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10 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

I knew some passive homo would post something like this as they're concerned with male genitalia.


Well, OK, but you missed the subtle first "hand" reference.  Take you eyes off the Guernseys for a minute, please.

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5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Self awareness: 0





Yeah, I admit it.  I just uploaded a shot of their front page.


Wish I had a picture of that Haley "curtains" article.

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1 minute ago, DC Tom said:


Yeah, I admit it.  I just uploaded a shot of their front page.


Wish I had a picture of that Haley "curtains" article.

okay, this is absolutely fantastic. everyone needs to make this viral and upload a screenshot of their frontpage.


fan!@#$ingtastic, Tom.

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2 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

I knew some passive homo would post something like this as they're concerned with male genitalia.


It’s 2018...if I were queer I’d admit to making gays. 


MSNBC, Elizabeth Warren get BUSTED for ‘shameful’ smear job on Brett Kavanaugh

Stop the presses, everybody! MSNBC has finally found the Brett Kavanaugh Smoking Gun:




Better just forget about the hearing and throw Kavanaugh in prison right now. Just to be safe.


Lie-awatha quickly joined in on this "confession"




Brett Kavanaugh talking about his high school in 2015: “What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep.”

I can't imagine any parent accepting this view. Is this really what America wants in its next Supreme Court Justice?


.I know that you will be stunned to learn that MSNBC simply took his quote out of context
The full quote, which MSNBC did not include, reveals that Kavanaugh was making a joke about three "really, really good friends of mine" who graduated from Columbus School of Law, where he was giving the speech.
Nice work, Columbo...........
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2 hours ago, B-Man said:

MSNBC, Elizabeth Warren get BUSTED for ‘shameful’ smear job on Brett Kavanaugh

Stop the presses, everybody! MSNBC has finally found the Brett Kavanaugh Smoking Gun:




Better just forget about the hearing and throw Kavanaugh in prison right now. Just to be safe.


Lie-awatha quickly joined in on this "confession"


.I know that you will be stunned to learn that MSNBC simply took his quote out of context
The full quote, which MSNBC did not include, reveals that Kavanaugh was making a joke about three "really, really good friends of mine" who graduated from Columbus School of Law, where he was giving the speech.
Nice work, Columbo...........


I wish what happened in the mind of Elizabeth Warren stayed in the mind of Elizabeth Warren.

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ANN ALTHOUSE: Do liberal media notice the elitism oozing from their discussion of the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford?


I’m overhearing the television, so I’m not going to link to anything, but I keep hearing the indicia of elite status — notably, that Blasey is a college professor.


I’m trying to think of how her allegations should be handled, and I want like cases to be treated alike. When will one allegation from long ago justify delaying the Senate confirmation process and the opening of new investigations?


The answer cannot be: when the accuser has elite status!


I’m thinking of how Paula Jones was denigrated 20 years ago. “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville said famously.


Actually, the answer is “when the accuser has elite status.” Paula Jones was a Deplorable — or what Joe Biden is now calling “dregs of society” — while Ford is a professor, and thus a member of the same elite tribe as journalists. Because what we have now in America, or at least in its media universe, is tribalism, rather than justice.





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