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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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I wrote yesterday about CNN’s latest fiasco, the alleged email scoop that fizzled. Some have wondered why CNN, apparently “burned” by two sources that told CNN about the email but got the date critically wrong, hasn’t disclosed who they were. CNN says it hasn’t outed its sources because it thinks they made an innocent mistake.




I don’t think there is any mystery about why CNN doesn’t want to say who its sources were. As I wrote yesterday, they were almost certainly Democratic members or staff of the House Intelligence Committee, before which Donald Jr. testified on Wednesday. Those Congressmen or staffers fed the “scoop” to CNN, describing the email while getting the date wrong, even though the date was the only thing that made the communication arguably newsworthy. CNN rushed the story onto television and its web site without, as Donald Jr. points out, even bothering to contact him for his side of the story.


Identifying CNN’s sources would make it blindingly obvious to all that CNN was merely carrying water for the Democratic Party. CNN intends to continue doing exactly the same thing in the future–reporting uncorroborated “news stories” it is fed by Democrats on Capitol Hill–so by keeping its sources secret, the network is protecting itself, not the sources.




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"How did CNN end up aggressively hyping such a spectacularly false story? They refuse to say."

"Many hours after their story got exposed as false, the journalist who originally presented it, Congressional reporter Manu Raju, finally posted a tweet noting the correction. CNN’s PR Department then claimed that 'multiple sources' had provided CNN with the false date. And Raju went on CNN, in muted tones, to note the correction, explicitly claiming that 'two sources' had each given him the false date on the email, while also making clear that CNN did not ever even see the email, but only had sources describe its purported contents...
[H]ow did 'multiple sources' all misread the date on this document, in exactly the same way, and toward the same end, and then feed this false information to CNN?
It is, of course, completely plausible that one source might innocently misread a date on a document. But how is it remotely plausible that multiple sources could all innocently and in good faith misread the date in exactly the same way, all to cause to be disseminated a blockbuster revelation about Trump/Russia/WikiLeaks collusion?
This is the critical question that CNN simply refuses to answer. In other words, CNN refuses to provide the most minimal transparency to enable the public to understand what happened here."
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It’s easy to see what happened there. They’re colluding with conspirators who are seeking to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States. They want him out by any means necessary and short of that they aim to cripple his Administration to the maximum extent possible. 


Never Trumpers/Deniers/Resisters all equal a steaming heap of goat custards that are disloyal to the Presidency, but are all but guaranteeing his re-election. 

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The sheer arrogance of the media is what I find hilarious:




Reporter posts pictures and falsely claims an arena was half empty to trash Trump. Gets called out and removes the tweets (he did apologize, which I give him credit for). Trump wants him fired for posting what is objectively 'fake news'.




The president calling for a journalist to be fired seems like a public threat to the First Amendment. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/939634404267380736 



A head of state publicly calling for a journalist to be fired is a textbook threat to freedom of speech.


Now Trump is assaulting the 1st Amendment for wanting a reporter who posted objectively false information fired.  :lol:


They've gone full retard at this point.

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Schumer: Trump 'really dumb' for attacking intelligence agencies       01/03/17


“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”




Going against the FBI , they will find something on him to get even. The media will continue trying to discredit him. 


It's almost like he wants to be removed from office and turn it over to Pense.

Edited by ALF
added info
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5 minutes ago, Koko78 said:

The sheer arrogance of the media is what I find hilarious:


Now Trump is assaulting the 1st Amendment for wanting a reporter who posted objectively false information fired.  :lol:


They've gone full retard at this point.


We went from "Whoops, we botched another anti-Trump story" to "We demand special treatment because we're special, important people" in a couple of hours.




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11 minutes ago, ALF said:

Schumer: Trump 'really dumb' for attacking intelligence agencies       01/03/17


“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”




Going against the FBI , they will find something on him to get even. The media will continue trying to discredit him. 


It's almost like he wants to be removed from office and turn it over to Pense.

No SHi t Chuckie. 

WTF do you think this war with the USIC is all about? He’s the biggest threat to their unbridled power that they’ve ever had. They want to take him down. They’re defending their turf, status, and privileged state from the one person who doesn’t care what they’re trying to do to him.


So continue to cower in your safe life Chuck and continue taking orders from your masters. Vote for war and more wars, and vote often. Your handlers love you for it and they will give you all the money you need to keep you in office. Just don’t cross them. Don’t you dare. 

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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

"How did CNN end up aggressively hyping such a spectacularly false story? They refuse to say."

"Many hours after their story got exposed as false, the journalist who originally presented it, Congressional reporter Manu Raju, finally posted a tweet noting the correction. CNN’s PR Department then claimed that 'multiple sources' had provided CNN with the false date. And Raju went on CNN, in muted tones, to note the correction, explicitly claiming that 'two sources' had each given him the false date on the email, while also making clear that CNN did not ever even see the email, but only had sources describe its purported contents...
[H]ow did 'multiple sources' all misread the date on this document, in exactly the same way, and toward the same end, and then feed this false information to CNN?
It is, of course, completely plausible that one source might innocently misread a date on a document. But how is it remotely plausible that multiple sources could all innocently and in good faith misread the date in exactly the same way, all to cause to be disseminated a blockbuster revelation about Trump/Russia/WikiLeaks collusion?
This is the critical question that CNN simply refuses to answer. In other words, CNN refuses to provide the most minimal transparency to enable the public to understand what happened here."

This is just a guess, but it's possible these two sources were Trump people giving them fake news in order to build their case that CNN is fake news.  CNN is Trump's favorite network because it pretends not to be an unbiased news channel (unlike FOX and MSNBC) when it's really just a neoliberal propaganda network.  The Washington Post caught a fake Roy Moore accuser who tried the same tactic.  CNN in a hurry to get the story out may have not verified these two sources.  If that's what happened, CNN should be extremely embarrassed and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt.

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No no no


you cannot  run from an unreviewed leak to breaking news without any confirmation


well, actually you CAN but when the National Enquirer is more factual than CNN and ABC....


ach, liberals have made their tiny brains up for the rest of their bitter existence



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46 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

This is just a guess, but it's possible these two sources were Trump people giving them fake news in order to build their case that CNN is fake news.  CNN is Trump's favorite network because it pretends not to be an unbiased news channel (unlike FOX and MSNBC) when it's really just a neoliberal propaganda network.  The Washington Post caught a fake Roy Moore accuser who tried the same tactic.  CNN in a hurry to get the story out may have not verified these two sources.  If that's what happened, CNN should be extremely embarrassed and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt.


The two sources were, more than likely Adam Schiff (he's been leaking to them all year) and another dem from either the House Intel committee or Senate. 


As I laid out in the DOJ thread, both of these stories have all the markings of being Barium Meals for the leakers. 


If you doubt Schiff was one of the leakers, I urge you to read/watch his appearance on CNN today. He's desperate because he knows he's !@#$ed. 



Edited by Deranged Rhino
(added a thought/source)
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“I don’t need 60 insiders to explain that to me. It’s an accurate picture of the media. Now, you may say, he just shouldn’t watch the TV, shouldn’t pay attention to media, should let media do its thing and stick to what’s conventionally presidential — ignore what’s being said about him. . . . Don’t fight back. Be above it all. Remember how well that worked for George W. Bush?


But that’s not Trump. I can see why he uses Twitter. He’s a master at Twitter, keeping the media honest (or at least looking as dishonest as it is (or might be)).”


If George W. Bush — or Mitt Romney — had pushed back against the media 1/10 as hard as Trump does, there wouldn’t be a President Trump. For that matter, there wouldn’t be a President Trump if the media had pushed back against Barack Obama 1/10 as hard as they pushed against Bush, Romney, or Trump.

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13 hours ago, ALF said:

Schumer: Trump 'really dumb' for attacking intelligence agencies       01/03/17


“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”




Going against the FBI , they will find something on him to get even. The media will continue trying to discredit him. 


It's almost like he wants to be removed from office and turn it over to Pense.

The one thing about this I have always found odd is the way he says this. He essentially says he has his own downfalls and believes all politicians do.

7 hours ago, /dev/null said:


Isnt she the one with the Arby's vage?  The one who had her photos leaked?  

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