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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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The interpretation of all important founding documents took more than the Dec of Indy.


You failed to be a total dick there.

Not trying to be a dick there; total or otherwise. Just offering clarification on Madison's non-roll with the document in question.


The interpretation of the Declaration of Independence doesn't require the supporting interpretation of any other "founding" document, let alone all of them. It stands on its own along with other similarly penned declarations of independence by others at the time.

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I think that's all we need to know about THIS post.


Your a moran.


Yes. Of course Obama would of never won the nomination if he was white. George Bush would of never won if his father wasn't president. Trump would of never won if the banks didn't bail him out in the early 90's.


of have

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Trump would of never won if the banks didn't bail him out in the early 90's.


As long as people will repeat the falsehood, I'll keep correcting it.


Trump was never, ever bailed out by the banks. They forced his companies into numerous bankruptcies, took over his properties and fired him from a company bearing his name.


The only bailout he received was from the media who paraded him as a successful real estate developer, instead of a very successful snake oil salesman.

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As long as people will repeat the falsehood, I'll keep correcting it.


Trump was never, ever bailed out by the banks. They forced his companies into numerous bankruptcies, took over his properties and fired him from a company bearing his name.


The only bailout he received was from the media who paraded him as a successful real estate developer, instead of a very successful snake oil salesman.

Many of his companies went bankrupt, and if you believe the stories he went to the Russians to borrow money when the US banks refused more loans.

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Many of his companies went bankrupt, and if you believe the stories he went to the Russians to borrow money when the US banks refused more loans.


Those stories are as stupid as the claim that he's a successful real estate developer.

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What team does he root for? I know for baseball he's a White Sox fan.


Yeah. He's a White Sox fan. :lol:


Could you imagine being interviewed on national TV, saying you're a Bills fan, being asked ""Who's your favorite Bills player?" and your response is "Well, I like some Patriots* players too!"


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NYT beclowns itself after criticizing Trump for rounding up from 37.4% to ‘almost 40%’......The horror :lol:



CNN’s Jim Acosta calls Trump presser a “fake news conference,” gets fact wrong




KURT SCHLICHTER: We Should Cheer CNN’s Ritual Suicide.


“If you ever had any doubt that Donald Trump was right that the mainstream media is the enemy of the American people, CNN corrected your inexplicable inability to comprehend this painfully obvious truth by choosing July 4th to threaten some guy for daring to make fun of Its Medianess Holiness.


Apparently, if you dare defy the media it has the right to wreck your life – as long as you are an anti-Obama rodeo clown or a meme-making rando on Reddit. If you are a zillionaire like Anthony Scaramucci with the bucks to hire top flight law firms and Gawkerize its lame carcass – which I would have done in a split-second if CNN had lied about me the way it did about him – then you get a free pass. . . .


Now, before we move on, someone is going to point out that the meme guy is kind of a jerk and said stuff that offends decent people. So? How is that the point? This is a multi-billion dollar media corporation using all its power to threaten an individual into not criticizing it. How is that ever okay? And don’t pretend for a minute this media extortion precedent gets limited to outlier Reddit guys. Normal Americans are next.”

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Can someone help me out with this WWE thing?



The part I get:


Trump is a giant goof for retweeting a dumb video.




The parts I don't get:



1. Why is the video itself consider a big deal? It's the friggin WWE and they put a logo on some wrestler's head. The whole thing was clearly meant to be a joke, albeit a dumb one. It probably took about 30 seconds to make and similar videos could be made by anyone at anytime about any topic in just as quick a fashion.


2. Why does it matter who created it? Anyone could create it, it's dumb and you could take any gif of Trump and turn it into a gif of him mocking CNN. Most people could probably come up with something more original. There are probably 100 of them out there somewhere already and many were probably made before this. There are probably even gifs of Hillary slamming Fox News, Megan Kelly slapping Trump and various other combinations of things. They are just stupid goofs. Do we have to know who made them all?


3. CNN calling it encouraging violence is really probably the stupidest thing I ever heard. It is a dumb video but it is clearly meant to say that Trump is beating CNN at their own game....which he is in fact doing. That may or may not be a good idea but it is clearly not inciting violence. That conclusion requires about 417 leaps and contortions.


4. Given 1,2,3 above what on Earth makes CNN think that threatening to release some doofus's name is a good idea. Does said doofus not have the right to make this video? Whether they are castigating the correct or incorrect party, so what? Are they supposed to be exempt from someone goofing on them?


Can someone explain these things? Because none of them make any sense at all to me.

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4. Given 1,2,3 above what on Earth makes CNN think that threatening to release some doofus's name is a good idea. Does said doofus not have the right to make this video? Whether they are castigating the correct or incorrect party, so what? Are they supposed to be exempt from someone goofing on them?


Can someone explain these things? Because none of them make any sense at all to me.


I can't... but there is this to consider: per multiple reports, CNN identified the wrong Reddit user.


But it's CNN, so what do facts matter when you're trying to sell an agenda?

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Can someone help me out with this WWE thing?



The part I get:


Trump is a giant goof for retweeting a dumb video.




The parts I don't get:



1. Why is the video itself consider a big deal? It's the friggin WWE and they put a logo on some wrestler's head. The whole thing was clearly meant to be a joke, albeit a dumb one. It probably took about 30 seconds to make and similar videos could be made by anyone at anytime about any topic in just as quick a fashion.


2. Why does it matter who created it? Anyone could create it, it's dumb and you could take any gif of Trump and turn it into a gif of him mocking CNN. Most people could probably come up with something more original. There are probably 100 of them out there somewhere already and many were probably made before this. There are probably even gifs of Hillary slamming Fox News, Megan Kelly slapping Trump and various other combinations of things. They are just stupid goofs. Do we have to know who made them all?


3. CNN calling it encouraging violence is really probably the stupidest thing I ever heard. It is a dumb video but it is clearly meant to say that Trump is beating CNN at their own game....which he is in fact doing. That may or may not be a good idea but it is clearly not inciting violence. That conclusion requires about 417 leaps and contortions.


4. Given 1,2,3 above what on Earth makes CNN think that threatening to release some doofus's name is a good idea. Does said doofus not have the right to make this video? Whether they are castigating the correct or incorrect party, so what? Are they supposed to be exempt from someone goofing on them?


Can someone explain these things? Because none of them make any sense at all to me.


1.) It's not a big deal; they're trying to make it one to play the victim against big bad evil Trump.


2.) It doesn't matter who created it.


3.) They're liberals at CNN, so I am sure they feel perfectly justified crying victim to make themselves feel better because Trump is a bully, or something. Journalists fancy themselves martyrs and heroes because once in awhile one gets themselves killed in a war zone or be being stupid, and anyone who questions that delusion is the enemy and is just inciting violence.


4.) They're liberals. The ends justify the means. If that means outing some asshat (who most likely did not create the video Trump tweeted to begin with) to "defend" themselves, they will do it. CNN doesn't even understand how stupid they come off looking by threatening to out the person if he doesn't behave himself to their satisfaction ad infinitum.

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Can someone help me out with this WWE thing?



The part I get:


Trump is a giant goof for retweeting a dumb video.




The parts I don't get:



1. Why is the video itself consider a big deal? It's the friggin WWE and they put a logo on some wrestler's head. The whole thing was clearly meant to be a joke, albeit a dumb one. It probably took about 30 seconds to make and similar videos could be made by anyone at anytime about any topic in just as quick a fashion.


Can someone explain these things? Because none of them make any sense at all to me.

The parts you don't get:


People think its real

Q - how old was Donald when he did this?

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The parts you don't get:


People think its real

Q - how old was Donald when he did this?


It was just last week.


I can't... but there is this to consider: per multiple reports, CNN identified the wrong Reddit user.


But it's CNN, so what do facts matter when you're trying to sell an agenda?

Why are they trying to identify any user of anything?

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