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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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6 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

That's true, but if I remember correctly they only use landlines which tend to under represent younger, poorer, and more urban voters.  I remember wondering why Rasmussen always had Obama rated lower than every other polling company.

Whenever I get asked I always said Obama was god.  When asked about Trump, I hate him.


I'm also a 55+ black veteran female with 6 kids making $600k on a GED 

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55 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

Whenever I get asked I always said Obama was god.  When asked about Trump, I hate him.


I'm also a 55+ black veteran female with 6 kids making $600k on a GED 

You gay Asians will say anything.

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32 minutes ago, garybusey said:


What Bourne movie was this idiot watching when he tweeted this?


It doesn't even make sense.  Amazon's undermining the USPS by using them?  Does he think Amazon doesn't pay postage and shipping?  Or that they have a deal with the USPS?  Or that the USPS's fees are all out of whack?  


I mean, what's the complaint here?  "Stop using the post office so much?"  Is the USPS the only organization on the planet that suffers from an increase in business?

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20 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


It doesn't even make sense.  Amazon's undermining the USPS by using them?  Does he think Amazon doesn't pay postage and shipping?  Or that they have a deal with the USPS?  Or that the USPS's fees are all out of whack?  


I mean, what's the complaint here?  "Stop using the post office so much?"  Is the USPS the only organization on the planet that suffers from an increase in business?


i thought it was Amazon getting super discount rates for USPS, which are not available to the public?




in essence making the taxpayers pick up the shipping charges for Amazon?


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51 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


It doesn't even make sense.  Amazon's undermining the USPS by using them?  Does he think Amazon doesn't pay postage and shipping?  Or that they have a deal with the USPS?  Or that the USPS's fees are all out of whack?  


I mean, what's the complaint here?  "Stop using the post office so much?"  Is the USPS the only organization on the planet that suffers from an increase in business?


Yeah.  The post office continues to operate at a loss even though they've had a significant increase in packages shipped in recent years.  Trump though should not be bitching about the customer.  He should direct his people negotiate a better deal, whenever that can happen.  UPS and Fedex have walked away from some of their Amazon biz for this very reason, it's not profitable.  Amazon fleeced the USPS in their negotiations and Trump doesn't like Bezos due mostly to his interest in the Washington Post, so he's a convenient target. 

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3 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

Whenever I get asked I always said Obama was god.  When asked about Trump, I hate him.


I'm also a 55+ black veteran female with 6 kids making $600k on a GED 

I'm an elderly black lesbian that voted for Carly Fiorina

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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

FYI, here's the description of the panel. Beyond parody.






Note that the first sentence, as written, is very ambiguous as to who "extremely combative language" and "an affinity for alternative facts" applies to.  :lol:

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Firing Kevin Williamson Is Just the Beginning

When contrarian voices are elevated to publications once viewed as places where contending ideas shared space, organized online backlash is now inevitable.

The firing of Kevin Williamson from The Atlantic on the day he was set to give an opening Q&A in their offices was sadly unsurprising given the pattern of these types of hires. It is an incident that will be referred to largely as a “media story”, meaning that Williamson is not a figure so prominent nor The Atlantic a brand so ubiquitous as to graduate this to a national story, in the way that the situations of Brendan Eich at Mozilla or James Damore at Google became national cable news stories. But they really are the same story, a story about the times that we live in and the changing nature of America. They tell a story about what happens when a talented individual has deeply held beliefs those in his profession find unacceptable.


This story is a predictable continuation of the left’s ownership not just of media but indeed of all institutions. It is depressing. It is predictable. And it is where we are as a country now. It is not confined to the realm of ideas. Eich, Damore, Williamson and others are subject to blacklists and HR reports and firing in every arena of industry and culture. If you have wrongthink, you will not be allowed for long to make your living within any space the left has determined they own – first the academy, then the media, then corporate America, and now the public square. You will bake the cake, you will use the proper pronoun, and you will never say that what Planned Parenthood does is murder for hire, and should be punished as such under the law.


Imagine what the few lonely voices that inhabit a position at a prominent publication or network to the right of Hillary Clinton on social issues if their hiring was taking place right now. Imagine what Ross Douthat would be going through if the Times hired him today (recall he was at The Atlantic before that). Imagine how his deeply held theology would be interpreted by an audience that has no respect for it whatsoever, and view it more as anti-science mysticism than as belief rooted in thousands of years of human experience.


In the case of Williamson, even someone who literally wrote a book titled The Case Against Donald Trump was unacceptable for The Atlantic because wrongthink about what ought to be the legal ramifications for tearing an unborn child apart – ramifications that ANY pro-lifer of any seriousness has wrestled with in conversation. Serious ethical and legal ramifications for destroying the unborn or the infirm are debated in philosophy classes every day – Williamson’s mistake, as an adopted son born to an unwed teenage mother, was being too honest about his belief that what he sees as the daily murder of infants should, in a more just society, have severe legal consequences. Well, that’s not what we want around here.

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The 2016 election broke some people in media

 | April 09, 2018 

The 2016 election definitely broke certain members of the media, particularly the progressive culture warriors.


President Trump is such a repudiation of their worldview, and such a brutal contrast to their deeply held beliefs, that they can barely comprehend he won, let alone accept he did it legitimately. Rather than give consideration to the unthinkable — that they are not the dominating political force in this country and that a significant chunk of the electorate rejects their ideals — some progressive media types have locked themselves into loops, theorizing daily about all-powerful bogeymen and far-reaching foreign conspiracies. Some even fantasize about the one weird trick that will see the president removed from office.


MSNBC’s Joy Reid, for example, spent part of her show this weekend speculating about what might happen should the president refuse to allow himself to be arrested by federal marshals. This is a real thing that was discussed on a real show by real political analysts.




It has been 14 months since Trump was sworn in as president. Time hasn’t worn down the people most shocked by the GOP victory. On the contrary, it seems like it has only made them wilder and more desperate to expose the supposed truth behind who is really running the show.


Progressive politics didn’t lose the White House, you see. The Russians “hacked the election.”


Funny thing is: Russia is the U.S.’ top geopolitical threat. It also appears the Kremlin did indeed meddle in the 2016 election by spreading disinformation. But that doesn’t make the groundless ravings of the same media personalities who scoffed in 2012 at warnings about Moscow any less ridiculous or pitiful.


If you consider yourself a constitutional conservative or a libertarian, it’s hard not to be amused by this ongoing post-election meltdown. For both groups, politics and culture have one overwhelming flavor: disappointment. Yet most of them take defeat on the chin and move forward, looking to the next political contest.

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59 minutes ago, Coach Tuesday said:


Congrats on being a self-admitted troll.


You don’t get the internet at all, do you.





But please share how this triggered you, do you feel like you are having a heart attack because Trump won???



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