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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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5 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


It is encouraging that it is getting down to something we can work/impeach with.  Lying about sex.

It's all just so ridiculous.  I said from the beginning it will pry be some white collar financial crime that will go in Mueller's final report.  Nothing related to Russia.

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1 hour ago, Doc Brown said:

It's all just so ridiculous.  I said from the beginning it will pry be some white collar financial crime that will go in Mueller's final report.  Nothing related to Russia.




I found it ironic is Comeys interview with George S, about the email investigation, that as an investigator, after one year you're not sure where the investigation is going you might need to re think what you're doing or shut it down.  We're 11 months in...

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32 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:




I found it ironic is Comeys interview with George S, about the email investigation, that as an investigator, after one year you're not sure where the investigation is going you might need to re think what you're doing or shut it down.  We're 11 months in...

If you go by past special investigations, the Mueller investigation is going to take some time.



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10 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


And Whitewater was an investigation about a land deal.

This ain't Whitewater. 


The president seems to prove everyday that we need to be looking into his Russia connections. The knee capping of his UN ambassador yesterday was just another in a long line of moves to appease Putin. Russian media was the first to report that Nikki Haley's sanctions were not going forward. Russian media...

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1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

This ain't Whitewater. 


The president seems to prove everyday that we need to be looking into his Russia connections. The knee capping of his UN ambassador yesterday was just another in a long line of moves to appease Putin. Russian media was the first to report that Nikki Haley's sanctions were not going forward. Russian media...

Your stupid theory aside, Nicky Haley is going to be a serious political player in the next couple of decades.  I think she despises the administration she works for, but her condemnation of Russia at the UN have been impressive.  

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1 hour ago, Doc Brown said:

Your stupid theory aside, Nicky Haley is going to be a serious political player in the next couple of decades.  I think she despises the administration she works for, but her condemnation of Russia at the UN have been impressive.  

Yes, her condemnations have been far ahead of the administration's for sure and the backtracking by Trump has been exactly what one would think a compromised person would do. You really shouldn't say something like that is stupid or direct it at me. The federal government is investigation exactly that. 

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Comey’s memos come out and yet there are two completely different takes on it...............


CNN blasts Mike Flynn over them and FOX says what most people think...........  Comey is a cold face liar.


CNN really does treat their three viewers like idiots. Holy shiznit.

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REVISITING 2016 MEDIA BIAS: With the elite media increasingly suggesting that they were too harsh on Clinton and not hostile enough to Trump in 2016,

it’s perhaps time to revisit just how biased elite media outlets were in 2016. 



Clinton lost far more votes because they resented the elites were shoving Clinton down their throats than because of the “Russian interference” the elites now want to blame for Clinton’s defeat. The response, apparently, is for the elite media to double-down on its strategy of overtly favoring whomever runs against Trump, which, I suspect, is how we get more Trump in 2020.

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Hillary had whined that the NYT was grossly biased against her


if she had to be a GOP candidate for a week she would **** and go blind and die on the spot if she thinks she was unfairly treated as a Dem


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Revolution And Worse To Come: When legal bloodhounds and baying critics fail to take out Trump, what’s next? The Resistance wants Trump’s head — on the chopping block. 


“Indeed, the aim of the so-called Resistance to Donald J. Trump is ending Trump’s presidency by any means necessary before the 2020 election. Or, barring that, it seeks to so delegitimize him that he becomes presidentially impotent. It has been only 16 months since Trump took office and, in the spirit of revolutionary fervor, almost everything has been tried to derail him.


Now we are entering uncharted territory — at a time when otherwise the country is improving and the legal exposure of Trump’s opponents increases daily.”





Related: Politically Motivated Violence Is on the Rise.

There’s no evidence that the NRA’s Chris Cox actually is profiting off of murders and suicides; if he was, law enforcement would be pressing charges. What the protesters mean is that they are really angry about gun violence and they are angry that Cox disagrees with their desire to see private ownership of firearms banned. There is no real denial that throwing fake blood on the house of Cox and his family doesn’t constitute a crime of vandalism; the defense is “the tactic is warranted under the circumstances” — that Cox deserves to be the victim of a crime because he disagrees with the protesters.


Some people gave my friend Kurt Schlichter some grief about his speculative fiction novels that imagined the United States splitting into two countries, a traditional United States and a breakaway “People’s Republic of North America” that attempts to enact the progressive idealist dream and encounters quite a few problems along the way. Some contend that Kurt is rooting for this scenario or attempting to encourage some sort of secessionist fantasy. I don’t think that’s a fair reading of a man who says his military service in the Balkans shaped his view of this issue, but I suppose some might think that depicting a formally divided America might inadvertently encourage people to think more about a formally divided America.


But to those who feel so horrified at the thought of the United States no longer being so united, it feels fair to ask . . . just what road do you think we’re on? Did we see a lot of soul-searching after the attempted mass shooting on the Republican baseball team, or the attempt to run Representative David Kustoff off the road, or the assault on Congressman Rand Paul? Was there anything like the aftermath of the Gabby Giffords shooting, when President Obama spoke of the need to debate our differences “in a way that heals, not a way that wounds”?


If we no longer even go through the motions of calling for a debate that doesn’t demonize and dehumanize our opponents — “Deplorables!” “Soulless!” — just how wild and unthinkable does more political violence seem?




Maybe some people like the idea.






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45 minutes ago, B-Man said:


Revolution And Worse To Come: When legal bloodhounds and baying critics fail to take out Trump, what’s next? The Resistance wants Trump’s head — on the chopping block. 


“Indeed, the aim of the so-called Resistance to Donald J. Trump is ending Trump’s presidency by any means necessary before the 2020 election. Or, barring that, it seeks to so delegitimize him that he becomes presidentially impotent. It has been only 16 months since Trump took office and, in the spirit of revolutionary fervor, almost everything has been tried to derail him.


Now we are entering uncharted territory — at a time when otherwise the country is improving and the legal exposure of Trump’s opponents increases daily.”





Related: Politically Motivated Violence Is on the Rise.

There’s no evidence that the NRA’s Chris Cox actually is profiting off of murders and suicides; if he was, law enforcement would be pressing charges. What the protesters mean is that they are really angry about gun violence and they are angry that Cox disagrees with their desire to see private ownership of firearms banned. There is no real denial that throwing fake blood on the house of Cox and his family doesn’t constitute a crime of vandalism; the defense is “the tactic is warranted under the circumstances” — that Cox deserves to be the victim of a crime because he disagrees with the protesters.


Some people gave my friend Kurt Schlichter some grief about his speculative fiction novels that imagined the United States splitting into two countries, a traditional United States and a breakaway “People’s Republic of North America” that attempts to enact the progressive idealist dream and encounters quite a few problems along the way. Some contend that Kurt is rooting for this scenario or attempting to encourage some sort of secessionist fantasy. I don’t think that’s a fair reading of a man who says his military service in the Balkans shaped his view of this issue, but I suppose some might think that depicting a formally divided America might inadvertently encourage people to think more about a formally divided America.


But to those who feel so horrified at the thought of the United States no longer being so united, it feels fair to ask . . . just what road do you think we’re on? Did we see a lot of soul-searching after the attempted mass shooting on the Republican baseball team, or the attempt to run Representative David Kustoff off the road, or the assault on Congressman Rand Paul? Was there anything like the aftermath of the Gabby Giffords shooting, when President Obama spoke of the need to debate our differences “in a way that heals, not a way that wounds”?


If we no longer even go through the motions of calling for a debate that doesn’t demonize and dehumanize our opponents — “Deplorables!” “Soulless!” — just how wild and unthinkable does more political violence seem?




Maybe some people like the idea.







The double standard is so bad that this is the first I've heard of Kustoff.

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Ever since Donald J. Trump began his improbable political rise, many pundits have credited his appeal among white, Christian and male voters to “economic anxiety.” Hobbled by unemployment and locked out of the recovery, those voters turned out in force to send Mr. Trump, and a message, to Washington.

Or so that narrative goes.

A study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences questions that explanation, the latest to suggest that Trump voters weren’t driven by anger over the past, but rather fear of what may come. White, Christian and male voters, the study suggests, turned to Mr. Trump because they felt their status was at risk.

“It’s much more of a symbolic threat that people feel,’’ said Diana C. Mutz, the author of the study and a political science and communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she directs the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics. “It’s not a threat to their own economic well-being; it’s a threat to their group’s dominance in our country over all.”





Have to say that any status they had quickly evaporate simply by supporting this guy. Just like people who have worked for him and ended up disgraced (Tillerson, Jackson now, Flynn and the rest) the people that support this clown look screwed up in the head and really stupid. 

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Can't have independent thinkers in the entertainment world. Nope, their fans are too easily influenced and incapable of thinking for themselves (according to John Legend and Colbert and many others). It's DANGEROUS to promote the idea that we can hold differing views from one another and still be friends. 


This is not a liberal philosophy, it's a fascist one. Being pushed by progressives who think they're liberals because they have no sense of history, philosophy, or irony. 





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34 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Can't have independent thinkers in the entertainment world. Nope, their fans are too easily influenced and incapable of thinking for themselves (according to John Legend and Colbert and many others). It's DANGEROUS to promote the idea that we can hold differing views from one another and still be friends. 


This is not a liberal philosophy, it's a fascist one. Being pushed by progressives who think they're liberals because they have no sense of history, philosophy, or irony. 





If only they had told him that since FB curtailed their income they were thinking of bidding on the contract to keep Guam from tipping over.

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