-o-k Just another mute point.
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